Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Purpose & Goal of Universal Energy Healing

Written By Dr. Thai Tan Truyen, M.D.(T.M.), Ph.D.

Universal Energy Healing with its official name as “Mankind-Enlightenment-Love” is a field of study that includes the diversified and multifunctional fields of research about Human Being, according to the definitions and viewpoints of leading international modern Medical professionals such as Dr. Halfdan Mahler, Dr. Manoj Kurian, etc.

a) Mental Relaxation – Breathing – Meditation

“Breathing & Mental Relaxation” is the topics of research studies and basic applications of Universal Energy Healing. All the beginners in Universal Energy Healing had to go through the practice of “Breathing & Mental Relaxation”. This topic of research study is similar to those from Indian schools of Yoga Breathing that had been around for many thousand years. Nowadays there are many Yogis and Masters of Meditation who research and widely use this technique in various aspects of training and healing human physical as well as mental illness.

Importantly, these techniques of Yoga Breathing and Meditation had proven the healing effects on mental as well as physical problems, that many people, worldwide medical organizations, countries recognized, praised or agreed to allow the research study, applications of Meditation, Breathing, Yoga, Mental Relaxation methods, etc. These fields of study to promote human health such as Yoga, Meditation, Breathing, Mental Relaxation, etc., do not need to rely on medication never had any violations throughout their period of research study and applications for many thousand years at anywhere. Gradually, there are more people who research, study and practice these techniques in many regions around the world.

“Breathing & Mental Relaxation” or Yoga Meditation has many different methods, determinants, opinions, levels, results and benefits. Universal Energy Healing has many different levels. Therefore, the techniques of Meditation change from the lower to higher levels, from the breathing exercise in a sitting still position with eyes closed for mental relaxation at the beginning level, slowly it changes to the level of mental relaxation with eyes opened, and eventually students reach a level that they can meditate while doing the normal daily activities. Each method and level of Meditation brings different results and benefits on the body, mind and spirit depending on the destiny, level, energy and effort of each person who follows this method of Meditation.

b) Wisdom – Enlightenment

Following the training of Meditation, students eventually reach the Advanced Level of Meditation which is “transcendent meditation” or a level of “Body-Spirit Wisdom, Enlightenment”, the highest state of meditation for many practitioners from other Eastern and Western spiritual training. It is also the ultimate goal of Meditation in Universal Energy Healing. In another word, Meditation is one of many vehicles the Universal Energy practitioners can use to research, study and practice in order to obtain the primary objective which is “Wisdom – Enlightenment”.

Buddhists refer to the state of “Wisdom – Enlightenment” as Enlightened, which is the Spiritual knowledge, not Physical knowledge. When we obtain Physical knowledge, it is only our ‘Intellect’ but not ‘Enlightenment’ which is the highest and most powerful spiritual level, and it is not easy to achieve by anyone. We need to rely on this Spiritual knowledge that is often referred to as Wisdom or Enlightenment, in order to have perfect health, or complete healing for your body and mind, according to Hippocrates’ fundamental medical perspectives, the Founder of Western Medicines and WHO’s concept of holistic Health.

Wisdom – Enlightenment is the primary and ultimate goal of Universal Energy Healing. Meditation, Transcendental Meditation techniques are the tools that students can use to research, study and practice. This is only a theoretical discussion. But on a practical application the “physical and spiritual successful achievements of Wisdom & Enlightenment” would be very difficult and only a few people can do it. Meditation has been around for thousands of years in history, but the number of people who succeeded to have Wisdom – Enlightenment is very rare. This spiritual achievement is always a spiritual reward for each individual who follows the Path and practices Meditation. The Meditative journey is a personal one, in which there is no travel companion even our own Master can not accompany us. These Masters are only responsible for showing the way, but the actual practice of Meditation or following the Path is the deed of each person. Nobody can practice Meditation or follow the Path for us.

