Thursday, March 31, 2011

Radial Furrows

Rx, Male,67
1)Major ray emanate from the border of the IPB crossing pupillary zone penetrating the border of the collarette toward to ciliary zone indicates :
a)Hypothalamus stress
b)The ray with deep groove located at 358'~2'which have tendency to traumatic birth or a person not born on time.
c)Alteration of the limbic system
e)Comprosied adaptability
f) Time Risk sign for age of 60+ - The experience of a deep and profound trauma
2) Parellel radial furrows located in the brain zone suggest tendency of hypertension
3) Major ray crossing the reflexive areas of frontal sinus and eye. Possible sinus and vision problems
4) Suggest testical deficiency

Cryptoid Formation

1) Crytoip formation in the ciliary zone - attest to inflammatory expression in acute & chronic condition, especially when identified in the Brown Iris.
2) Seni-open lacuna with crypts formation.

Time Risk Analysis - 1g

Rx, Male, 41
1) Major ray or radial furrow in the age of 0'/60'- Potential physical & emotional deficiency
a) Birth trauma
b) The experience of a deep and profound trauma
c) Extreme stress affecting the physical body
d) vaccination reaction
2) Bridge/ Flatten hyperthropy wreath crossing over the lacuna - age of 8
a) Indecision
b) Self-doubt
c) Nervous Exhausation
d) Trigger for physical nervous system conditions
3) Closed lacuna with indented collarette - age of 13
a) A challenge of psychological & emotional imbalance
b) Experience of betrayal, anger abd resentment
c) Feeling guilt, emotionally vunerable time
d) Family trauma
4) Crypt - age of 20
a) Deep seated bitterness
b) Deep block in trauma
c) Energy Cyst in PNEI
5) Indentated wreath by closed lacuna - age of 33
6) Cryptoid foemation - age of 50

Dirk Hamer Analysis - Cerebral Cortex Organs-1f

1) Thyroid weakness, conflict of frontal fear, feeling powerless
2) Branchial arcs, conflict of threatened territory
3) Bronchitis, conflict of threatened territory
4) Coronaries, heart disease, conflict of territory
5) Right retina, conflict fear of the nape
6) Left viterum, conflict fear of the nape, of the bandit
7) Left retinaconflict conflict fear of the nape
8) Right bladder, conflict of not being able to recognize the limits of the territory
9) Coronaries, potential of cardiovascular risk, sexual, frustration
10)Larinx, conflict of sudden fright

Dirk Hamer Analysis - Cerebral Trunk & Cerebellum Organs -1e

Dirk Hamer Analysis - Analysis of Physical Disturbance & Vicero-Emotional Imbalance
1) Stomach/ Gastrointestinal disturbances ~ Family contrainess
2) Left & Right Pericardium/ Heart ~ Potential of heart attack
3) Left Vestibulocochlear Nerve ~ Not to be able tp perceive information
4) Colon Deficiency ~ Indigestible, Repugnant
5) Pancreas ~ Sugar imbalance, Conflict of inheritance
6) Liver deficiency ~ Fear of starving, anger and resentment

Space Risk & IPB Analysis-1d

1) Elephant Sign - The IPB Elephant sign highlights the importance of the HPA axis. According to John Andrews, the sign indicates as :
a)Tendency to anxiety
b)Leptin disturbance leading to poor fat metabolism
c)Dysglycaemic tendency
d)Elevated cortisol
2) M Sign- It is indicative of blood sugar concerns within the realm of dysglycaemic
3)S Sign- It is a solitary, usually unilateral sign. They tend to occur in the frontal aspect of the IPB. The sign relate to pituitary problems and prolactin disturbances.

