Friday, May 31, 2013

IPB Morphologies - Rx - (emran) - a

Male, 31
Observe the multiple IPB morphologies at the frontal and ventral section of the IPB tissues...
a) W sign IPB
b) V sign IPB
c) Squared shape IPB
d) U shaped IPB
e) Suggest -Tonsillitis IPB (+)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Correlation of Iris Signs Located in Layers of Iris Zones - (yyj) - Lx

Female, 67
Observe and identify the correlation of iris signs located in different layers of iris -
1) 1st Group of Correlation Iris Signs (yellow line) :
    ~ Medial Nasal Flatness - Closed lacuna at 90' -
a) Medial nasal flatness indicates tendencies to breathing difficulties, thyroid gland imbalance, muscular tension thoracic vertebrae and checking for family history of cardiovascular problems, such as Angina pectoris.
b) Crypt located at the external border of the collarette - 90' indicate heart stress.
2) 2nd Group of Correlation Iris Signs (red lines) : 
  ~ Internal crypts at 265', 280' & 290' - Closed lacuna at 120' - Collarette Bridges .
a) Crypts located at internal collarette border - 265', 280' & 290' associated with Malic acid imbalance indicates predisposition to prediabates & Dysglycaemia tendency.
b) Heart lacuna at 120' indicates family medical history of cardiovascular problems.
c) Multiple bridges formation signify genetic inheritance of blood sugar imbalance.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Iris Signs at Pupillary Zone - Rx - (yyj)

What type of structural sign at pupillary zone is carry a substantial genetic impact to a person via applying Embryological & Krebs Cycle analysis ? The iris signs are used in this two models -
a) Pigment
b) Radial Furrow - minor ray
c) Internal closed lacuna
d) Indentation of the collarette 
e) Transversal spreading to pupillary zone
f) Crypt
In my opinion, crypt is an important iris sign situated at pupillary zone, as an "energy cyst" that contribute a significant genetic impact to an individual in physical and emotional levels !
What do you see in a, b & c ? What type of iridological model that you use to analyse the genetic signs ?

Internal Distorted Heart Shaped Lacuna - Lx - (loke) - b

Male, 48
- Psoriasis
a) Internal distorted lacuna with heart shaped located inside the collarette - 80'~90'. It indicates a reaction from the intestinal dysbiosis and triggered by the intestinal immune system.
b) Crypt located at internal collarette border - 245' correlate with internal distorted lacuna. This crypt associated with Fumaric acid imbalance indicates general fatigue and fungal diseases involvement.
c) Crypt attached on the external border of the collarette - 240' is correlate with internal crypt at 150'. Pancreas crypt at 245' and internal crypt at 150' associate with Succinyl-CoA acid imbalance both are contributed to blood sugar imbalance !

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

IPB Morphologies - Wave Formation & Squared IPB - lx - (loke) - a

Observe these two unique tissues attached on the frontal section of the IPB. In emotional level, both signs indicates an emotional issues of suppression of  expression ! 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Protuberance /Honeycomb /Romheld Syndrome - Lx - (santhi)

Observe the protuberance in a bulge formation from the collarette protruding into the ciliary zone. It extend from the heart topographical areas - 60'~90' accompanied with "wormnest" or Honeycomb lacuna located inside the pupillary zone. I would suggest to classify it into three conditions :  
1) Protuberance with webbing  appearance signify as Honeycomb lacuna. It indicates the tendency to an anaerobic environment as breeding ground for parasites.
2) Embryological signs where honeycomb lacuna located inside the collarette at 60"~90'. 
3)The protuberance as Romheld Syndrome towards to the reaction field of heart zone. Predisposition to heart stress, angina pectoris and indigestion problems.

Collarette Bridges, Angle of Fuch's & Multiple Crypts at Internal Collarette Border - Lx - (sunitha)

Apply the multidimensional iridology models to analyse the Lx-iris and compare the results with Rx-iris.
An important iris signs at pupillary zone - Embryological Analysis is recommended !
a) Crypt at 50' indicate predisposition to spleen deficiency, immunological imbalance.
b) Crypt at 85' & 145' indicate kidney stress -A significant sign for family genetic history of kidney insufficiency to this patient is highlighted.
c) Crypt at 240' signify pancreas dysfunction in family history.
d) The Angle of Fuch's indicates predisposition to emotional instability, adrenal and pancreas disturbances.
You may try to use Krebs Cycle model to analyse and enhance your result findings !

