Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Modern/Classical Iridology Vs Multidimensional Analysis -3c(hs)

Compare the Modern Iridology analysis with Multidimensional findings :

Collarette- Rx

Leaf lacuna in Hypothalamus reflex zone, refer an indentation of the collarette, embryological sign at @180', HPA and limbic system compromised.

Thyroid lacuna located on the border of the collarette- Hypothyroidism tendency
1) Dirk Hamer Syndrome sign at @360'/0'
2) IPB Squared sign
3) Space Risk 7 - @300'

Indentation of the Collarette -
1) 235' - Liver disturbances and pancreas dysfunction, potential poor in fat metabolism and blood sugar imbalance.
a) Pancreas : 
- Embryological pancreas sign at @235'
- Crypt at 242'
- Dirk Hamer Syndrome at @360'/0', @213'~220'
b) Liver
- Embryological sign at @132'
- Dirk Hamer Syndrome at @235'
- IPB Triangle sign
- Space Risk 12 - @275'
2) 180'- Stress in adrenal, renal and kidney
- Space Risk 18 - @235'
3) Closed lacuna at kidney reaction field.

Stairstep Lacuna - Potential of  intestinal dybiosis
1) Pearl sign
2) Triangle sign
3) Embryological sign - @213'~220

Heart Sign - Potential cardiovascular risk, heart disease
1) Space Risk 9 - @290'
2) Embryological heart sign - @325'

Brown Pigment - topostabile located in the liver reflex zone, suggest liver involvement

Collarette - Lx

Radial Furrows in Frontal Brain Area- HPA compromise

Indentation, Lacuna & Crypt in Ventral Section
Indentation of the collarette-
a) 195'- Kidney deficiency
- Embryological sign at @145'
- Dirk Hamer sign at @167' & @190'
b) 180' - Kidney and adrenal
- Thickened wreath at @90'
1) Distention of the collarette with crypt formation - Potential ovary stress
- Dirk Hamer sign at @160'~167'
2) Crypt at cervix zone
3) Closed lacuna at bladder reaction field, potential stress in urination 
- Embryological sign at @190'~195'
- Dirk Hamer sign at @247'

Crypts in Pancreas- genetic determined of blood sugar imbalance
- Elephant sign
- Embryological sign at @242' 

Small Lacuna/Crypt  in Thyroid  zone - Thyroid dysfunction

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