Sunday, May 19, 2013

Crypts at Internal Collarette Border - Lx - (ali) - 2

After analyzing it attributes of the misshapen collarette, we focus on the multiple crypts located at internal pupillary border - 278', 305', 317' & 335' it extend to Embryological and Cellular levels of interpretation-
a) Embryological sign at 305' indicates personal inheritance and family medical history of blood sugar imbalance.
b) Krebs cycle signs at 278' & 305' associate with Malic acid imbalance indicates general fatigue and prediabetes & dysglycaemia tendency !
c) Kreb cycle signs at 317' & 335' associate with Oxaloacetate acid imbalance indicates MALT compromise (Rx-misshapen collarette), recurrent pathologies and excessive oxidation of fatty acids.

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