Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Modern/Classical Iridology Vs Multidimensional Analysis -3c(hs)

Compare the Modern Iridology analysis with Multidimensional findings :

Collarette- Rx

Leaf lacuna in Hypothalamus reflex zone, refer an indentation of the collarette, embryological sign at @180', HPA and limbic system compromised.

Thyroid lacuna located on the border of the collarette- Hypothyroidism tendency
1) Dirk Hamer Syndrome sign at @360'/0'
2) IPB Squared sign
3) Space Risk 7 - @300'

Indentation of the Collarette -
1) 235' - Liver disturbances and pancreas dysfunction, potential poor in fat metabolism and blood sugar imbalance.
a) Pancreas : 
- Embryological pancreas sign at @235'
- Crypt at 242'
- Dirk Hamer Syndrome at @360'/0', @213'~220'
b) Liver
- Embryological sign at @132'
- Dirk Hamer Syndrome at @235'
- IPB Triangle sign
- Space Risk 12 - @275'
2) 180'- Stress in adrenal, renal and kidney
- Space Risk 18 - @235'
3) Closed lacuna at kidney reaction field.

Stairstep Lacuna - Potential of  intestinal dybiosis
1) Pearl sign
2) Triangle sign
3) Embryological sign - @213'~220

Heart Sign - Potential cardiovascular risk, heart disease
1) Space Risk 9 - @290'
2) Embryological heart sign - @325'

Brown Pigment - topostabile located in the liver reflex zone, suggest liver involvement

Collarette - Lx

Radial Furrows in Frontal Brain Area- HPA compromise

Indentation, Lacuna & Crypt in Ventral Section
Indentation of the collarette-
a) 195'- Kidney deficiency
- Embryological sign at @145'
- Dirk Hamer sign at @167' & @190'
b) 180' - Kidney and adrenal
- Thickened wreath at @90'
1) Distention of the collarette with crypt formation - Potential ovary stress
- Dirk Hamer sign at @160'~167'
2) Crypt at cervix zone
3) Closed lacuna at bladder reaction field, potential stress in urination 
- Embryological sign at @190'~195'
- Dirk Hamer sign at @247'

Crypts in Pancreas- genetic determined of blood sugar imbalance
- Elephant sign
- Embryological sign at @242' 

Small Lacuna/Crypt  in Thyroid  zone - Thyroid dysfunction

Saturday, May 28, 2011

IPB Morphologies - Elephant Sign (80%)

80% similar to Elephant Sign in the frontal of the IPB

Multidimensional Approaches of the Collarette - 3b (hs)


Multidimensional Analysis of the Collarette :

1) Embryological Analysis - Pupillary Zone
2) Dirk Hamer Syndrome Analysis - Pupillary Zone
3) The Immune Cell & Psychoneuroimmunology Analysis - Pupillary Zone
4) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette - Border of the Collarette
5) Time Risk Analysis - Border of the Collarette
6) Love Dynamics - Border of the Collarette  

Embryological Analysis[1] - Rx and Lx
1) Considered as Leaf lacuna in the embryological Hypothalamus topography area - 0/360', stress in hypothalamus and limbic system compromise, psycho-emotional imbalance. We will look at the indented topography area of adrenal-180', causing the Stress Axis formation.
2) Crypt located in the Stomach reflex area - 50', suggest indigestion problem.
3) Indented collarette at 180', suggest deficiencies in Kidney, Adrenal and Hypothalamus. HPA compromise.
4) Suggest a Stairstep lacuna located in the classical duodenum area and embryological areas of Ovary and Duodenum - 213'~220'. A tendency family history of intestinal tumours, gastric ulcerations and intestinal polyposis. Please refer the IPB Pearl sign in Rx.
5) Indented of the collarette co-sign with crypt in 230'~ 235', genetic predisposition to blood sugar disturbances. Pancreas dysfunction.
6) Crypts in 270', potential Breast problem.
7) Crypts in 295', possible stress in Larynx/Pharynx
8) Defect sign located in 325', embryological heart area, potential of cardiovascular risk. Please refer to Space Risk 9 in Rx.
9) Pituitary stress at 342' ~350'.
1) Radial Furrow located at 0/360', Hypothalamus stress.
2) Minor ray in 15'~21', suggest Pituitary stress.
3) Minor ray inside the collarette - 30'~35', suggest heart stress.
4) Thickened wreath - 90', potential kidney insufficiency.
5) Crypt in 132', suggest liver involvement.
6) Distention of the collarette with crypts formation - 145', suggest kidney deficiency.
7) Minor ray and crypt  - 160'~167', suggest stress in  uterus.
8) Crypts - 190'~195', possible stress in bladder.
9) Crypt in 242', blood sugar imbalance.

