Thursday, May 26, 2011

Modern Iridology & Embryology Analysis

The above iris analysis is to apply John Andrews's Modern Iridology Chart, 2011 to compare with the Classical topographies chart. Structural sign which is inside the pupillary zone will be done by Embryological analysis.

Modern Iridology Analysis [1]

1) Leaf lacuna in the topography areas of  Hypothalamus and  Pituitary gland -@ 0', indicates function of the endocrine system, tendency to deficiency and imbalance of hormonal secretions .[2]
2) Closed lacuna in the topography areas Corpus Callosum and Lateral Geniculate Body- @11', correlation to health perspective yet to be confirmed. John Andrews suggest that main signs to observe for this location which include Radial Furrow.
3) Leaf lacuna located in the topographical areas of Spleen and Medulla Oblongata- @30'. Classical topography indicative of Medulla.Suggest respiratory problem, asthma and survival issue involvement in emotional aspects- Lx. Spleen does not genetically affected by lacuna, it only concern when with the sign of :
a) Rarefaction of the iris fibers structure in it reaction field
b) Brown (topostabile)/Sandy yellow pigment (topostabile/topolabile)
c) Spleen Transversal.
d) Indentation of the collarette adjacent to spleen zone.
4) Small lacuna in the area of Ear zone, suggest disturbances in hearing.
5) Crypt located closest to the collarette, in the new reflex area of Parotid lymph Node- @47'. Concerns with stagnation of the lymphatic system. Classical view nearest to pancreas, if the sign located in @60'.
6) Indentation of the collarette - @66', Pancreas and Aorta involvement. Tendency of blood sugar involvement and heart disease problem.
7) Solitary brown pigment located inside the collarette - @70', embryological Spleen involvement, potential of immunological compromise. Classical location in descending colon.
8) Indentation of the collarette- @100', suggest Cardiovascular risk, potential Heart disease problem. Classical topographies involved with Heart and Thymus Gland.
9) Indentation of the collarette at Spleen reflexive zone - 125', suggest spleen dysfunction.
10) Protrusion of the collarette in the Spleen zone - @136'. Modern/Classical indicates Sigmoid Colon, suggest disturbances in this affected area.
11) Closed lacuna inside with loose fibre structure in Testes reaction field - @145', potential of testicular problem.
12) Multiple lacunae located in the Renal Pelvis and Kidney reflexive areas - @160'~190'. Tendency to renal and kidney deficiency.
13) Deep Indentation of the collarette at @ 180' , tendency to Adrenal fatigue and stress.Stress Axis - Hypothalamus+Pituitary+Adrenal. If  female, stress in this location, consider cervix problem as well.
14) Crypt in the pupillary zone - @215', suggest stress in ileum, no embryological sign in this area.
15) Closed lacuna indented the collarette - @295', suggest Pancreas deficiency, hereditary of blood sugar disturbances. Embryological sign of Pancreas.
16) Crypt attached on the collarette in the reflexive areas of Pancreas and Tonsils - @305'. Suggest tonsilitis problem.
17) Crypt attached on the collarette- @315', tendency to Ethmoid Sinus problem.
18) Crypt reflexively located in the Paranasal Sinus and Limbic System - @340'. Suggest sinusitis and limbic system compromise which relate to psycho-emotional problem.

[1] John Andrews, Modern Iridology Chart, 2011.
[2] John Andrews, Iris & Pupillary Signs, 2008, pg51.

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