Emotional Dynamics- Collarette analysis-1c

Emotional Dynamic of the collarette - To analyse the person genetic behaviour or personality by identify the structural signs attach on the external border of the collarette, the major signs include: a) Pigment b) Indentation of the collarette c) Crypt d) Lacuna e) Hyperthrophy of the wreath f) Absence of the wreath g) Radial Furrows

1) 355' - Limbic System - emotional imbalance- stress & tension 2) 50' - Verbal Communication - expression onself 3) 70' - Emotional Barrier & Family Issues 4) 130' - Betrayal - Possible issues of betrayal- poor relationship with wife 5) 140' - Betrayal issues 6) 155'- Feeling of Vulnerability 7) 230'- Issue of Organisation 8) 250' - Intuition problem- low self-esteem and passive 9) 280' - Problem of self-validation 10) 300'~310' - Issues of Family Harmony and Personal Injustic Feeling 11) 320'~330' - Survival Issues - Career & Fanancial. Separation - Feeling separation with wife relationship

Embryological Analysis-1b

1) Indentation of the closed lacuna to the external border of collarette - Potential of thyroid stress. 2) Flattened Thick wreath co-sign with crypt in the pupillary zone - Possible heart disease and liver involvement. 3) Cryptoid in closed lacuna formation - Pituitary stress. 4) Deep radial furrow at 360'- Hypothalamus stress. 5) A similarity form of leaf lacuna in pituitary area- Potential of bronchus problem. 6) Considerd double form of leaf lacuna in pineal area- Peyer's Patches - immunological deficiency. 7) Stairstep lacuna- Potential stomach disturbances, gastrointestinal deficiency. 8) Crypt in pancreas topography- Genetic blood sugar imbalance. 9) Blood sugar imbalance. 10) Blood sugar imbalance. 11) Potential of frontal & maxillary sinus problems. 12) Potential of lung stress.

Physical & Emotional Iridology Analysis- 1a

Rx, Male, 41 1) Brown pigment granulations in the sclera attached around the iris limbus is considerd normal under hametogenenic consitutition. 2) Lipmic diathesis - cholesterol ring. Warning sign for the age of 41, possible high lipid level, poor metabolism and fatty liver. 3) Constraction furrows around the ciliary zone indicates high motivated and driven personality, sensitivity, stress oriented, possible muscle cramps and tension. 4) Deep groove of radial furrow tendency of hypothalamus stress, deficiency in limbic system, low vitality and emotional imbalance. 5) Stairstep lacuna attached to the pupillary zone of the small intestine reflex zone, tendency to have a familial history of intestinal tumours, gastric ulcerations and intestinal polyposis. 6) Crypt in the recation field of pancreas, suggest checking of blood sugar. 7) Multiple crypts formation in the humoral zone or the border of the collarette in the reaction fields of heart and bronchus. High cholesterol level related to coronary disease and checking of breathing condition - smoking or asthma problems ! 8) Double- lacunae seem like with cryps formation attched to the urinary bladder reflex areas plus the 9) indented collarete of closed lacuna in the prostate /penis reflexive areas, suggest medical examination in urination, impotence and intercourse related issues. 10) Rarefaction with open lacuna in kidney reaction reaction field. Possible kidney deficiency. 11) Crypt in testes reflex area. 11a) Pancreas deficiency - potential of blood sugar imbalance. 11b) Suggest gall bladder weakness. 12) Indented closed lacuna and crypt in the heart reflex area, potential of cardiovascular risk. 13) Closed lacuna with loose fiber structure in the medulla, suggest checking of breathing condition, a survival issues. Brain - Emotional Reflex Analysis : 1) Survival/ Medulla- Possible of birth trauma, breathing deficiency, resistance to inspiration from the rational aspects, concern about survival in career, financial matters and business relationships. 2) Sexual Expression/ Cerebellum - Possible past genetic epileptic center. Possible sexual trauma either experientially or genetically fromthe masculine aspect. 3) Consciousness/ Vitality / Hypothalamus - Low vitality & enthusiasm, low nerve energy and possible brain fatigue, deficiency in limbic system, potential of birth trauma. 4) Self- Esteem/ Pituitary- Possible low self-image and less confidence in doing anything else. 5) Logical Interact/ Pineal- Possible weakness in express outwardly to the world what one knows one's logical/rational or mental capabilities.


Rarefaction or lose fiber structure indicates low resistance to illness and disease, low density and low resilience and take long time to recover back the equilibrium status.