Dirk Hamer Syndrome Analysis [2]- Rx and Lx
1) Pericardium, Thyroid and Pancreas - 0/360', suggest cardiovascular risk, thyroid dysfunction and blood sugar imbalance- Rx & Lx.
2) Colon and Bladder - 135', potential gastrointestinal disturbances and bladder deficiency.
3) Stress in small intestine, kidney and ovary- 180'
4) Stress in Pancreas - 213'~220', potential hypoglycemia.
5) Stress in liver and bladder- 235'.
6) Indicate indigestion problem at 270'.
7) Potential stress in uterus and coronaries problem - 295'.
8) Potential breast and larinx problems- 325'.
1) Radial furrow - 35', suggest stress in breast and bronchi.
2) Crypt in 132', gastrointestinal and bladder disturbances - 132'~145'.
3) Minor ray and crypt in 160'~167', tendency stress in uterus, ovary and kidney.
4) Crypts formation - 184',190' &195', stress in small intestine, kidney and right vitreum.
5) Crypts - 242' & 247', disturbances in liver and bladder.
6) Crypt - 270', potential digestion problem.

The Immune Cell & Psychoneuroimmunology Analysis [3]- Rx and Lx 

Introflession of the Collarette-Rx
1) Indentation of the collarette at 230', suggest relate to T-Cell.
2) Indentation of the collarette at 180', suggest relate to Mast Cells.

Introflession & Extroflession of the Collarette-Lx
1) Indentation of the collarette at 195', suggest concern with Kupffer Cells.
2) Indentation of the collarette at 180', suggest concern with Mast Cells.
3) Distended of the collarette at 145', suggest relate to Meseengial Cells
4) Indentation of the collarette at 135', suggest relate to Neutrophils.

Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette Analysis [4]

1) Concern with limbic system compromise, psycho-emotional imbalance - 360'/0'
2) Emotional issues relate to father, masculine figure- 95'
3) Issue of betrayal - 135'
4) Deep feeling of fear, stress and tension - 180'
5) Experienced of violence in childhood - 213'
6) Deep feeling of anger and resentment - 230'
7) Feeling of grief - 270'
8) Impatience - 295'

1) Emotional imbalance and limbic system compromise, hypothalamus stress- 360'/0'
2) Concern with perception, conflict of perception - 30' ~ 35'
3) Unresolved emotional issues related with father - 90'
4) Unresolved issue of betrayal - 132' ~140'
5) Feeling of fear to something - 180'
6) Issue of partnership and intimacy - 190'~195'
7) Worry, stress and tension - 220'
8) Betrayal ! - 242'
9) Grief feeling - 270'
10) Issue of acceptance - 342'

Time Risk Analysis [5]


Time Risk Analysis - Rx and Lx
1) Leaf lacuna - 360'/0'- Age of 60, gestation start from 0 month
2) Crypt - 270' - Age of 15
3) Crypt - 135' - Age of 37.5
4) Indentation of the collarette - 230' & 180' - Age of 36.5, 30
1) Radial Furrows - 340', 320', 220', 0', 21', 35' - Age of  3.3, 6.6, 8, 60, 56.5, 55
2) Indentation of the collarette - 260', 195', 180', 135' - 16.6, 29, 30, 39
3) Bridge - 90' - 45

Traumatic events/ Profound Stress events at the  past, present and future : 
1) Middle Childhood - Age of 3~8 ( Radial furrows * 3 )
2) Adolescence - Age of 15 ~ 16.6 ( Crypt * 1, Indentation of the collarette * 1)
3) Early Adulthood - Age 29 ~ 39 ( Indentation of the collarette * 4, Crypt * 1)
4) Middle Adulthood - Age 45 ~ 56.5 ( Bridge * 1, Radial Furrows * 2)
5) Advanced Adulthood - Age 60 ( Leaf lacuna * 1, Radial furrow * 1)

