Monday, May 27, 2013

Protuberance /Honeycomb /Romheld Syndrome - Lx - (santhi)

Observe the protuberance in a bulge formation from the collarette protruding into the ciliary zone. It extend from the heart topographical areas - 60'~90' accompanied with "wormnest" or Honeycomb lacuna located inside the pupillary zone. I would suggest to classify it into three conditions :  
1) Protuberance with webbing  appearance signify as Honeycomb lacuna. It indicates the tendency to an anaerobic environment as breeding ground for parasites.
2) Embryological signs where honeycomb lacuna located inside the collarette at 60"~90'. 
3)The protuberance as Romheld Syndrome towards to the reaction field of heart zone. Predisposition to heart stress, angina pectoris and indigestion problems.

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