Sunday, February 24, 2013

Multidimensional Views in Crypt at Internal Border of the Collarette- Rx

Female, Rx
Observe the tiny crypt located internal border of the collarette signifying as multidimensional sign...Classical, Embryological, Time Risk , The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & The Citric Acid Cycle analysis is recommended !
a) Crypt attached outside the border of the collarette - 180' indicates adrenal fatigue.
b) Crypt located internal border of the collarette - 175' indicates:
-  The Cellular Iridology Citric Acid Cycle Analysis (researched by John Andrews) - Pyruvic acid imbalance (either high or low) signify chronic disease, blood sugar imbalance - Diabetes Mellitus, insulin sensitivity, weight gain tendency and  leptin resistance.
- The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette - Self -esteem problem !
- The Embryological relate to kidney insufficiency.
- In Classical view the crypt located at the small intestine's  jejunum reflex area.
c) Collarette Bridge - 155'~180' represents :
- Progesterone deficiency
- Blood sugar imbalance tendency
- Sensitivity to stress
- Time Risk sign, pick the mid-point - 170' , emotional trauma/stress at age 30.7 ~31. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pupil Flattenings, Local Extroflession of IPB, Shadow Ring, Vascular & Tent Transversals - Lx

(Photo used with permission by Susan Laing. M.Ir.N.H.F.Dip)

Male, Lx
Preliminary assessment for the Lymphatic Iris Constitution / Polyglandular/ Neurogenic / Lipemic Diathesis as below:
- Partial atrophy of IPB along with two local hypertrophy & extroflession of the IPB. The extroflession/ local hypertrophy of the IPB toward to pupillary zone at 75' & 85'~100', suggest Space Risk & Spinal IPB evaluation. Space Risk 10, 12, 13 & 14 indicate a potential personal and family medical history of lung stress, bronchitis, liver complaints, gastrointestinal disturbances, blood sugar imbalance and muscular tension in Thoracic Vertebrae. 
- Multiple pupil flatness structure. Superior Temporal Flatness - 25'~40' & Inferior Temporal Flatness - 110'~140'. Superior Temporal flatness indicates hearing and balance problem, vertigo, muscular tension in neck & shoulder (cervical vertebrae-C2 to C5)
 Inferior Temporal Flatness indicates check for liver, gall bladder problems and pancreas dysfunction with dysglycaemic, history of splenic dysfunction, possibilities of Amenorrhoea, Menorrhagia & Polycystic ovary syndrome and irritation in Thoracic vertebrae. Note that the pupil flatness correlates with the findings of Space Risk 12, 13 & 14 & Spinal IPB analysis !
- Vascularized Transversal co-sign with closed lacuna at 250', an important iris sign to indicate genetic predisposition to thymus gland deficiency, tendency to severe pain, irritation, degeneration with immunological imbalance.
- Tent Transversal from the ciliary edge or limbus meet at one point on the external border of the collarette it indicates a predisposition to degeneration of the hip and osteoporosis  tendency.
- Suggest Sea Foam Collarette structure it relates to gastric acidity and intestinal imbalance. Consider the Space Risk 13 will amplify the condition !
- Multiple lacunae attached on the border of the collarette - endocrine imbalance - Closed lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette - 197', 225', 260', 275', 290' & 310'  indicates a genetic predisposition to cervix stress (might amplified by inferior temporal flatness), pancreas dysfunction (amplified by Space Risk 14) and possibly family history of thyroid imbalance & cardiovascular stress.
- Distended Collarette showing an embryological and emotional inheritance from the paternal genetics or paternal DNA dominance.
- Pupillary Shadow Ring around the pupil edge. Shadow Ring indicates a deficiency in zinc, vitamin C & reduced in natural killer cells number, according to John Andrews.
- A visible Pupillary Sphincter is considered normal with a distended collarette structure.
Can you identify which iris sign or structure provide vital important genetic information and influence to this person ?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Citric Acid Cycle - The Krebs Cycle

The Krebs Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle - New Iridology Topographical & Cellular Research by John Andrews. You may contact John Andrews for this new research topic & his brand new "Modern Cellular Iridology Citric Acid Cycle Iris Chart" for study and apply this modern iris research on your practice !

Modern & Advanced Iridology Practice - IPB Analysis

Can you try to identify the above IPB morphologies ? 3 different unique structure are located at the frontal section of inner pupillary border...they are an importance of genetic and epigenetic signs for Modern  Iridologist to determine and evaluate...

a) Elephant signs of IPB, note that two elephant heads opposite facing to each other.
b) U-shaped IPB at frontal section of the inner pupillary border.
c) Squared IPB signs
Please refer to John Andrews & Dr. Daniele Lo Rito textbooks for comprehensive explanation of the above morphologies !

