Thursday, June 22, 2006


Sometimes while in meditation, I ask how I can be in service to the Divine Plan. And often I am surprised by the answer, "Compassion and Love begin with self. Create them for yourself. And when you are balanced, with your basic needs met, you can assist others."

As an UE practitioner, it is easy to give energy healing to others and more difficult to give to myself. However, if I neglect to replinsh my well, then I have nothing left to give. So, when I choose to follow the guidance for self-care, I use the following easy techniques to nurture and honor myself.

- Drink plenty of pure water . The body easily gets dehydrated when it is under stress. It needs additional levels of water to flush toxins and increase the efficiency of the body's functions. Many biological systems become taxed when coping with stress. Water also increases mental clarity during times of stress.

- Create time in your daily schedule to: meditate and pray peace. This practice quiets the mind, allows you to experience a sense of stillness and enables you to tap into your soul's wisdom. Express gratitude and appreciation for all the blessings in your life and the miracle that you are.

- Breathe. Deep, expanded-belly breaths, particularly through the mouth, reduce the fight or flight response, clear the mind, oxygenate the cells and ground you into the NOW!

- Consciously choose what you listen to. Sound is a vibration that impacts the molecular level and effects the structure and integrity of the water in our bodies . Sound that is imprinted with the emotions of anger, fear or hated distort the crystalline structure of water. Whereas, sound that carries the resonance of peace, love or joy creates healthy, well-balanced crystalline structures.

- Chant or sing the mantra, "The Metta" or "Compassion & Love" over and over. Pure love is the highest frequency there is. And the body, mind and emotions will respond to it.

- Get plenty of rest.

Floods and Landslides Claim 188 Lives in Indonesia

The death toll in Indonesia has increased to 188 after the southern province of Sulawesi suffered days of heavy rains, prompting floods and landslides.

Search and rescue operations have been launched after nearly four days of heavy rain, yet 144 people are still missing, officials said.
174 people have died in the hard-hit Sinjai region alone.

Transfer energy to the affected areas :

Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Philosophy of Natural Healing

by Dr. Dori Luneski

The basic assumption behind natural healing is that the human body is linked to the properties of natural organic substances. The philosophy of natural healing is that your body is capable of healing itself once proper conditions are provided. Herbal therapy is a natural way to help the body heal itself. Herbal remedies neutralize or eliminate from your body the harmful substances that impair its power to heal itself, and provide natural nutrients in their most absorbable form. In the chaotic condition of "modern medicine" and the crying need of the millions, is our grand opportunity to understand the truth about the ancient, honorable, and beneficial science of natural healing with herbs.

Homeopathy is another method of stimulating the body's own healing processes. If you have a symptom, your vital force is down! It is your depressed vital force, not your symptom, that is the origin of disease. Homeopathy is a holistic science, and treats the whole person. Health is not the absence of disease ... it is a universal good condition on all levels--physical, emotional and mental. Homeopathy works on the principle of resonance, like when a singer shatters glass on a special note that matches the energy of the glass. The source of the homeopathic remedy has certain symptoms if taken in excess, and when these symptoms match yours exactly, the two energies combine like the singer who breaks glass, and increases the overall energy. This increased energy raises your vital force and you are now stronger to overcome the symptoms.

To change the "level of health" you must change the person's constitution or "vital force"--a subtle governing energy that organizes and directs physical and chemical action of the body. Efficiency of your vital force is reflected in degrees of health or illness. The present transition toward health and wholeness, rather than disease, has enhanced the growing awareness and importance of subtle energies and influences that encourage the body to heal itself.

Symptoms are an expression of your vital force's effort to heal. Do not suppress your body's attempts to communicate with you!

1) Do not treat thirst with drugs.
2) Understand the healing properties of herbs and allow nature to help in the healing process.
3) Understand that treating symptoms is masking the fact your vital force is down; you need to be dealing with that, rather than just temporarily wanting to feel better.

Every physical, emotional, or mental symptom gives us a particular message, and we need to acknowledge these messages. every true healing process is an affirmation of our wholeness . . . and any condition should "first do no harm."