The traumatic events or most profound stresses upon the client [6] :
a) During the childhood age of 3 to 8
- Experience of a deep and profound trauma.
- Stress that affecting the physical body.
b) Early adulthood age of 27.5 29, 30 and 39. Current age : 35
- Suppression of anger and resentment
- Fear & depression, deep sense of injustice.
- Unresolved issues of betrayal.
c) Age of 60, potential experience of a deep and profound trauma, a challenge in psychological and emotional. HPA Axis

The Evolutive Steps In Love [7] 


Love Dynamics of the Collarette Analysis- Rx and Lx

Rx: Degree of Birth- 266'
a) 230'- Indentation of the collarette - Step 1 & Step 2
a1) 213' - Distention of the collarette - Step 2
b) 180'- Indentation of the collarette - Step 3

Lx: Degree of Birth-266'
a) 260'- Indentation of the collarette - Step 1
b) 195'- Indentation of the collarette - Step 3
c) 180' - Indentation of the collarette - Step 3 & 4
d) 145' - Distention of the collarette - Step 4 & 5
e) 135' - Indentation of the collarette- Step 5

Further explanation about the steps of love, please refer to Daniele Lo Rito book of " How We Love And How We Desire To Be Loved", pg 39 & 40.

[1] John Andrews, Embryological Chart.
[2] Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Iridology & Hamer Syndrome,2006.
[3] John Andrews, The Collarette, Immune Cell and Psychoneuroimmunology Foundation Iris Chart, 2002-2007.
[4] John Andrews, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette Chart, 2004.
[5] Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Time Risk , 1997.
[6] John Andrews,  Emotional Approaches in Iridology, 2004. Differentiation of Time Risk markings, pg106.
[7] Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, How We Love And How We Desire To Be Loved, 2010.

Friday, May 27, 2011

IPB Morphologies, Space Risk, Spinal Reflex & Archeology - 3a(hs)

Classification of IPB-Rx
1) 40' to 230' - Normal of the IPB
2) 230' to 310' - Partial Atrophy of the IPB
3) 340' to 40' - Hypertrophic of the IPB
The IPB structure can be considered as Partial Atrophy or Mixed Border of the IPB [1]

Frontal IPB-Rx
IPB Morphologies Analysis [2]
1) Squared Sign- Indicate a tendency to thyroid disturbances, a genetic history of hypothyroidism.
3) Pearl Sign- A family history of intestinal polyposis, intestinal dysbiosis and tumours and inflammatory bowel condition.
4) Triangles Sign- A tendency to gastrointestinal disturbances and liver deficiency.

Iris Archeology [3]
2) Archeological finding form- 1 N

Local absences with partial atrophy of the IPB- Space Risk & Spinal Stress Reflex
Spare Risk Analysis [4]
1) @310' - Space Risk 6 - Potential muscular tension in neck and shoulder.
2) @300' - Space Risk 7 - Thyroid, tendency to hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism, please refer to Squared IPB.
3) @290' - Space Risk 9 - Concerns with heart, possible cardiac function disturbances.
4) @275' - Space Risk 12 - Liver involvement, poor fat metabolism.
5) @235' - Space Risk 18 - Possible kidney and renal deficiency.

IPB Spinal Reflex Analysis [5]
1) @235' - Potential stress in Lumbar Vertebrae (L4).
2) @275', 290' & 300' - Possible stress in Thoracic Vertebrae.
3) @310' - Possible stress in Cervical Vertebrae (C7). Please refer to Space Risk 6.
Classification of IPB-Lx
1) 40' to 295' - Normal of the IPB
2) 295' to 40' - Hypertrophic of the IPB
IPB mixed with normal and hypertrophic structure can be considered as Partial Atrophy or Mixed Border of the IPB [1]

Frontal IPB-Lx
IPB Morphologies Analysis [2]
1) Globular Sign - Indicates mental fatigue, depression, gastric ulcers and dysbiosis.
2) Pearl Sign
3) Globular Sign
4) Elephant Sign (80%) -
a) HPA compromise
b) Tendency to anxiety
c) Potential dysglycaemic

[1][2] John Andrews, The Inner Pupillary Border & its Morphologies. Iris & Pupillary Signs, 3rd Edition, 2008.
[3] Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Iris-Archeology-Inner Pupillary Border Vol.1, 2010.
[4] Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Space Risk, 2006.
[5] John Andrews, Inner Pupillary Border & Spinal Reflex Chart, 2004.