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Collarette Bridges & Multiple Crypts at Internal Collarette Border - (Rx) - (sunitha)

Female, 31
Observe the collarette bridges at 80' and 280' and multiple crypts located at pupillary zone - 77', 175', 200', 270' & 280'. Crypt can be a multidimensional iris sign by it location and contribute a significant genetic impact to a person.
~ Crypts indicate a tendency to intestinal dysbiosis.
~ Crypts within the collarette or pupillary zone often indicate the need to Heliobacter Pylori testing.
~ Crypts indicate as unresolved, deep emotional blockage issues, deep energy blocks  or " energy cysts"  in emotional trauma.
1) If we observe crypts at pupillary zone in embryological level -
a) Crypts at 77', 175', 200', 275' & 280' it indicates genetic predisposition to kidneys deficiency, uterus stress, breast related problems and thyroid imbalance.
2) If we observe crypts at pupillary zone in citric acid cycle model associates with Cis-aconitase acid, Coenzyme A, Succinate acid & Malic acid imbalance, it indicates blood sugar imbalance, prediabates & dysglycaemia, kidney & heart disease, gastrointestinal disturbances, fatigue and stress.
3) Collarette bridges located  at mid-point -80' & 280' indicates-
a) Progesterone deficiency and blood sugar imbalance tendencies.
b) Sensitivity to stress.
c) Time Risk sign, at the mid-point degree of 80' & 280', asking her mother emotional condition during the pregnancy period at 2 & 7 months. Checking her family health history is important.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Lacunae in Emotional Aspects - Rx - (kkh) - 2

Observe these three lacunae attached on the ventral section border of the collarette - 120', 180' & 225',  what are the common psycho- emotional imbalance attached on these genetic signs ?
a) Pancreas lacuna-120' indicate genetic predisposition to blood sugar imbalance and psycho-emotional relate to experience of betrayal, grief  and fear of wasting time !
b) Kidney lacuna-180' indicates inheritance of kidney insufficiency, recurrent bladder infections, inflammations and hypertension. Psycho-emotional relates to fear of mortality, crystallization of thought patterns and issues of forgiveness.
c) Gall bladder lacuna-225' indicate ball bladder stress. Psycho-emotional indicates forgiveness, bitterness and fear of repeating old patterns-self judgement.
( Source : John Andrews- "Emotional Anatomy" & Dr. David Pesek- " Holistic Iridology - Scale of Thoughts & Emotional in Relationship to the Endocrine Glands & Organs of Detoxification & Elimination").

IPB Morphologies & Extroflession of IPB - Rx - (kkh) - 1

Observe the IPB structure and the local extroflession of IPB, the IPB extended outside the edge of IPB at 180'. These three IPB signs are interrelated and they are contribute a  common genetic weakness to this person !
a) Button-hole IPB indicate tendency to accumulate uric acid and subsequent complaints in the form of gout or osteoarthritis, and the intestinal dysbiosis tendency.
b) Extroflession of IPB at 180' signify Space Risk 26 indicates hemorrhoids, diverticulosis and neuro-muscular tension in coccyx areas. 
c) Globular sign IPB indicate intestinal dysbiosis, depression and gastric ulcers problems.
This person is inherited with and family genetic history of intestinal dysbiosis, hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. Checking his family health history with relates to these potential/hidden genetic inheritance weaknesses is important !

Extroflession of IPB - Lx - (tse)

a) Could you identify the extroflession of IPB at 305' is correlate with the internal lacuna at pupillary zone - 87' ! ( every iris sign must be a reason appeared in different layers of iris and they are genetically interrelated !). The local extroflession of IPB is Space Risk 7 and the internal lacuna at pupillary zone as an embryological sign, both indicates family genetic history of thyroid dysfunction.
b) Heart lacuna at 102' indicate potential cardiovascular stress, is correlate and  associate with the Succinate acid imbalance- crypts 210' & 230' - Rx.
c) Pancreas lacuna at 235', refer the correlations signs at Rx.
( Suggest: The above presentation is using Classical iridology as a base and applying the Multidimensional iridology as an advanced tools to enhance the accuracy of findings ! ) 

Pancreas Lacuna at 250' & Crypts at Internal Collarette Border - Rx - (tse)

Pancreas lacuna at 250', if you  familiar with The Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle model, the crypts and  small internal lacunae located at 175', 210' & 230' are considered as an important correlations sign for this inheritance weakness.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Lacunae at External Border of the Collarette - Lx - (roma) - 2