IPB Analysis - Heart Sign Co-sign with Pigment

Heart Sign - The heart sign is present in approximately 80% of Fibromyalgia cases. Which co-sign with small pigment in the Space Risk of 6 ~ 50'

Space Risk Analysis

1) Space 21 ~230' - Absence of IPB - Abdomen & Thigh a) Muscle cramps, thigh b) Varicosities 5) Space 6 ~50' - Pigment in the IPB - Neck & Shoulder a) Potential neck and shoulder pain or cramps 4) Space 5 ~ 320" - Pigment in the IPB - Upper Respiratory Tract a) Tonsillitis b) Possible acute pharyngitis 3) Space 11 & 10 ~ 275'-280' - Pigment in the IPB - Lung & Gall Bladder a) Potential acute bronchitis, asthma b) Possible bilius colic 2) Space 15 & 16 ~ 255'-260' - Absence in the IPB - Spleen & Adrenals a) Potential chronic fatigue syndrome b) Adrenal stress, allergies

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Heart Lacuna

1) Potential of blood sugar imbalance- 10' 2) Heart sign - Potential heart disease- 13' 3) Immunological stress - thymus lacuna- 18'

Stress Axis - Pituitary- Hypothalamus-Adrenal

1) An adrenal of closed lacuna indented of ther collarette, suggest deficiency in adrenal cortex caused by emotional stress and tension. 2) Crypts in pancreas area.
Stress Axis Formation - 1+2+3+4

Brown Pigment

1) Cholesterol Ring. 2) Brown haze surrounding the sclera and iris limbus under Hametogenic constitution is considered normal. 3) Small brown pigment topolabile in the thyroid reflex area, indicate liver involvement and potential thyroid stress. 4) indentation of the collarette adjacent to bronchus and thyroid reflex areas, amplified thyroid stress.

Small Pigment in Brain Zone

1) Small brown patch/pigment attached on the border of the collarette with co-sign of radial furrow indicate a high potential of pineal stress. 2) Brown pigments located in the pituitary reflex area indicate pituitary stress. 3) Closed lacuna showing hypothalamus stress. The above analyse indicate possible of ; a) Mental and emotional stress b) vertigo, low nerve energy and less vitality. c) Birth trauma as Time Risk sign. d) Headache and loss of concentration.

IPB Analysis-1

The whitened and sometimes brightened IPB may indicates od premature ageing, oxidative stress, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and tendency to bone fractures.

Differentiation of Lacunae

1) Closed lacuna in chronic stage inside with loose fiber structure.
2) Crypts with small black spot diameter size of lacuna.
3) Leaf lacuna inside structure with leaf branches formation. Always attached to collarette.
4) Loose fiber structure or rarefaction of fiber structure in semi-open lacuna formation.
5) Bridge crossing over the lacuna inside the pupillary zone.
6) Crypts.

Small Pigment Co-sign with Lacuna

Rx 1) Small brown pigment seated on the border of the collarette and co-sign with the lacuna showing a significant meaning of liver stress involvement and blood sugar imbalance problem. 2) Another small brown pigment topostabile in the liver reflex zone indicate a predominat sign of genetic deficiency in liver function. Suggest medical examination for liver function and monitoring blood sugar.

Multidimensional Iridology Analysis

Lx, Female, 37 - Embryology Analysis - 1) Pituitary Stress- Low nerve energy and vitality. 2) Genetic blood sugar disturbance. 3) Thyroid & kidney disturbances. 4) Suggest checking of breast. 5) Hypothalamus weaknesses- emotional stress. 6) Pancreas- blood sugar imbalance. 7) Pancreas- blood sugar imbalance Lx, Female, 37 Classical Iridology Analysis - 1) Crypt in hypothalamus indicate emotional stress and imbalance. 2) Small brown pigments located in the brain zone - potential brain fatigue and liver involvement. 3) Pancreas- blood sugar imbalance. 4) Heart sign- possible cardiovascular risk. 5) Ovary- menstruation stress. 6) Adrenal stress. 7) Uterus deficiency. 8) & 9) Pancreas- blood sugar problem.