Modern Iridology & Embryology Analysis

The above iris analysis is to apply John Andrews's Modern Iridology Chart, 2011 to compare with the Classical topographies chart. Structural sign which is inside the pupillary zone will be done by Embryological analysis.

Modern Iridology Analysis [1]

1) Leaf lacuna in the topography areas of  Hypothalamus and  Pituitary gland -@ 0', indicates function of the endocrine system, tendency to deficiency and imbalance of hormonal secretions .[2]
2) Closed lacuna in the topography areas Corpus Callosum and Lateral Geniculate Body- @11', correlation to health perspective yet to be confirmed. John Andrews suggest that main signs to observe for this location which include Radial Furrow.
3) Leaf lacuna located in the topographical areas of Spleen and Medulla Oblongata- @30'. Classical topography indicative of Medulla.Suggest respiratory problem, asthma and survival issue involvement in emotional aspects- Lx. Spleen does not genetically affected by lacuna, it only concern when with the sign of :
a) Rarefaction of the iris fibers structure in it reaction field
b) Brown (topostabile)/Sandy yellow pigment (topostabile/topolabile)
c) Spleen Transversal.
d) Indentation of the collarette adjacent to spleen zone.
4) Small lacuna in the area of Ear zone, suggest disturbances in hearing.
5) Crypt located closest to the collarette, in the new reflex area of Parotid lymph Node- @47'. Concerns with stagnation of the lymphatic system. Classical view nearest to pancreas, if the sign located in @60'.
6) Indentation of the collarette - @66', Pancreas and Aorta involvement. Tendency of blood sugar involvement and heart disease problem.
7) Solitary brown pigment located inside the collarette - @70', embryological Spleen involvement, potential of immunological compromise. Classical location in descending colon.
8) Indentation of the collarette- @100', suggest Cardiovascular risk, potential Heart disease problem. Classical topographies involved with Heart and Thymus Gland.
9) Indentation of the collarette at Spleen reflexive zone - 125', suggest spleen dysfunction.
10) Protrusion of the collarette in the Spleen zone - @136'. Modern/Classical indicates Sigmoid Colon, suggest disturbances in this affected area.
11) Closed lacuna inside with loose fibre structure in Testes reaction field - @145', potential of testicular problem.
12) Multiple lacunae located in the Renal Pelvis and Kidney reflexive areas - @160'~190'. Tendency to renal and kidney deficiency.
13) Deep Indentation of the collarette at @ 180' , tendency to Adrenal fatigue and stress.Stress Axis - Hypothalamus+Pituitary+Adrenal. If  female, stress in this location, consider cervix problem as well.
14) Crypt in the pupillary zone - @215', suggest stress in ileum, no embryological sign in this area.
15) Closed lacuna indented the collarette - @295', suggest Pancreas deficiency, hereditary of blood sugar disturbances. Embryological sign of Pancreas.
16) Crypt attached on the collarette in the reflexive areas of Pancreas and Tonsils - @305'. Suggest tonsilitis problem.
17) Crypt attached on the collarette- @315', tendency to Ethmoid Sinus problem.
18) Crypt reflexively located in the Paranasal Sinus and Limbic System - @340'. Suggest sinusitis and limbic system compromise which relate to psycho-emotional problem.

[1] John Andrews, Modern Iridology Chart, 2011.
[2] John Andrews, Iris & Pupillary Signs, 2008, pg51.

Radial Furrow at @ 0' - Birth Trauma- Rx

Radii Solaris located in the angle of 0'/360', indicates:
1) Stress in Hypothalamus and Pituitary.
2) Limbic System compromise.
3) Time Risk Sign.
4) Birth Trauma Sign.
5) Unresolved emotional issues.
6) Low libido and  nerve energy depletion.

