Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Vertical Ellipse-1

Lx, Female, 62 1) white patches possible lipids sign covered the reflex brain zone. 2) Vertical Ellipse- indicate impending or more importantly family history of cerebral haemorrhage, stroke or paralysis. Overactivity of the hypothalamus and possible thyroid function problems. The client confirmed had a minor stroke at the left side body. 3) Closed lacuna located in the heart reflex area- Aorta, potential of heart disease. 4) Pancreas sign indicate possible of blood sugar imbalance. 5) Potential of ovary deficiency. 6) Multiple small lacunae or cryptoid formaation in kidney zone. 7) Pancreas sign. 8) Thin and missing wreath in the adjacent of thyroid reflex zone. 9) Pancreas sign

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