Rules For Getting Well and Staying Well

  • Be thankful
  • Bless the lives of others
  • Healthy people serve others while the unhealthy are too often consumed with themselves and their problems.
  • Learn to forgive and let go, so you can get on with your life. Many studies have now shown that forgiving enhances health and helps prevent chemical changes in the body that may lead to disease.
  • Live in harmony with those around you. Be a peacemaker.
  • Learn to accept whatever decision is made. Do your best to keep your peace of mind. Peace is a healer.
  • Learn from your mistakes and allow others to do the same. Don't stand over people and supervise every move. Learn to give others the opportunity to grow and grow up.
  • Don't talk about your misfortunes or illnesses. It doesn't do any good for you or the other person you tell, and it presents an opportunity for them to do the same to you. Save it for your doctor. He's paid to listen to your problems.
  • Spend 10 minutes a day meditating on how you can become a better person. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Listen to and follow your conscience.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Walk 10 minutes barefoot un the dewy grass everyday. You"ll sleep better.
  • No smoking or drinking alcohol or caffeine. Both nicotine and alcohol are depressant drugs. Both require energy to detoxigy the body, which energy is better used for life and healing processes.

Energy Medicine

by author Joseph Barry Martin, PhD

When we suffer from any kind of pain–physical, emotional, or spiritual, including a painful relationship–our emotions send messages to the body and mind about the need to return to balance. Responding to this call in a positive way can help us find energy and a sense of happiness, vitality, and joy.

During 35 years of clinical work as a psychotherapist and energy counsellor, I have heard people tell me that chronic pain goes away only when they deal with its root causes. There is an end to suffering, and we can find it through practices that include deep breathing and visualization during meditation. These practices must acknowledge that pain does indeed hurt. At the same time individuals can develop a conscious, open, flowing, and energetic reconnection with what I call the Source and others call cosmic energy, prana (in Hinduism, the life-giving force), or qi (in some Chinese philosophies, the physical life force). Ayurveda, the 5,000-year-old medicine of India, states that we are primarily energy and consciousness. Most recent science agrees.

“After decades of being ‘off limits’ to academic science and medicine, . . . there is a growing appreciation that all medicine is energy medicine and that the energetic perspective holds the key to the future of the entire medical enterprise,” writes Dr. James Oschman in his book Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance (Butterworth Heinemann, 2003). Energy medicine is the holistic approach to healing.

Healing the Four Energy Bodies

The goal in energy medicine is to bring into balance our four energy bodies: the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physiological. “Dis-ease” results from a spiritual disconnection, poor mental attitudes with outdated beliefs, painful blocked emotions such as anger, grief, and fear, and physiological-biochemical imbalances. The quest for spiritual meaning, mental clarity, and emotional clearing and openness are as important as treating the physical body.

Dr. Carl Jung was keen to point out that the primary concern of every one of his clients was finding spiritual meaning and purpose in life. An individual’s spiritual separation is the primary cause of illness. If not dealt with, it will later cause imbalance and illness in the mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Although there are many powerful techniques for healing the four energy bodies, only two are outlined here–deep diaphragmatic breathing and full breathing with light visualization during meditation. Both techniques focus on emotions inside the body.

Deep Breathing

Sit comfortably and breathe deeply into the diaphragm. Breathe in slowly and deeply to fill your lower abdomen so that your lower belly moves outward two to three inches. As you exhale, let your abdominal muscles pull back toward the spine, forcing out the dead air. Breathing this way charges your body with oxygen to increase energy levels.

Visualization During Meditation

As you breathe in and out, see, sense, and intuit a beautiful golden white light being brought in with every breath and filling every space, atom, DNA, cell, tissue, and organ within you. This healing light will go to areas of pain and release the distress you feel there. Inhale more golden white light; exhale the dark pain outside. Realize the truth that you are not the pain or suffering. You are cosmic light full of energy and consciousness.

While visualizing and meditating to heal and release pain, focus on the physical discomfort blocked within your physical body and intuitively access the blocked emotions there. Is your body telling you something about your healing? Allow the golden white light to release blocked emotions.

Just as you are not your pain, you are not your past, job, life and gender roles, age, health status, or anything else. You are the love you were created to be. Deal with the causes of your pain and suffering in a self-responsible, self-empowering manner.