Monday, February 18, 2013

ECM, The Cell & DNA/SNPs - New Iris Presentation

These exciting modern iris presentations and new understanding of the iris divisions was initiated and originated by John Andrews -
 a) DNA/SNPs : represent Inner Pupillary Border - Chromosomes
 b) The Cell : Embryology Pupillary Zone to Internal Collarette Border - Cellular Physiology
 c) ECM : Ciliary zone extending from the limbus toward to External Border of the Collarette - Extracelluar Matrix

Indented IPB, Misshappen & Orange Pigmented Collarette. Multiple Radial Furrows & Indentation of the Collarette - Rx

Observe misshapen accompanied with orange pigmented collarette, multiple major & minor rays radiate from edge of IPB  crossing to  pupillary and ciliary zone signify embryological iris signs assessment, multiple indentation of the collarette, major rays penetrated to the pupillary zone and indented IPB indicates multidimensional iridological approaches...
a) The Stress Axis / HPA Axis at 0' & 180' both formed by Radial Furrow/ Major Ray radiate from the edge of IPB crossing pupillary zone toward to ciliary and limbus. Indicates Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Adrenal compromised. In addition the new embryological sign (major ray at 0' ) inside the pupillary zone concern with  Amygdala deficiency leading to anxiety, depression, immune and neurological  system dysfunction. Time Risk sign is trigger at 0' degree position
b) An indentation of the IPB at 53' signify Space Risk & Spinal IPB assessment, Space Risk 6 indicate potential neuro-muscular tension in neck and shoulder & muscular tension at cervical vertebrae- C7.
c) Consider the major radial furrow at 345' & 335' (radiate from IPB to limbus zone) & multiple indentation at 282'(sharp indentation)  & 95' signified as multidimensional signs leading to Classical, psycho-emotional, Time Risk marking, The Emotional dynamics of the Collarette & The Immune Cell & PNEI. In this case study, you can try applying these techniques to broaden and deepen your analysis skills.  
d) The minor rays (295', 275', 260', 240, 220 & 180') at pupillary zone and within internal border of collarette intensively reveals an importance of embryological & The Citric Acid Cycle Iris assessment !
e) Observe the Misshapen integrated with orange pigmented collarette generally indicate gastrointestinal  disturbances, compromised PNEI adaptability, autoimmune condition and slow remedy in extreme physical and psychological condition. Apparently, in this case  we can ensure that the majority and most genetic data is stored and adhered on the collarette structure, embryology pupillary zone and the subtle IPB structure with an impress on multidimensional iridology ! 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Distended & Misshapen Collarette, Stress Axis, Orange Pigments, Double Pancreatic Lacunae - Rx

Explore this iris in classical, modern & multidimensional iridology approaches... 
The importance findings presented as below:
a) Major ray/ radial furrow at 0' radiate from edge of IPB crossing pupillary zone and penetrate toward ciliary areas, and conjunction with orange pigment adjacent to IPB an importance embryological signs indicate compromise in Hypothalamus & Amygdala glands. In addition, the orange pigment adjacent to IPB signify Space Risk assessment, suggest Space Risk 26, potentially relates to stress and pain condition in rectum & anus, sigmoid diverticulosis, hemorrhoids and neuro-muscular pain in spinal cord of coccyx area.
b) The Stress Axis formulated by radial furrow classical at ciliary area- 360' with adrenal lacuna attached on the border of the collarette at 180' indicate a greater tendency to have compromise of neuroendocrine and immunological pathways.
c) Observe the vital multiple small orange pigments at pupillary zone with adjacent to IPB and co-sign with lacunae !
- Small orange pigments adjacent to IPB - 180' (as mentioned)  & 140' indicate Space Risk & Embryological evaluation. Suggest Space Risk 20 (140')  a genetic tendency to dysbiosis, colitis and diarrhea with chronic & pain condition for that person. Obviously, this person is firmly experience gastrointestinal disturbances with chronic and pain situation..
- Small orange pigments co-sign with closed lacunae at 155' & 205' indicating an important message and enhanced meaning on genetic tendency to have uterine fibroid & cervix stress for this person. Follow up with medical check-up is recommended ! On the other hand, we can analyse the person is experience an emotional identity problem and might having conflict issues with her children or  with her mother ( also take note the stress in uterus link to have issue with one's mother in term of visceroemotional analysis)
d) Double Pancreatic lacunae in the classical pancreas topography areas at frontal border of the collarette 60' & 295' , this indicates a genetic tendency to pancreatic cysts ! Please look at psycho-emotional level for this situation as well ! The person is experience of betrayal issues that is readily be resolved !
e) Parental DNA Dominance & Parental resentment & conflict assessment:
-The distended collarette predominantly concern with paternal DNA dominance.
- Multiple orange pigments attached on the border of the collarette with an emotional conflict or imbalance is concern with mother principle.
f) Take note the importance small lacunae attached on the border of the collarette such as 95'~100' & 105' with 255' & 275'. What does it mean to you in term of genetic impact on physical and emotional levels to this person ?

