Thursday, June 22, 2006


Sometimes while in meditation, I ask how I can be in service to the Divine Plan. And often I am surprised by the answer, "Compassion and Love begin with self. Create them for yourself. And when you are balanced, with your basic needs met, you can assist others."

As an UE practitioner, it is easy to give energy healing to others and more difficult to give to myself. However, if I neglect to replinsh my well, then I have nothing left to give. So, when I choose to follow the guidance for self-care, I use the following easy techniques to nurture and honor myself.

- Drink plenty of pure water . The body easily gets dehydrated when it is under stress. It needs additional levels of water to flush toxins and increase the efficiency of the body's functions. Many biological systems become taxed when coping with stress. Water also increases mental clarity during times of stress.

- Create time in your daily schedule to: meditate and pray peace. This practice quiets the mind, allows you to experience a sense of stillness and enables you to tap into your soul's wisdom. Express gratitude and appreciation for all the blessings in your life and the miracle that you are.

- Breathe. Deep, expanded-belly breaths, particularly through the mouth, reduce the fight or flight response, clear the mind, oxygenate the cells and ground you into the NOW!

- Consciously choose what you listen to. Sound is a vibration that impacts the molecular level and effects the structure and integrity of the water in our bodies . Sound that is imprinted with the emotions of anger, fear or hated distort the crystalline structure of water. Whereas, sound that carries the resonance of peace, love or joy creates healthy, well-balanced crystalline structures.

- Chant or sing the mantra, "The Metta" or "Compassion & Love" over and over. Pure love is the highest frequency there is. And the body, mind and emotions will respond to it.

- Get plenty of rest.

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