Transfer UE Energy via Using Small Pyramid - For Level 7 Practitioner

Transfer energy to individual locally to help the patient recovered quickly. There are some illnesses: the first one is breast cancer for women, the second is the skin erruptions, the third is swollen knees with or without liquid, the fourth is surgical spot.

This, this is the small pyramid; surgical spot is the first, the skin eruption is the second, the swollen knee is the third, the breast cancer is the fourth. In brief, the worse wounds on the outer skin of the patient, we use this formula. With this formula, you also place the small pyramid onto the local pain, you also think 4 times, from top to the bottom of the small pyramid one, two, three, and lastly look at the top of this small pyramid, finish, regardless of minute (time).

You transmit energy regardless of time and space, you received the UE when you studied at level 7; you should not transmit energy too slow, firstly because you said psychologically: “this energy is too little!” But with the consumed electricity, you only need to touch with your hand to 110 Volts, you are shocked. Not mentioned to 220 Volts, open the contact point while your hand was touching, you would be burnt into charcoal. With 340 or 440 Volts, you only need to touch lightly when the contact opened, you would become charcoal, completely dissolved.

If you unintentionally practice according to the technique, the principle, you cannot only help any body, but also harm you, at such time, I am the only one to readjust for you with the condition to telephone me directly, then I can adjust, otherwise, you have to accept this situation and have to wait for me.I do not want to scare you, but, in principle, I have described to you that the man-made electricity has its limit, the electricity of our UE is unlimited as I have just described to you.

I hope that you realize the case when transmitting the energy that I do not ask to transmit slowly as well as quickly, you only need to look at it (small pyramid) like this: from top to bottom of the small pyramid one, two, three and then its top, totally about 5 to 7 seconds maximum. Instead of 30 seconds like before, now only 5 to 7 seconds; those who are too slow, slower than the turtle, the turtle has gone 100 meters while you have just started, in such case, you should try to spend 10 seconds maximum. In case you are too slow, it is better not to give treatment and to say that because of my slow character, I cannot give treatment, such treatment harms you and does not help anyone.

That is a very important fact. In the first day, I want to guide you the way to receive the UE, then you transmit the energy to help the patient recovered.Now, the indirect treatment. An “A” person, a “B” person with unlimited distance, either nearby or far away, in brief indirect means the patient is not in front of you. I helped your Chakra 6 spinned at level 4; I also helped you to control an imaginary pyramid in your mind. Twice already. Now, this time is very important, when the patient is far away from you, you use your Chakra 6; you already have a small pyramid, you will control a small pyramid in the outer space into yours, you control your imaginary pyramid, you imagine the patient in front of you, then you transmit the energy by looking from the top to the bottom of the pyramid once, two, three times, then you transmit the energy by the methods of level special class. All of energy enter the patient, stop. Except when the patient calls and said that: “I just had an operation due to my breast cancer, my skin eruption, or my swollen knee.” For one of those 4 cases, treat at the local area, you imagine a small pyramid concentrating on one area, for example at the right or left swollen knees, or at the right or left cancered breasts, or at any wounded area due to operation or skin eruption on the the right or left arms.In brief, you have to know the location.

You use your Chakra 6 to transmit the energy into the imaginary small pyramid located on such local area for two, three days to get rid of such pain or illness.There are some of our practitioners, who have learnt levels 6 and 7, invent many things. They are not artists, but want to paint; that is very dangerous! I want to remind you not to invent many things, the more you invent, the more you are in danger.

Whatever I know, I guide you to achieve many good results; whatever you do not know then you ask and I answer.This energy is the UE, it helps us to help people to be recovered from sickness or pain. I am sorry to say that this energy is similar to the man-made electricity.I remind and emphasize to you in this seminar, I teach you directly, you should not be wise to say that: “I already learnt so I can teach you, or you already learnt so you can teach me” between husband and wife.

You unintentionally teach so easily, the husband teaches with no effect nor transmitting the energy, and the wife teaches for nothing, there is no effect when husband teaches to his wife and via versa. Because in the seminar, you are directly to me, when I teach you cannot listen to all my words, you do not understand; thus there is no reason when you go home you will be able to help others, unless I have an official directive asking all centers and sub-center around the world to help those, who had attended level 7, and the formulas showing how to transmit energy, the principles clearly listed, then you will be able to help them, otherwise, when I suggest you to stop you should not do so. I do not allow to carry out, then you should not teach others, thus it helps you.“Oui!” That is the common principle for all of you at this level Special for now.

