Sunday, February 24, 2013

Multidimensional Views in Crypt at Internal Border of the Collarette- Rx

Female, Rx
Observe the tiny crypt located internal border of the collarette signifying as multidimensional sign...Classical, Embryological, Time Risk , The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & The Citric Acid Cycle analysis is recommended !
a) Crypt attached outside the border of the collarette - 180' indicates adrenal fatigue.
b) Crypt located internal border of the collarette - 175' indicates:
-  The Cellular Iridology Citric Acid Cycle Analysis (researched by John Andrews) - Pyruvic acid imbalance (either high or low) signify chronic disease, blood sugar imbalance - Diabetes Mellitus, insulin sensitivity, weight gain tendency and  leptin resistance.
- The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette - Self -esteem problem !
- The Embryological relate to kidney insufficiency.
- In Classical view the crypt located at the small intestine's  jejunum reflex area.
c) Collarette Bridge - 155'~180' represents :
- Progesterone deficiency
- Blood sugar imbalance tendency
- Sensitivity to stress
- Time Risk sign, pick the mid-point - 170' , emotional trauma/stress at age 30.7 ~31. 

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