Monday, February 18, 2013

Indented IPB, Misshappen & Orange Pigmented Collarette. Multiple Radial Furrows & Indentation of the Collarette - Rx

Observe misshapen accompanied with orange pigmented collarette, multiple major & minor rays radiate from edge of IPB  crossing to  pupillary and ciliary zone signify embryological iris signs assessment, multiple indentation of the collarette, major rays penetrated to the pupillary zone and indented IPB indicates multidimensional iridological approaches...
a) The Stress Axis / HPA Axis at 0' & 180' both formed by Radial Furrow/ Major Ray radiate from the edge of IPB crossing pupillary zone toward to ciliary and limbus. Indicates Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Adrenal compromised. In addition the new embryological sign (major ray at 0' ) inside the pupillary zone concern with  Amygdala deficiency leading to anxiety, depression, immune and neurological  system dysfunction. Time Risk sign is trigger at 0' degree position
b) An indentation of the IPB at 53' signify Space Risk & Spinal IPB assessment, Space Risk 6 indicate potential neuro-muscular tension in neck and shoulder & muscular tension at cervical vertebrae- C7.
c) Consider the major radial furrow at 345' & 335' (radiate from IPB to limbus zone) & multiple indentation at 282'(sharp indentation)  & 95' signified as multidimensional signs leading to Classical, psycho-emotional, Time Risk marking, The Emotional dynamics of the Collarette & The Immune Cell & PNEI. In this case study, you can try applying these techniques to broaden and deepen your analysis skills.  
d) The minor rays (295', 275', 260', 240, 220 & 180') at pupillary zone and within internal border of collarette intensively reveals an importance of embryological & The Citric Acid Cycle Iris assessment !
e) Observe the Misshapen integrated with orange pigmented collarette generally indicate gastrointestinal  disturbances, compromised PNEI adaptability, autoimmune condition and slow remedy in extreme physical and psychological condition. Apparently, in this case  we can ensure that the majority and most genetic data is stored and adhered on the collarette structure, embryology pupillary zone and the subtle IPB structure with an impress on multidimensional iridology ! 

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