Could you identify the above multiple genetic lacunae attached on the border of the collarette are correlated with Rx ! 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Local Absence of the IPB & Frontal Flatness - Lx - (roma) - 1

Observe the local absence of the IPB at 250'~265' & 349' and frontal flatness...
a) Local absence of the IPB at 250'~265' & 349' signify Space Risk 15, 14, 13 & 2, it indicates genetic predisposition to spleen insufficiency pancreas dysfunction, gastrointestinal & visual disturbances and sinusitis tendencies ( compare to Rx's findings)
b) The frontal flatness is enhances by The Stress Axis at Rx.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Stress Axis, Crypts at Internal Collarette Border & Lacunae at Border of the Collarette - Rx - (roma) - 2

Observe the Stress Axis formation, multiple crypts at internal collarette border and closed lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette...identify the correlations signs !
a) The stress Axis - lacuna located 360'/0' & 180' of the reflex areas for the Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Adrenals gland, it indicates a genetic predisposition for a person to experience adverse reactions and poor adaptability to stress.
b) Collarette bridge is highlighted - blood sugar imbalance tendency.
c) Crypts located at internal collarette border - 82' & 140', it signify Cis-aconitate & Succinyl-CoA acid imbalance it indicates tendencies to stress (enhance by The Stress Axis) hyperactivity to tissues, Diabetes mellitus and cardiac stress.
d) Multiple lacunae located at the external border of the collarette - 147', 160', 165', 180' 195' & 245' indicates genetic predisposition to uterus deficiency & cervix stress- 147',  160', 165 & 195' (correlate with Space Risk 22-Rx), kidney insufficiency- 180' and blood sugar imbalance-245'.
e) Closed lacuna at 335' indicate sinusitis tendency (correlate with superior nasal flatness-Rx)

Local Absence of the IPB & Superior Nasal Flatness - Rx - (roma) - 1

Enlarge view for local absence of the IPB

Female, 54
Local absence of IPB at 140' & 146'~153' & Superior nasal flatness of pupil...
a) Local absence of the IPB at 140', 146'~153' represents Space Risk 21, 22 & 23 indicates potential muscle cramp at abdomen, uterine fibromas, cervical stress and neuro-muscular and spinal tension at lumbar vertebrae spine.
b) Superior Nasal Flatness indicates neuro-muscular and spinal tension at cervical vertebrae, visual disturbances and sinusitis tendencies.
Could you observe the above findings are correlated with the following post - Rx- (roma) -2
 c)  Take note the local absence of the IPB - 146'~153' - especially Space Risk 22 contribute one of the major genetic deficiency to this person !

Crypts at Internal Collarette Border - Lx - (ali) - 2

After analyzing it attributes of the misshapen collarette, we focus on the multiple crypts located at internal pupillary border - 278', 305', 317' & 335' it extend to Embryological and Cellular levels of interpretation-
a) Embryological sign at 305' indicates personal inheritance and family medical history of blood sugar imbalance.
b) Krebs cycle signs at 278' & 305' associate with Malic acid imbalance indicates general fatigue and prediabetes & dysglycaemia tendency !
c) Kreb cycle signs at 317' & 335' associate with Oxaloacetate acid imbalance indicates MALT compromise (Rx-misshapen collarette), recurrent pathologies and excessive oxidation of fatty acids.

Misshapen Collarette - Lx - (ali) - 1

The misshapen collarette structure is indicated by multiple local indentations, zig-zags, local distended areas and general erratic appearance to the collarette. Generally it indicates (according to John Andrews researched) :
- Compromised PNEI adaptability.
- MALT alternations.
- Compromise of the Golgi Apparatus & Mitochondria.
The type of structure can be analyse by section or location (compare with Rx and pay attention to the similar findings) :
a) Linear collarette at superior temporal section - indicates Diabetes Mellitus tendency ( Rx- squared collarette, pancreas lacuna at 243', embryological sign at 60' and Krebs cycle sign at 135').
b) Pointed collarette at 78' & 250' - indicates hyperactivity of gastrointestinal tract,  both pointed to the heart and pancreas reflex areas.
c) Local indentation of the collarette at 100' - predisposition to heart stress (Rx- Krebs cycle sign at 135')
d) Take note the differences collarette structure in between Rx-Squared collarette & Lx-Erratic collarette !