Sunday, May 22, 2011

Inner Pupillary Border - Spinal Reflex Analysis-Rx & Lx- 2d

Spinal Cord (The above diagram depicted from the source : )
Inner Pupillary Border with Spinal Reflex [1]
1) The IPB signs that are considered in Spinal Reflex Analysis are:
a) Extroflession
b) Introflession
c) Absence
2) 26 sections linked with the 26 vertebrae, however a new reality could be 31 subdivision to reflect the 31 spinal nerve, suggest by John Andrews.
3) The Inner Pupillary Border Spinal Reflexive Zones:
a) Cervical Vertebrae - @300'~ @60' - C1 to C8
b) Throacic - @60'~@120' & @240'~@300' - T1 to T12
c) Lumbar Vertebrae - @120'~@150' & @210'~@240'- L1 to L5
d) Sacrum - @150'~@175' & @185'~@210'- S1 to S5
e) Coccyx - @175'~@185'.

IPB Spinal Reflexive Angles



The IPB Spinal Reflex Analysis - Rx and Lx
1) 315', 8', 28' & 33' - Suggest stress in Cervical Vertebrae - Rx
2) 90' - Suggest stress in Thoracic Vertebrae - Rx
3) 298', 301', 7', 10', 45', 58' & 63' - Suggest stress in Cervical Vertebrae - Lx

Reference :
[1] John Andrews, Inner Pupillary Border & Spinal Refelx Chart, 2004.

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