Friday, March 01, 2013

The Dynamics of the Collarette, Lacunae, Crypts & IPB - Lx - (norn)

Observe the IPB morphologies, the structure of the collarette, minor rays/radial furrows at pupillary zone, lacunae & crypt attached on and inside border of the collarette. Can you identify which iris sign is correlated in different layers of an iris zones , it enhance and amplify the genetic impact on the person and medical history of her family...

a) The frontal M sign IPB indicate a personal genetic predisposition and family medical history of blood sugar imbalance that also correlate with the Collarette Bridge formation at 240' !
b) Squared Shaped IPB indicate a genetic predisposition and family medical history tendency to thyroid dysfunction or hypothyroidism.
c) Observe the tiny crypts located inside border of the pupillary zone or collarette - 128', 148', 157', 195' & 240' consider apply the Modern Cellular Iridology Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle Analysis, which newly researched by John Andrews & The Embryology Iridology Analysis :
d) The Citric Acid Cycle & Embryology in Multidimensional Iridology Approaches:
- Crypts at 128', 148' & 157' signify Succinyl-CoA imbalance. In addition, the embryological approach tendencies to liver deficiency, kidney insufficiency & urinary bladder problem.
- Crypts at 195' signify Succinate imbalance. John Andrews stated  that succinate acid plays an important role via its metabolic transformation to mevalonate, as a stimulant of insulin secretion in the pancreatic islets. The imbalance indicate tendencies to stress, neurological and cardiac function related problems.
- Crypt at 240' signify Coenzyme Q imbalance indicate condition tendency to :
   1) Mitochondrial dysfunction
   2) Anaemia
   3) Diabetes Mellitus
   - Embryological sign -195' relate to blood sugar imbalance.
- Internal lacuna at 272' signify Malate/ Malic Acid imbalance which indicates:
- Low energy and fatigue. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome tendency
- Fibromyalgia tendency
- Pre-diabetes & Dysglycaemia
Obviously, she has a high genetic tendency and predisposition to blood sugar imbalance or pancreas dysfunction based on the above findings:
       - M sign at frontal IPB
       - Collarette Bridge at 240' ( Please check the mid-point for Time Risk evaluation !)
       - Succinate, Coenzyme Q & Malic Acid imbalance ( crypts at internal collarette border) 
       - Embryological sign at 240' ( inside border of the collarette)
       - Crypt located at external border of the collarette - 135' in classical view
e) Take note the important tiny crypts attached outside border of the collarette at 135' & 154' indicates  genetic tendency to blood sugar imbalance and ovary stress related problem (crypt-135' located at spleen topographical zone differentiate as pancreas sign).
f) Collarette gap at 280'~327' & 345' & 10', according to John Anderws it indicates:
- EFAs (Essential fatty Acid) imbalance
- Cirtric Acid Cycle disturbance with mitochondropathy
- Time Risk sign, take the mid-point of the gap as 303.5' & 357'5 !

g) The most important new embryological sign/ minor ray at pupillary zone - 0'/360' indicates stress in Hypothalamus & Amygdala. According to John Andrews, this takes priority overall other iris sign and indicates impaired adaptability in all situations, the need for longer treatment & greater degree of restriction, increased susceptibility to stress. Please refer to John Andrews's books and articles on Hypothalamus & Amygdala for more comprehensive explanation !

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