Once more, I want to remind you that all of the materials I teach are reserved to all of you in this Special seminar only. Besides, when you unintentionally, with no purpose, teach your husband, your children, your wife and your relatives to follow the formulas of this Special seminar, they are worthless; sometimes they are valueless and if they are accidentally used, then you have to telephone me. I will adjust for you, otherwise, if you have not met me, then you will regain the balance after 100 days or 3 months and 10 days, no more; that’s it. That is what I want to explain to you, you are at high level. You have already known to use the double pyramids, you have known to transmit energy by using the small pyramid.In the future, you put the small pyramid into your pocket wherever you go in order to help others. Directly, you transmit energy to others.

About the technique that you will practice, instead of practicing this double pyramid, you are sitting on the plane, at home, on vacation, you do not have to carry this bag anymore. At home you practice the double pyramid, on vacation you only need this small pyramid, then when you help others without their notice as you hold it like this. For example, you hold it like this (inside your palm) and put it on (Chakra 7) like this, the strong energy goes to the others without their notice. That is when you want to help others, you hold it like this and put it on like this, that’s it. You can put it on with a small distance, not necessary on top (touch) of the head. For example, there are some people, who do not like to put it on thier heads, OK. This is a person’s head, you hold it like this and put it on at this location.

You transmit the energy which comes from the outer space into this small pyramid with tremendous strength through to patients’ Chakra 7 and whole body in order to change the cells to gain back the normal health.That is the first time, our UE knows how to receive the UE, which is faster than the speed of light. For this reason, by now, you cannot sense the flow of the energy as it is too fast. Because the flow of energy is so fast, therefore, at this moment, you do not have to set the alarm clock when you transmit the energy directly, indirectly to individual, group to achieve the results to help the health off all of us around the world, and with good health, we will be able to carry out all small or big projects. That is the basic principle to protect our health.

Written By Master Luong Minh Dang

Friday, June 09, 2006

Water Crystal of the Month

The crystal of the water for which a prayer was offered at the meeting in Bogota, Colombia, March 2006.
The top photo is of before the prayer, the bottom after.

Masaru Emoto was born in Yokohama in July 1943. He is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University's department of humanities and sciences with a focus on International Relations. In 1986 he established the IHM Corporation in Tokyo. In October of 1992 he received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water.

He undertook extensive research of water around the planet not so much as a scientific researcher but more from the perspective of an original thinker. At length he realized that it was in the frozen crystal form that water showed us its true nature through. He has gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness He is the author of the best-selling books Messages from Water, The Hidden Messages in Water, and The True Power of Water. He is a long-time advocate for peace in relation to water. He is currently the head of the I.H.M.General Research Institute and President Emeritus of the International Water for Life Foundation, a Not for Profit Organization

Source :

Kundalini - Chakra 1

Dear Master Dang! I would like to ask about your Kundalini, is your chakra number 1 opened? Will you please explain this to us if it is possible? Thank you.
(Students of level 5)

Answer :

By this question, I would like to remind all of you that chakra number 1 or Kundalini is a serious problem. That is why in case that you feel any movement in the chakra 1 up, when the Kundalini moves, you have to stop it right away. Do not imagine about the Kundalini moving. All of you misunderstand about this and think that it is working would be good to you. None of you have the ability to withstand its heat. If the chakra 1 is opened then the Kundalini moves with a very hot speed.

In science if the Kundalini moves from chakra 1 up to chakra 7, heat will be created that will burn the nervous system. The normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius. If the body temperature increases to 40 or 50 degrees it will cause the body go crazy and paralysis. In the spiritual meaning if the chakra 1 is opened, there will be a strong movement to reach up to chakra 4 and the soul of that person will be push out of his or her body.

For example: if you practice to activate the Kundalini, you are sitting here but it will move with a very fast speed and force your soul out of your chakra 4 and then your mind won’t known anything else. (At that time another soul will enter into your body). It will cause you to have mental illness. So all of you remember do not imagine about charka 1 because you cannot have enough ability to suffer the high heat of the Kundalini moving from chakra 1 to chakra 7.