IPB is the Future Trend for Modern & Advanced in Iris Analysis

The analysis of Inner Pupillary Border emerging domain and is a future trend of modern & advanced tool that support Iridologist enhanced accuracy and precise in iris analysis...Can you identify the morphology showing in this high resolution iris photo ?

a) Squared sign IPB.
b) Triangle & Rectangular Shaped IPB located at the ventral section of inner pupillary border.
c) Suggest Globular sign IPB

Please refer Dr. Daniele Lo Rito , the great book "Inner Pupillary Border" & John Andrews  extraordinary explanation on the topic of "The Inner Pupillary Border & its Morphologies", Iris & Pupillary Signs, 3rd Edition. I will be appreciate if you can share your findings on the  IPB structure, morphology & it archeology shapes..

Deviations in Neuroendocrine Frontal IPB Structure

Observe the enormous deviations or distortions of the frontal IPB structure it demonstrate poor reserve of energy, more difficult challenges, emotional endocrine imbalance, compromise of the PNEI pathways, Limbic system, impaired hormonal adaptability and psychosomatic illness. (John Andrews). Can you identify & differentiate the above general hypertrophy IPB Structure, its Morphology & Space !
a) Frontal  Elephant IPB structure, suggest it also relate to Space Risk 1.
b) An interesting & challenge to identify the morphology of this IPB section. I would suggest the combination of U-shaped, Elephant & V-shaped IPB ! (refer below IPB picture)
c) Localised Hypertrophy of the IPB, suggest Space Risk & IPB Spinal consideration. 
d) Localised Hypertrophy or Neurolappen IPB that forcing to pupil, introflession of IPB. Take note the Globular sign. Space Risk & Spinal IPB analysis is recommended !
e) Local absent of the IPB, predominant for Space Risk & IPB Spinal assessment!
Please refer to John Andrews & Dr. Daniele Lo Rito textbooks for IPB details explanation in physical & emotional levels !

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Crypts & Defect Signs in Pupillary Zone - Embryological Iridology - Lx - (muru)

Male, 60
The Atrophic of IPB & the structural signs formation in crypt, defect sign and internal small lacuna at embryology pupillary zone leading to Embryological assessment...look for the correlation signs 
Haematogenic Iris Constitution, Subtype by Neurogenic,  Lipemic Diathesis in Corneal Arcus formation around Limbus Zone & Extended Collarette Structure (Paternal Dominance)
a) Embryological signs at 30', 65', 120', 130' & 180' 
b) Focus the important sign located at 180' indicates hypothalamus stress and breast related problems.
c) Embryological sign - 30', 120' & 130' indicates genetic predisposition to cardiovascular health problem and liver degeneration or fatty liver possibly caused by high lipid contents or an elevated cholesterol and amplified by genetic Corneal Arcus !

Subtle Iris Signs in Multidimensional Iridology - Lx - (lsm)

Male, 55
This iris sample is to demonstrate an importance of searching and observing a subtle correlation iris sign "hidden" in different layers of topographical zones without overwhelming but creating a sense of "Sensitivity" in enhancing your analysis skills via applying Multidimensional Iridology...Observe the correlation signs in physical and psycho-emotional levels:
a) Solitary brown pigment located at the external border of the collarette - 310', emotional issue on feeling of injustice, anger and resentment.
b) Extroflession of the IPB - 275' - Space Risk 12 indicate hepatic stress correlation with brown pigment.
c) Squared IPB presenting a family medical history of thyroid gland imbalance, possible of hypothyroidism.
d) Crypts located inside the collarette or pupillary zone - 85' signify embryological as thyroid insufficiency correlate with Squared IPB !
e) Small lacuna or crypt attached on the border of the collarette - 228' indicate a genetic predisposition to pancreas dysfunction accompanied with collarette Bridge !. This Collarette bridge also indicate Time Risk sign ! The experience unresolved emotional issue of betrayal was triggered at the age 21.5 !

Linear & Collarette Bridge - Lx - (jen)

Female, 37
Observe this sectional hypertrophy of Linear Bridge collarette consider interpret in multidimensional meanings...indicates an insulin resistance & hyperprolactinaemia tendencies, Time Risk sign - pick the mid-point for age calculation and consideration of The Immune Cell & PNEI analysis