Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Multidimensional Iridology Analysis

Rx, Male, 68 1) Lipemic Diathesis- Accumulation of high lipid or cholesterol in the blood stream. 2) Indentation of the collarette iadjacent to the lung, bronchioles and heart reflexive areas. Embryological indicates the stress of the lungs and breast areas. 3) Small brown patch or pigment located outside the IPB area in the pupillary zone, embryological sign as the deficiency of the thymus gland. Space risk sign as lungs and bronchi areas, potential of lung stress, asthama, breathing and bronchitis problems. 4) Hypertrophy of the IPB. 5) Torpedo lacuna indented into the border of collarette, embryological heart sign. Possible of cardiovascular risk. 6) Physical sign of potential blood sugar imbalance.

1) Deep, degenerative closed lacunae located in the adrenal areas. 2)Rarefaction of iris fibers in the kidney area, Kidney dificiency. 3) Degenerative closed lacunae co-sign with radial furrows indicates high potential disturbances of testical organs.

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