Actually, I have the opened chakra 1. It has been opened perfectly because I ate a vegetarian diet for 6 months and contacted to my Master by thought. Before that process, The Master transferred so much of his energy that when he realized he had transferred enough energy for me to tolerate the heat, he had opened my chakra 1. Otherwise, I would have lost my mind if I did not have the ability. So that is the answer to some level 5 students, who are curious about this. It will not help anything, so try to avoid your imagination about this for your own safety. If you try to practice to open the chakra 1, and even if the Kundalini is opened by 1%, the body will not allow it. I would never teach you about this problem. As all of you have known, it is so dangerous for you because you do not have the ability to receive that energy. So it is better to only learn chakra 2 to chakra 7.

At the first two levels of U.E. classes, I open the chakra six and seven, 30% and then 60%. That is why in the beginning classes they need to practice breathing technique, a long inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. In science this means to draw oxygen into the lungs and to release out the carbon dioxide to purify the body. In our U.E. program, when a student has just had their chakra 6 and 7 opened, she or he will receive energy, which is Universal Energy. Before attending this program, no one has known about this energy at all. But, now you have learned that it is the energy from God, from very High Beings. That is why in the first day of level 1, a S.H.Y director will open your chakra 30%, starting with chakra 6 and 7, down to chakra 5 and 4, and then chakra 3 and 2. This combined with the breathing technique will supply the new Divine Energy for your nervous system.

As a result of this, some students have felt good and others have felt discomfort due to their unfamiliarity with Universal Energy. Somebody may get sick because the energy is cleaning up the systems in their body.

Students will receive a 60% chakra opening on the second day at level 2, and their capacity for drawing Universal Energy greatly increases. The benefit is to train to become familiar with less energy to more energy. When you attend level 3, you have a 100% chakra opening. This will help your body to tolerate the subtle energy flow from the brain down through the spinal cord. You have already understood all of the special points of the chakra system, which one responds to which related organ of the body. That is why you have enough ability after I have opened your chakra 100% to accept the strong energy that is absorbed from chakra 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 up to chakra 7, and then you have earned the Universal Energy balance.

The energy itself is the God’s possession; it is a great gift for anyone whom attends the U. E. classes to protect one and others. Both healthy and unhealthy persons can experience improved mind-body functions. Humanity will find this program very valuable in health maintenance and spiritual evolution. This is the energy of God. Therefore, you can travel or live anywhere on the earth, and with your ability to use the Universal Energy, you will have the same results.

All of you may leave your own town to live on the five continents of the world, and you will still have enough capacity to help the wandering souls in their transitions without any problem. I want to remind the level 3 students that after you have your chakra 100% opened, the Universal Energy will flow in your body all the time. If you wish to continue the programs for spiritual development and sharing the love with others, it will be a valuable endeavor. At the higher levels, the students train to stimulate the brain and the pineal gland to produce higher levels of hormones that will accelerate self-healing in the mental, physical and spiritual.

Back to the Kundalini, the chakra 1. Six thousand years ago in India and three thousand years ago in China, the Southeast Asians believed that there were 7 chakras in the human chakra system, chakra 7, 6, 5, 4,3,2, and 1. If a person could understand how to stimulate and open chakra 1, that person would have everything. But they might be forget and die because they won’t be able to suffer the force and tolerate the heat. So today, I notify you about what people have misunderstood. Some religious leaders or spiritual masters created the story of the Kundalini but they were never able to achieve the conclusion. Their idea never had a key to anti-aging, anti-cancer, and anti-stress in the human body as the U.E. School has. Those are the problems to show you, so do not practice it, and stop thinking about it. Some books are teaching the method to the self-opening of the chakra 1. It is very dangerous. All of you do not trust in unity of the negative and positive into one, or the unity of the soul and the body into one. How can you do that? Your soul does not eat food or wear clothes.

By learning more about the Universal Energy, it will teach you to develop the real techniques to experiment with the harmony of soul and body. Please do not try to achieve this through the chakra 1. It is a very strong force that moves up through the spinal cord with immeasurable speed. Even though the Kundalini has unlimited force, it must be controlled by the fourth dimension. As you have learned the fourth dimension is the one that is taking care of our earth.