c) Universal Energy

However, in Universal Energy Healing the students can always have the spiritual support from the spiritual power of Master Dang, who is the Founder and Leader of Universal Energy Healing. This spiritual power has a scientific name as “Universal Energy”. This terminology is used as the name of this new teaching. Additionally, the lectures were given in person by Master Dang during the Advanced Universal Energy courses, conducted in the format of questions/answers and they are referred to as SEMINARS. During these Seminars, Master Dang discussed about many subjects that include almost all the issues, topics or problems involving people, society, humanity, etc. In these subjects, the primary concerns on human health are the issues that involve the aspects of Psychology and Spirituality.

“Universal Energy” is a common scientific name to define something that can be almost invisible in the universe. Modern science has recognized its existence in the deep space of the infinite universe that also contains our tiny planet earth. Universal Energy goes through all physical objects. It is constantly moving, dynamic, active and transforming at a rate faster than the speed of light. Universal Energy still has many subtle characteristics that not many people can recognize. When people can have a better understanding of Universal Energy and utilize its subtle characteristics, mankind will have thousands of its potential benefits.

One of the subtle characteristics of Universal Energy is the spiritual and metaphysical effects on humans and living creatures. It is something Universal Energy Healing had been and continues with the research studies and applications for the benefits of humanity, that includes human life and health. Universal Energy is still new to many people. But the successful achievements of Universal Energy Healing in recent years including the positive effects on human health, on animals, on plants, on agriculture, etc., are the evidences and encouraging signs to help the research and study to focus on a better objective for humanity, plants, nature and all living creatures.

d) Spirituality

When we mention that Wisdom – Enlightenment are Spiritual powers, not the Physical knowledge, we are talking about the metaphysical realm of Spirituality, that human knowledge and science do not have sufficient research study and do not clearly understand. However, we are still able to discuss about it. Therefore, we still have the right to research, study, contemplate and assert our own opinion and perspective on these metaphysical topics. Since the fundamental human rights had been recognized by the United Nations, as we mentioned many times, and the purpose is for health benefits as well as the advantage of knowledge in the new era for humanity.

Spirituality is the concept of a metaphysical realm that existed for thousands of years. Its undetectable nature and potential is the reason that today it is still a mystery. As we progress a lot in material science, we have less focus on the research in metaphysics. But spirituality can never disappear from the world and it will always be something we need to be aware of. Eventually all humans must face the spiritual reality, whether they are believers or non-believers in the existence of metaphysical power.

Therefore, instead of running away from metaphysical issues, we should research and study in order to discover and apply its effects on health as well as many other practical benefits. In fact, it does not only involve human health, but it seems that almost every aspect of human life is connected to spiritual factors. The point is whether we acknowledge it or not, whether we recognize it or not, whether we research or not, and whether we study it or not.

Universal Energy Healing does not pressure or persuade anybody. Any person can listen and agree with the spiritual perspective of Universal Energy Healing. However, Universal Energy Healing can present and help the people who are sincere and serious to learn, to research or wish to obtain spiritual experience that includes metaphysical characteristics and power. Right after their Chakras are opened 100% by Master Dang, these Universal Energy students can have spiritual experience such as the sensation of the invisible spiritual energy around them, the ability to contact as well as the power to neutralize these metaphysical energies.

To put it in a more precise way, with these spiritual powers, Universal Energy students can sense the presence of souls of people, plants and animals, as well as the bad or good souls nearby or far away depending on the spiritual power of each person. They can contact these souls and affect them. The presence of a bad or unwanted soul in a physical body can cause problem to the body or the mind. Universal Energy student can help this situation in a blink of an eye with the capacity of spiritual power. These are the realistic experiences that many Universal Energy students have obtained. However, we never use these spiritual experiences to convince anyone. We can only exchange these spiritual experiences with those who have gone through the same situation, or with those who are serious and sincere to research and study.