Vertical Ellipse-2

Embryological Analysis- 1) Pancreas sign- indicate potential blood sugar imbalance, tendency to diabetes. 2) Kidneys sign- indicates kidneys disturbances 3) Ovary and duodenum- indicates genetic weakness in ovary and suggest indigestion problem. 4) Attention to breast. 5) Open lacuna with an indentation of wreath to thyroid area, indicate thyroid disturbances due to overactivity in hypothalamus. 6) Suggest liver weakness. 7) Pituitary stress. Rx, Female, 64 1) Hypothalamus stress. 2) Pituitary & Pineal stress 3) Pancreas sign- potential genetic blood sugar imbalance. 4) Double lacunae in heart and bronchus reflex areas. 5) Crypts in thyroid zone.- thyroid deficiency. 6) Crypt in pancreas zone. 7) Crypt in uterus. 8) Crypt in adrenal - Stress axis - hypothalamus+pituitary+adrenal 9) Crytp in ovary. 10) Gall bladder disturbances. 11) Open lacuna with whitish fibers in heart and pancreas areas.

Vertical Ellipse-1

Lx, Female, 62 1) white patches possible lipids sign covered the reflex brain zone. 2) Vertical Ellipse- indicate impending or more importantly family history of cerebral haemorrhage, stroke or paralysis. Overactivity of the hypothalamus and possible thyroid function problems. The client confirmed had a minor stroke at the left side body. 3) Closed lacuna located in the heart reflex area- Aorta, potential of heart disease. 4) Pancreas sign indicate possible of blood sugar imbalance. 5) Potential of ovary deficiency. 6) Multiple small lacunae or cryptoid formaation in kidney zone. 7) Pancreas sign. 8) Thin and missing wreath in the adjacent of thyroid reflex zone. 9) Pancreas sign

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Multidimensional Iridology Analysis

Rx, Male, 68 1) Lipemic Diathesis- Accumulation of high lipid or cholesterol in the blood stream. 2) Indentation of the collarette iadjacent to the lung, bronchioles and heart reflexive areas. Embryological indicates the stress of the lungs and breast areas. 3) Small brown patch or pigment located outside the IPB area in the pupillary zone, embryological sign as the deficiency of the thymus gland. Space risk sign as lungs and bronchi areas, potential of lung stress, asthama, breathing and bronchitis problems. 4) Hypertrophy of the IPB. 5) Torpedo lacuna indented into the border of collarette, embryological heart sign. Possible of cardiovascular risk. 6) Physical sign of potential blood sugar imbalance.

1) Deep, degenerative closed lacunae located in the adrenal areas. 2)Rarefaction of iris fibers in the kidney area, Kidney dificiency. 3) Degenerative closed lacunae co-sign with radial furrows indicates high potential disturbances of testical organs.

Embryological Analysis - Collarette-2

Lx, Female, 47 - Red- Classical Iridology Topography, Blue- Embryological Topography Common Findings - 1) Pancreas 2) Kidney 3) Adrenal-Pituitary- Hypothalamus - Stress Axis 4) Heart 5) Bladder Potential problems - 1) Pancreas 2) Breast 3) GI disturbances 4) Heart 5) Emotional stress & tension

Monday, March 28, 2011

Embryological Analysis - Collarette-1

Rx , Female, 47 -1) Hypothalamus stress- 0' 2) Double lacuna seated in the pancreas reflex zone-60', suggest attention to blood sugar 3) Crypt located in pancrea- 120' 4) Crypts located in the reflex areas of pancreas, ovary, bladder and duodenum- 210'~220' 5) Indentation of collarette, suggest checking of breast - 270' 6) Multiple crypts located in the reflex zone of thyroid and liver - 280'~310' 7) Crypt in heart reflex area- 320'