In humanity there is the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind, and these are the food that nourishes us, but we also have the formation of the chakra system in our bodies. This means that you have to practice four stages as: the fourth dimension, the four elements, the human being, and the chakra system. Instead of this, you only study how to use Universal Energy. It is much simpler.

This U.E. School reveals to us to find the fourth dimension, which is easy to learn mind and body techniques. In the beginning, a student practices to accept the energy flow through his of her body, and then the student will connect his or her mind to the fourth dimension in order to use the energy more efficiently in response to the needs of humanity. In this period rather than learning about the self-opening of the chakra 1 from reading books (with the hope of creating energy for ourselves), we instead learn about the fourth dimension (to create more energy for helping people).

The Universal Energy has nourished this whole planet. About 50,000 years ago, many Atlantis Masters came there to meditate inside a large pyramid in Egypt with its many floors from the ground up to the top. There are many good meditation masters in the world, who wish to have enough Universal Energy for their spiritual development but they do not have perfect results. Now at the new age, we are lucky to receive this gift from God, it is our pyramid, our Universal Energy transformer. When you enter into the higher U.E. classes, you will have one more special U.E. transformer; it is antenna model to help you practice to capture the combined frequency.

In the year 2000, I started this method of practicing with the antenna model to increase the flow of fine vibrations in your body to prepare for Day-X in the future. It can help you to create electricity for use in homes. One antenna can create enough electricity for ten homes. In the future, we will set up 1 main antenna perhaps as tall as 1 kilometer to supply electricity and telecommunications from the satellites for the 5 continents of the world

Written By Master Luong Minh Dang

Application of Universal Energy in a Transparent Way

In the Universal Energy teaching, during 12 years we have helped everybody in the world. We concentrate on one point to help all people is that the spiritual development.
We teach people how to perform the depth of love through our actions. So when you have received this capacity, of course you can put it into application through the healing; the teaching, and the meditation to build up your abilities. These are good practices for a Human Universal Energy student.

After 12 years of application since the first student from the Level 1 through the Level 7.1, we have around more than 1 million students all over more than 65 countries. And I already started to teach this program since 12 years ago. We have helped so many people; millions of people to suffer less from their disease. You have learned so many things in your culture, your own civilization of your variety countries here.

Additional this, Universal Energy teachings you can bring your knowledge to reality help to other people. We are not learning this program to be on the top and to control the others for ego-services. We use the freedom in special meaning of serving humanity.

God has to come to this earth to help humanity through this U.E. program, we learn and help people by God’s will, we can not be proud or think that we are higher other people. Although, in the material life you are rich or famous with many diplomas, certificates in the social life but you are working for God, you are on the step of spiritual path you better take a very low position to serve humanity. So that, you will become God's partners we are here to learn Universal Energy to serve humankind on the right way of truth. So the persons who know how to act, then they continue their way. And for those who stop, then it is their own decision. It is their own mistake.

This U.E. Program is very wide and deep information to train not only in the time you are in the classes but through your actions, your teaching, and your meditation. The more Universal Energy you use by any way to serve people the more advantage you get back the wisdom to your mind and thoughts.

Written By Master Luong Minh Dang

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Chant of Metta : Love & Compassion

May I be free from mental suffering
May I be free from physical suffering
May I take care of myself happily

May my parents
teacher relatives and friends
Dhamma farers
be free from enmity and danger
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering
may they take care of themselves happily
May all meditators in this compound
be free from enmity and danger
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering
May they take care of themselves happily
May all monks in this compound
novice monks
laymen and laywomen disciples
be free from enmity and danger
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering
May they take care of themselves happily
May our donors of the four supports: clothing, food, medicine and lodging
be free from enmity and danger
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering
May they take care of themselves happily
May our guardian devas
in this monastery
in this dwelling
in this compound
May the guardian devas
be free from enmity and danger
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering
may they take care of themselves happily
May all beings
all breathing things
all creatures
all individuals (all beings)
all personalities (all beings with mind and body)
may all females
all males
all noble ones (saints)
all worldlings (those yet to attain sainthood)
all devas (deities)
all humans
all those in the four woeful planes
be free from enmity and dangers
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering , may they take care of themselves happily

