Saturday, March 02, 2013

The Internal & External Border of the Collarette - Lx - (yjy)

Female, 37
Observe the general hypertrophic, multiple bridged & squared formation of the collarette, tiny melanin pigments attached on the external border of the collarette & multiple crypts located at internal collarette border, this cell areas consist of the most precious genetic & epigenetic data stored within 1.6mm+/- a distance from pupil to internal border of the collarette ! Apply & analyse this iris with modern iridological approaches...

a) Observe carefully the multiple crypts located inside/ internal  border of the collarette , suggest to apply The Embryological & Krebs Cycle Analysis. You may analysis by using these two modern iridological techniques to determine & enhance the accuracy of your findings and correlates its with collarette structure, lacuna/crypt located external border of the collarette and the tiny melanin pigment on the border of the collarette in multidimensional approaches !
b) The overall hypertrophic, squared & multiple bridged collarette indicates generally gastrointestinal disturbances, a family medical history of Autoimmune Diabetes Mellitus, compromised adrenal function and progesterone deficiency.
c) The hypertrophy bridge collarette conjunction with sectional double formation at the Lateral Temporal section of the collarette is highlighted !
d) Closed lacuna - adrenal lacuna at 180' analyse it in physical & emotional level !
d) Observe the important sign of  tiny melanin / brown pigments located on the border of the collarette 70' and co-sign with lacuna at 60' indicates:
- Liver and gall bladder stress involvement in classical view.
- Co-sign with pancreas lacuna at 60' - genetic predisposition to blood sugar imbalance enhanced by the collarette structure as mentioned above.
- The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette - suppression of expression, anger & resentment, emotional imbalance & barriers concerns with family issues, possible related to maternal issue.
- Time Risk sign - emotional trauma from feeling of rejection, bitterness, resentment, fear, emotional block with suppression. The smaller the pigment, the deeper the trauma emotional or physical pain ! 

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