Analysis of Lacuna & Crypt

Lx-iris - Predominantly finding the smallest size of the sign amongt the multiple lacunae in the ciliary zone 1) Cryptoid formations in the heart reflex zone, potential of heart disease. 2) Crypt located in the hypothalamus brain reflex area. Deficiency in limbic system 3) Crypt located in the pineal reflex area. Deficiency in limbic system 4) Crypt located in the testes area. 5) Potential deficiency in prostate and urinary bladder. 6) Kidney disturbances. 7) Pituitary stress - leaf lacuna 8) Double lacunae located in pancreas area. Possible blood sugar imbalance. 9) Rarefaction in thyroid reflex area.
1) + a) - Pineal stress with formation of crypt and radial furrow which amplified the seriousness of the problems.
2) + b)- Hypothalamus and pituitary stress amplified by the leaf lacuna co-sign with radii solaris.
3) + c) - Hypothalamus stress co-sign with crypt and radial furrow in the brain reflexive zone.

Analysis of Lacuna & Crypt

Rx-iris 1) Closed lacuna with rarefaction iris fibers structure located in mid-brain reflex area indicates one's perceptions and experiences of what was or was not received from the environment or from masculine/father figures. 2) Closed lacuna in hypothalamus- consciousness and animation of life- indicates a person with a perception of low vitality, less enthusiasm and low nerve energy with the integration of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects. 3) Semi-open lacuna located in frontal lobe indicates the weakness aspects of utilizing one's mental ability to express outwardly in logical manner. 4) Rarefaction of iris fibers in thyroid indicates low resilience and resistance to disease. 5) Closed lacuna in urinary bladder, suggest bladder deficiency. 6) Leaf lacuna in the testical reflex area. 7) Lancet or crypt in pancreas reflex zone. Potential genetic sugar imbalance. 8) Open lacuna in gall bladder reflex area. 9) Stairstep lacuna located inside the collarette indicates intestinal dysbiosis. 10) Closed lacuna in pancreas area. Possible sugar imbalance. 11) Crypts formations in medulla refex areas indicates deficiency in breathing and survival issues in material aspects. Stairstep lacuna located in ascending colon reflex area, suggest GI disturbances.

Embryological Analysis- Collarette

1) Crypt in hypothalamus, deficiency in limbic system 2) Small brown pigment located in pancreas, potential sugar imbalance 3) Small black patch located in between of thyroid and adrenal reflex areas, suggest exhausation in adrenal function. 4) Indentation of collarette in embryological reflex areas of breast and hypothalamus. 5) Crypt in bladder/prostate reflex area 6) Indentation of closed lacuna in the pancreas area

Pancreas Lacuna

Pancreas Lacuna
1) Located in Lx - @50'

2) Attest to genetic blood sugar imbalance and tendency to diabetes

Asparagus Lacuna

Frontal Asparagus 1) Potential Pituitary Microadenoma 2) Possible of memory loss, concentration difficulties or migrain 3) Hypothalamic alterations

Multidimensional Iridology Analysis

Lx iris
1) An indentation of the collarette in 30' - Deficiency in adrenal cortex and indicate as Time Risk sign.
2) Rarefaction of the fibers structure in kidney area indicates kidney disturbances. 3) Cryptoid formations in the ciliary zone of groin and pelvis reflex areas attest to inflammtory expression in acute or chornic condition.
4) Leaf lacuna located in the teste area indicates deficiency and imbalance of hormonal secretions and endocrine system.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Collarette - Time Risk

1) Brown pigment patches on the collarette- Hypothalamus/Limbic System
a) Solitary brown pigment located on the collarette of the hypothalamus reflex area indicate psychosomatic and emotional imbalance
b) Emotional block, bitterness, fear and anger resentment
c) The smaller the dimensions, structures and shapes of the pigment the deeper the trauma and emotional pain experiences.
d) Potential birth trauma.
e) Time Risk sign
f) Embryological sign
g) Liver involvement
h) Conflict and resentment with mother or female figure.

2) Indentation of the collarette
a) Gastrointestinal disturbances- colon
b) Adrenal disturbances
c) Time Risk sign

Combination of pigment patch in pituitary and hypothalamus reflex areas and indentation wreath in the adrenal zone - HPA- Stress Axis- Deficiency in Limbic System