Friday, May 24, 2013

Lacunae in Emotional Aspects - Rx - (kkh) - 2

Observe these three lacunae attached on the ventral section border of the collarette - 120', 180' & 225',  what are the common psycho- emotional imbalance attached on these genetic signs ?
a) Pancreas lacuna-120' indicate genetic predisposition to blood sugar imbalance and psycho-emotional relate to experience of betrayal, grief  and fear of wasting time !
b) Kidney lacuna-180' indicates inheritance of kidney insufficiency, recurrent bladder infections, inflammations and hypertension. Psycho-emotional relates to fear of mortality, crystallization of thought patterns and issues of forgiveness.
c) Gall bladder lacuna-225' indicate ball bladder stress. Psycho-emotional indicates forgiveness, bitterness and fear of repeating old patterns-self judgement.
( Source : John Andrews- "Emotional Anatomy" & Dr. David Pesek- " Holistic Iridology - Scale of Thoughts & Emotional in Relationship to the Endocrine Glands & Organs of Detoxification & Elimination").

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