Sunday, May 19, 2013

Local Absence of the IPB & Superior Nasal Flatness - Rx - (roma) - 1

Enlarge view for local absence of the IPB

Female, 54
Local absence of IPB at 140' & 146'~153' & Superior nasal flatness of pupil...
a) Local absence of the IPB at 140', 146'~153' represents Space Risk 21, 22 & 23 indicates potential muscle cramp at abdomen, uterine fibromas, cervical stress and neuro-muscular and spinal tension at lumbar vertebrae spine.
b) Superior Nasal Flatness indicates neuro-muscular and spinal tension at cervical vertebrae, visual disturbances and sinusitis tendencies.
Could you observe the above findings are correlated with the following post - Rx- (roma) -2
 c)  Take note the local absence of the IPB - 146'~153' - especially Space Risk 22 contribute one of the major genetic deficiency to this person !

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