Saturday, May 28, 2011

Multidimensional Approaches of the Collarette - 3b (hs)


Multidimensional Analysis of the Collarette :

1) Embryological Analysis - Pupillary Zone
2) Dirk Hamer Syndrome Analysis - Pupillary Zone
3) The Immune Cell & Psychoneuroimmunology Analysis - Pupillary Zone
4) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette - Border of the Collarette
5) Time Risk Analysis - Border of the Collarette
6) Love Dynamics - Border of the Collarette  

Embryological Analysis[1] - Rx and Lx
1) Considered as Leaf lacuna in the embryological Hypothalamus topography area - 0/360', stress in hypothalamus and limbic system compromise, psycho-emotional imbalance. We will look at the indented topography area of adrenal-180', causing the Stress Axis formation.
2) Crypt located in the Stomach reflex area - 50', suggest indigestion problem.
3) Indented collarette at 180', suggest deficiencies in Kidney, Adrenal and Hypothalamus. HPA compromise.
4) Suggest a Stairstep lacuna located in the classical duodenum area and embryological areas of Ovary and Duodenum - 213'~220'. A tendency family history of intestinal tumours, gastric ulcerations and intestinal polyposis. Please refer the IPB Pearl sign in Rx.
5) Indented of the collarette co-sign with crypt in 230'~ 235', genetic predisposition to blood sugar disturbances. Pancreas dysfunction.
6) Crypts in 270', potential Breast problem.
7) Crypts in 295', possible stress in Larynx/Pharynx
8) Defect sign located in 325', embryological heart area, potential of cardiovascular risk. Please refer to Space Risk 9 in Rx.
9) Pituitary stress at 342' ~350'.
1) Radial Furrow located at 0/360', Hypothalamus stress.
2) Minor ray in 15'~21', suggest Pituitary stress.
3) Minor ray inside the collarette - 30'~35', suggest heart stress.
4) Thickened wreath - 90', potential kidney insufficiency.
5) Crypt in 132', suggest liver involvement.
6) Distention of the collarette with crypts formation - 145', suggest kidney deficiency.
7) Minor ray and crypt  - 160'~167', suggest stress in  uterus.
8) Crypts - 190'~195', possible stress in bladder.
9) Crypt in 242', blood sugar imbalance.

Dirk Hamer Syndrome Analysis [2]- Rx and Lx
1) Pericardium, Thyroid and Pancreas - 0/360', suggest cardiovascular risk, thyroid dysfunction and blood sugar imbalance- Rx & Lx.
2) Colon and Bladder - 135', potential gastrointestinal disturbances and bladder deficiency.
3) Stress in small intestine, kidney and ovary- 180'
4) Stress in Pancreas - 213'~220', potential hypoglycemia.
5) Stress in liver and bladder- 235'.
6) Indicate indigestion problem at 270'.
7) Potential stress in uterus and coronaries problem - 295'.
8) Potential breast and larinx problems- 325'.
1) Radial furrow - 35', suggest stress in breast and bronchi.
2) Crypt in 132', gastrointestinal and bladder disturbances - 132'~145'.
3) Minor ray and crypt in 160'~167', tendency stress in uterus, ovary and kidney.
4) Crypts formation - 184',190' &195', stress in small intestine, kidney and right vitreum.
5) Crypts - 242' & 247', disturbances in liver and bladder.
6) Crypt - 270', potential digestion problem.

The Immune Cell & Psychoneuroimmunology Analysis [3]- Rx and Lx 

Introflession of the Collarette-Rx
1) Indentation of the collarette at 230', suggest relate to T-Cell.
2) Indentation of the collarette at 180', suggest relate to Mast Cells.

Introflession & Extroflession of the Collarette-Lx
1) Indentation of the collarette at 195', suggest concern with Kupffer Cells.
2) Indentation of the collarette at 180', suggest concern with Mast Cells.
3) Distended of the collarette at 145', suggest relate to Meseengial Cells
4) Indentation of the collarette at 135', suggest relate to Neutrophils.

Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette Analysis [4]

1) Concern with limbic system compromise, psycho-emotional imbalance - 360'/0'
2) Emotional issues relate to father, masculine figure- 95'
3) Issue of betrayal - 135'
4) Deep feeling of fear, stress and tension - 180'
5) Experienced of violence in childhood - 213'
6) Deep feeling of anger and resentment - 230'
7) Feeling of grief - 270'
8) Impatience - 295'

1) Emotional imbalance and limbic system compromise, hypothalamus stress- 360'/0'
2) Concern with perception, conflict of perception - 30' ~ 35'
3) Unresolved emotional issues related with father - 90'
4) Unresolved issue of betrayal - 132' ~140'
5) Feeling of fear to something - 180'
6) Issue of partnership and intimacy - 190'~195'
7) Worry, stress and tension - 220'
8) Betrayal ! - 242'
9) Grief feeling - 270'
10) Issue of acceptance - 342'

Time Risk Analysis [5]


Time Risk Analysis - Rx and Lx
1) Leaf lacuna - 360'/0'- Age of 60, gestation start from 0 month
2) Crypt - 270' - Age of 15
3) Crypt - 135' - Age of 37.5
4) Indentation of the collarette - 230' & 180' - Age of 36.5, 30
1) Radial Furrows - 340', 320', 220', 0', 21', 35' - Age of  3.3, 6.6, 8, 60, 56.5, 55
2) Indentation of the collarette - 260', 195', 180', 135' - 16.6, 29, 30, 39
3) Bridge - 90' - 45

Traumatic events/ Profound Stress events at the  past, present and future : 
1) Middle Childhood - Age of 3~8 ( Radial furrows * 3 )
2) Adolescence - Age of 15 ~ 16.6 ( Crypt * 1, Indentation of the collarette * 1)
3) Early Adulthood - Age 29 ~ 39 ( Indentation of the collarette * 4, Crypt * 1)
4) Middle Adulthood - Age 45 ~ 56.5 ( Bridge * 1, Radial Furrows * 2)
5) Advanced Adulthood - Age 60 ( Leaf lacuna * 1, Radial furrow * 1)

The traumatic events or most profound stresses upon the client [6] :
a) During the childhood age of 3 to 8
- Experience of a deep and profound trauma.
- Stress that affecting the physical body.
b) Early adulthood age of 27.5 29, 30 and 39. Current age : 35
- Suppression of anger and resentment
- Fear & depression, deep sense of injustice.
- Unresolved issues of betrayal.
c) Age of 60, potential experience of a deep and profound trauma, a challenge in psychological and emotional. HPA Axis

The Evolutive Steps In Love [7] 


Love Dynamics of the Collarette Analysis- Rx and Lx

Rx: Degree of Birth- 266'
a) 230'- Indentation of the collarette - Step 1 & Step 2
a1) 213' - Distention of the collarette - Step 2
b) 180'- Indentation of the collarette - Step 3

Lx: Degree of Birth-266'
a) 260'- Indentation of the collarette - Step 1
b) 195'- Indentation of the collarette - Step 3
c) 180' - Indentation of the collarette - Step 3 & 4
d) 145' - Distention of the collarette - Step 4 & 5
e) 135' - Indentation of the collarette- Step 5

Further explanation about the steps of love, please refer to Daniele Lo Rito book of " How We Love And How We Desire To Be Loved", pg 39 & 40.

[1] John Andrews, Embryological Chart.
[2] Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Iridology & Hamer Syndrome,2006.
[3] John Andrews, The Collarette, Immune Cell and Psychoneuroimmunology Foundation Iris Chart, 2002-2007.
[4] John Andrews, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette Chart, 2004.
[5] Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Time Risk , 1997.
[6] John Andrews,  Emotional Approaches in Iridology, 2004. Differentiation of Time Risk markings, pg106.
[7] Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, How We Love And How We Desire To Be Loved, 2010.

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