Sunday, February 17, 2013

Distended & Misshapen Collarette, Stress Axis, Orange Pigments, Double Pancreatic Lacunae - Rx

Explore this iris in classical, modern & multidimensional iridology approaches... 
The importance findings presented as below:
a) Major ray/ radial furrow at 0' radiate from edge of IPB crossing pupillary zone and penetrate toward ciliary areas, and conjunction with orange pigment adjacent to IPB an importance embryological signs indicate compromise in Hypothalamus & Amygdala glands. In addition, the orange pigment adjacent to IPB signify Space Risk assessment, suggest Space Risk 26, potentially relates to stress and pain condition in rectum & anus, sigmoid diverticulosis, hemorrhoids and neuro-muscular pain in spinal cord of coccyx area.
b) The Stress Axis formulated by radial furrow classical at ciliary area- 360' with adrenal lacuna attached on the border of the collarette at 180' indicate a greater tendency to have compromise of neuroendocrine and immunological pathways.
c) Observe the vital multiple small orange pigments at pupillary zone with adjacent to IPB and co-sign with lacunae !
- Small orange pigments adjacent to IPB - 180' (as mentioned)  & 140' indicate Space Risk & Embryological evaluation. Suggest Space Risk 20 (140')  a genetic tendency to dysbiosis, colitis and diarrhea with chronic & pain condition for that person. Obviously, this person is firmly experience gastrointestinal disturbances with chronic and pain situation..
- Small orange pigments co-sign with closed lacunae at 155' & 205' indicating an important message and enhanced meaning on genetic tendency to have uterine fibroid & cervix stress for this person. Follow up with medical check-up is recommended ! On the other hand, we can analyse the person is experience an emotional identity problem and might having conflict issues with her children or  with her mother ( also take note the stress in uterus link to have issue with one's mother in term of visceroemotional analysis)
d) Double Pancreatic lacunae in the classical pancreas topography areas at frontal border of the collarette 60' & 295' , this indicates a genetic tendency to pancreatic cysts ! Please look at psycho-emotional level for this situation as well ! The person is experience of betrayal issues that is readily be resolved !
e) Parental DNA Dominance & Parental resentment & conflict assessment:
-The distended collarette predominantly concern with paternal DNA dominance.
- Multiple orange pigments attached on the border of the collarette with an emotional conflict or imbalance is concern with mother principle.
f) Take note the importance small lacunae attached on the border of the collarette such as 95'~100' & 105' with 255' & 275'. What does it mean to you in term of genetic impact on physical and emotional levels to this person ?

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