Sunday, February 17, 2013

IPB is the Future Trend for Modern & Advanced in Iris Analysis

The analysis of Inner Pupillary Border emerging domain and is a future trend of modern & advanced tool that support Iridologist enhanced accuracy and precise in iris analysis...Can you identify the morphology showing in this high resolution iris photo ?

a) Squared sign IPB.
b) Triangle & Rectangular Shaped IPB located at the ventral section of inner pupillary border.
c) Suggest Globular sign IPB

Please refer Dr. Daniele Lo Rito , the great book "Inner Pupillary Border" & John Andrews  extraordinary explanation on the topic of "The Inner Pupillary Border & its Morphologies", Iris & Pupillary Signs, 3rd Edition. I will be appreciate if you can share your findings on the  IPB structure, morphology & it archeology shapes..

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