May all being be free from suffering
May whatever they have gained not be lost
All beings are owners of their own Kamma
in the eastern direction
in the western direction
in the northern direction
in the southern direction
in the southeast direction
in the northwest direction
in the northeast direction
dakkhinaya anudisaya in the southwest direction
in the direction below
in the direction above
May all beings
all breathing things
all creatures
all individuals (all beings)
all personalities (all beings with mind and body)
may all females
all males
all noble ones (saints)
all devas (deities)
all humans
all those in the 4 woeful planes
be free from enmity and dangers
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering

may they take care of themselves happily
May all beings be free from suffering
May whatever they have gained not be lost
All beings are owners of their own kamma
As far as the highest plane of existence
to as far down as the lowest plane
in the entire universe
beings that move on earth
may they are free of mental suffering and enmity
and from physical suffering and danger
As far as the highest plane of existence
to as far down as the lowest plane
in the entire universe
whatever beings that move on water
may they are free of mental suffering and enmity
and from physical suffering and danger
As far as the highest plane of existence
to as far down as the lowest plane
in the entire universe
whatever beings that move in air
may they are free of mental suffering and enmity
and from physical suffering and danger.

Transmitting loving energy is like holding...........

a baby on your hands with love & care........Receiving inner -self of calmness , warmness & peacefulness..........That transcend feeling is the flow of universal energy.

How does UE Energy Flow........

  • UE energy is drawing from your chakras point.
  • The flow of energy & the heat sensation is start from the chakra 7 through the rest of chakras & the whole body cells.
  • UE energy is driven & governed by your thought.
  • This subtle energy will release the blockages & normalized the body bio-energy into equilibrium state.
  • Each of every cell is spiritualized by flowing of UE energy.......
  • UE energy is derived from your heart chakra.
  • The posses feeling of love & compassion is the source of UE energy flow through the giver to receiver.
  • UE energy is the love healing with giving compassion to the receiver.
  • UE energy will be hindered & drained by performing psychic power.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Common Elements of UE Healing Techniques

Who Can Heal?

- Energy healing is an innate human skill. Everyone can become a healer. Training in healing techniques, study of energy theory, and knowledge of physical anatomy help to refine the work and boost its healing strenght.

- Before practicing healing on others, the practitioner should do the necessary work to bring her own system into balance and clear her own blockages. After that, she will be better able to provide healing energy to the receiver.

- Self-healing: It is possible to practice energy medicine on yourself. However, it is generally more effective to have someone else treat you.

- Role of the client is to be open and willing to change. The natural tendency of blocked energy is to move towards release, and the natural tendency of the body is to move toward balance.

Why do we need healing?

- Our energy pathways should be free-flowing, actively circulating to clear stagnant energies and bring in fresh, healthy energy. However, the pathways can become blocked, and healing may be helpful in removing those blockages.

How does healing work?

- Healing is done through interaction of the practitioner’s energy field with the patient’s. Some techniques believe this is best accomplished by the practitioner laying his hands directly on the patient’s body and working with very light touch.

- Love & Compassion is key. The UE energy works with love & compassion, a conscious desire to aid the patient in healing.

- Energy centers and pathways. It is helpful to have a knowledge of theories about energy centers (e.g. chakras) & energy flows (e.g. meridians). By working with these structures when placing her hands in healing positions, the practitioner is able to more accurately target her energy.

Effects of Healing:

- Diseases or illness may develop over a long period of time or they may have a sudden onset . Likewise, sometimes healing is a slow process, where the practitioner starts a process in motion, which the patient then continues through diet, lifestyle changes, exercise, counseling, medical treatments, and more energy work. Other times, healing may be a quantum leap, with significant, long-lasting changes taking place after minutes of healing. Generally, the more chronic the concern, the more energy work will be needed to release long-held patterns.

- Healing is an on-going process, not an end result. Having energy healing done once doesn’t mean you’ll never be ill again. There are continual challenges to our energy systems. Having a routine practice of UE meditation helps with keeping a balanced energy system.