Thursday, March 31, 2011

Time Risk Analysis - 1g

Rx, Male, 41
1) Major ray or radial furrow in the age of 0'/60'- Potential physical & emotional deficiency
a) Birth trauma
b) The experience of a deep and profound trauma
c) Extreme stress affecting the physical body
d) vaccination reaction
2) Bridge/ Flatten hyperthropy wreath crossing over the lacuna - age of 8
a) Indecision
b) Self-doubt
c) Nervous Exhausation
d) Trigger for physical nervous system conditions
3) Closed lacuna with indented collarette - age of 13
a) A challenge of psychological & emotional imbalance
b) Experience of betrayal, anger abd resentment
c) Feeling guilt, emotionally vunerable time
d) Family trauma
4) Crypt - age of 20
a) Deep seated bitterness
b) Deep block in trauma
c) Energy Cyst in PNEI
5) Indentated wreath by closed lacuna - age of 33
6) Cryptoid foemation - age of 50

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