Crypt Attached And Indented On The Edge Of Pupillary Border @ 135' - Rx

Crypt indented to the edge of inner pupillary border at @135' manifest a multidimensional consideration of Space Risk and Embryological analysis factors [1][2]

1) Space Risk 19- indicate small intestine disturbances, intestinal dybiosis.
2) The crypt in the embryological teeth topography. Related to dental problems.
3) Crypts (yellow angle ) located in the classical jejunum closer to plyorus reflex zone [3]. Suggest parental issues of anger and resentment.

Whitened spot in the Space Risk 19 with grey in coloration. According to John Andrews, the whitened IPB indicate a tendency of premature ageing, oxidatives stress and osteorathritis [4]. 

[1] Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Space Risk, 2006.
[2] John Andrews, Embryological Chart, 2001.
[3] John Andrews, Modern Iridology Chart, 2011.
[4] John Andrews, Iris & Pupillary Signs, Modern Iridology,2008. Chapter: The Inner pupillary Border & its Morphologies, pg165.

Crypts On and Inside of the Collarette @ 230'-Lx

Small lacunae or crypts carry great significance meaning and impact to the topographical areas. Crypts located on and inside of the collarette @230' indicates:
1) Classical pancreas and intestinal/ileum topographies area. Suggest blood sugar imbalance and intestinal disturbances.
2) Embryological to pancreas reflex zone. Suggest hypoglycemia tendency.
3) Pancreas, bladder and liver disturbances in Dirk Hamer analysis. Poor fat metabolism with lipemic diathesis around the limbus.
4) Issue of organisation in Emotional Dynamics of the collarette.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Giving dignity to the Dead

SOME call him the undertaker. Others regard him as a saviour of lost souls.
But many also see his job as one of the stinkiest around.
Welcome to the surreal world of P. Murugiah, whose task is to collect, bury or cremate unclaimed corpses.
In fact, the 54-year-old has buried or cremated about 480 unclaimed bodies, including 10 HIV carriers, from hospital mortuaries and old folk’s homes in Penang and Kedah over the past 26 years
He continues with this unpleasant task as he knows he can bring hope and salvation to poor families.
“Yes, it’s a stinking job, especially if the bodies are recovered from the sea or rivers.
“But it is part of my mission to ensure the souls are given a proper farewell,” said Murugiah a.k.a Mohan of his work.
Indeed, he wears many hats when helping the poor.
The Malaysia Hindu Sangam George Town Council Social and Welfare Committee chairman has undertaken the voluntary work with money donated by caring people, businessmen and organisations.
When The Star called him for an interview, he was at the Penang Hospital to receive the unclaimed body of one Rajendran who died in a road accident on Feb 15.
Murugiah said some of the unclaimed bodies belonged to vagrants and poor elderly people, many from estates.
“Their children probably abandoned them due to their old age. There are cases of youths who were disowned by their parents after they got involved with drugs, had mental or liquor problems or got infected with HIV,” he said.
“Some are babies and toddlers who died due to illness or accidents but their families could not afford to bury them.
“So the bodies are left at the mortuary. We even go to homes to conduct the final rites of the dead for poor families,” he said.
In 1986, he cremated a Ghanaian technician who died at a budget hotel on Lebuh Chulia after his belongings and air tickets were allegedly stolen by a trishaw rider.
The Penang Hospital kept the body for 42 days and contacted Murugiah after they failed to locate his family.
Relating his involvement, Murugiah said a newspaper had reported in 1985 that there were many unclaimed bodies at the Penang Hospital.
There were also reports of bones and skulls that were scattered at a cemetery because grave diggers had only dug about 0.5m deep instead of 1.5m to bury those who died penniless.
“I was then working with the Consumers Association of Penang and I raised the matter with president S. M. Mohd Idris who suggested that I look for organisations who were willing to handle the bodies.
“That is how the sangam came into the picture,” he said, adding that a group of 20 sangam youth members gave him a helping hand and they were still with him till today.
The group went to mortuaries in bicycles to enquire about unclaimed bodies in the early years.
Murugiah initially passed the hat around to raise funds from sangam members and friends to cover funeral expenses. At times, he forked out his own money.
“It used to cost some RM150 those days to conduct the final rites for each body but this now costs between RM450 and RM500,” he lamented.
Murugiah said a housewife, Ho Siew Eng, better known as Molly, had been helping him to cover funeral expenses since 1985.
“Although she is from a rich family, she used to bake cakes, sell them house to house and give us the proceeds.
“A businessman, Wong See Chiang, has also been helping us to cover funeral expenses since the late 1980s.
“He has helped us to conduct the final rites for about 200 bodies,” he said, adding that a Buddhist group Koperasi Bodhi Heart even set up a fund two years ago to help them.
Murugiah, an insurance agent, later ventured into more social work. He raised money to feed the poor and homeless through the Temple of Fine Arts.
He also helps out at the Temple of Fine Arts which runs a free specialist clinic for the poor at River Road in Sungai Pinang.
The 42 doctors on the panel of Klinik Derma Sivasanta treat the poor every Tuesday and Friday from 7pm to 9pm, including conducting minor surgery.
The clinic has helped some 500,000 people at their premises and through medical camps held on weekends in Penang and Kedah for the past 10 years.
Murugiah’s handphone (016-4449246) rings non-stop throughout the day
It could be a call to assist poor pupils to buy school uniforms, shoes and schoolbags. Or wheelchairs for the sick, food for the needy or milk for babies.
The sangam has handled over 200 cases since 1985. One person they helped was housewife Tajenisha Beevi Sirajidin, 34, whose family in Batu Lanchang faced bleak times in July last year.
“I am able to help many people because of the teamwork among members. Many well-wishers including businessmen, prominent lawyers and other professionals contribute money anonymously.
“We also received strong support from day one from Enrico Trading which provided free prayer items for the final rites. Anitha Saree Centre, Umayal Textiles and Rao Saree Centre provide free clothing for the deceased. Ganapathy Florist also provides free flowers.
“The Penang Bodhi Heart Sanctuary has also helped me a lot.
“I’m happy and privileged to help those in need, irrespective of race or religion,” he said, adding that he received inspiration from his guru Swami Shantanand Saraswathi.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Haematogenic Constitution - Distinctive For Multidimensional Iridological Approaches

