Thursday, March 31, 2011

Space Risk Analysis

1) Space 21 ~230' - Absence of IPB - Abdomen & Thigh a) Muscle cramps, thigh b) Varicosities 5) Space 6 ~50' - Pigment in the IPB - Neck & Shoulder a) Potential neck and shoulder pain or cramps 4) Space 5 ~ 320" - Pigment in the IPB - Upper Respiratory Tract a) Tonsillitis b) Possible acute pharyngitis 3) Space 11 & 10 ~ 275'-280' - Pigment in the IPB - Lung & Gall Bladder a) Potential acute bronchitis, asthma b) Possible bilius colic 2) Space 15 & 16 ~ 255'-260' - Absence in the IPB - Spleen & Adrenals a) Potential chronic fatigue syndrome b) Adrenal stress, allergies

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