The Haematogenic or Pure Brown Iris ( B1 & B2 ) among the other cconstitutions (Lymphatic, Biliary) is the most distinctive iris structures and clearer for analyzing the Pupil Tonus, Inner Pupillary Border, Inner Pupillary Zone and Collarette. The Multidimensional Iridology techniques being applied numerous on this blog by taking mostly brown irises in my clinical practices.

When an Iridologist found that in brown iris type no other iris signs are present in the humoral and ciliary zones, the Pupil Tonus, IPB, Inner Pupillary Zone and Collarette are rich to explore the genetic and epigenetic information of the iris 

Regardless of what constitutions you are explored, the analysis of Pupil Tonus, IPB, Inner Pupillary Zone and the Collarette is a trend , new direction and advanced approach for Modern Iridologist.

Clinic Sivasanta Schedules - May, June, July & August

Time Schedules for Doctors & Specialists 

Prepared by Senior Clinic Coordinator Mr.P. Murugiah

Inner Pupillary Border - Spinal Reflex Analysis-Rx & Lx- 2d

Spinal Cord (The above diagram depicted from the source :http://www.apprelyzed.com )
Inner Pupillary Border with Spinal Reflex [1]
1) The IPB signs that are considered in Spinal Reflex Analysis are:
a) Extroflession
b) Introflession
c) Absence
2) 26 sections linked with the 26 vertebrae, however a new reality could be 31 subdivision to reflect the 31 spinal nerve, suggest by John Andrews.
3) The Inner Pupillary Border Spinal Reflexive Zones:
a) Cervical Vertebrae - @300'~ @60' - C1 to C8
b) Throacic - @60'~@120' & @240'~@300' - T1 to T12
c) Lumbar Vertebrae - @120'~@150' & @210'~@240'- L1 to L5
d) Sacrum - @150'~@175' & @185'~@210'- S1 to S5
e) Coccyx - @175'~@185'.

IPB Spinal Reflexive Angles



The IPB Spinal Reflex Analysis - Rx and Lx
1) 315', 8', 28' & 33' - Suggest stress in Cervical Vertebrae - Rx
2) 90' - Suggest stress in Thoracic Vertebrae - Rx
3) 298', 301', 7', 10', 45', 58' & 63' - Suggest stress in Cervical Vertebrae - Lx

Reference :
[1] John Andrews, Inner Pupillary Border & Spinal Refelx Chart, 2004.