Universal Energy does not accept any form of superstition, meaning we do not accept any type of blind faith. A Tibetan Buddhist Yogi Master, the 14th Dalai Lama said, “Belief in the Divine Beings and Spirituality must have deep root in the soil of knowledge.” Universal Energy Healing wishes to add, “Belief in the Divine Being and Spirituality also need to have the flourishing branches of the physical senses and realistic verifications.” Universal Energy Healing believes in Spirituality, which is the existence and activities of metaphysical powers, often referred to as the souls. There are many different types of souls with their unique characteristics, capabilities, movements, activities in many spiritual dimensions. There are souls who have the power to interact with the physical world. Also, there are people who have the ability to communicate with souls in different spiritual dimensions.

Spirituality in general and the Soul in particular, are objects and metaphysical aspects that humans had known for thousands of years. They are now and always will be the mysterious subjects that people still need to research and study in order to obtain beneficial effects to help human life, including the tasks of caring and protecting health. Currently Universal Energy Healing does not go deep into the research study on the nature, potentials and activities of these Souls. But Universal Energy Healing has the applications to sense their presences, the types of souls, especially the existence of Souls that we referred to as “Wandering Souls”. Universal Energy Healing also discussed about Souls of the Cells and Souls of the Nerves. These are the souls that directly affect the human body and health. There are many Universal Energy students who had the opportunity to communicate with the Higher Beings, such as the Deities, in order to learn about spirituality and obtain Wisdom – Enlightenment.

e) Love

Love is a very important topic and also a significant goal for research, study and application in Universal Energy Healing. It is one of the three parts of its name in “Mankind Enlightenment Love”. If Wisdom – Enlightenment are powers in metaphysical realm then Love is the vibrations and emotions in mental realm. Wisdom-Enlightenment is often connected to the Human Brain, but Love is usually symbolized by the Heart. People normally think that Love comes from the Heart, but in fact nobody really knows exactly its location, nature, source, etc.
Here, Love is only a word to express the boundary of research study and applications of human psychology and emotions. Particularly when it is positive like love, compassion, kindness, caring, etc. Until now and perhaps through eternity Love will be the most mysterious power of the humans. We can recognize love, and we can even try to possess love; but it will always remain as something mysterious. We do not clearly know the definition of Love. But we can easily recognize the effects and benefits of Love on many aspects, especially in this subject it involves Human Health.

f) Mind-Body Unity

Science clearly proves the close relationship between Psychology and Physiology that can be referred to as the “Mind-Body Connection”. The result of this connection is a healthy Body requires a sound Mind. In another word, we always have the “Mind-Body Unity”. From this corollary we can see the significance of Love, positive mental attitude of compassion that can affect human health. Science easily proves this interaction through the love relationship between male and female. As the relationship grows in a positive way, the physical body is also transforming. Maternal love can give better evidence. As a mother really loves her child, the body produces more milk and the quality of the milk is better, on the contrary, if a mother does not have much love then the body reduces the amount of milk as well as the quality of milk.
If positive Psychology can be beneficial to human health, on the contrary negative psychology can be harmful to health. Science can also prove this close relationship easily. Normal people can examine this point without any problem. If a person always has a negative mindset such as sadness, anger, jealousy, grudge, hatred, etc., then he will most likely to develop health problem. There is no medication that can cure the symptoms caused by negative mental attitudes. If it is successful, the result may be limited and temporary, since the causation still exists then the problem is not completely resolved. When we are angry we cannot eat or sleep well. When we are worried we cannot eat or sleep well. If we cannot eat or sleep well, how can we maintain our health? To cure this symptom, we need to clear the mental causation and not just only rely on medication.

Psychology is not just a simple study to recognize a positive or negative mindset, which is not too difficult to do. But to change the mindset is perhaps the most difficult thing to do. Some people who may already recognize their own mistakes, but unable to change their mentality. There are so many factors that contribute to the development of our mindset. They are tradition, culture, individual, family, society, country, religion, faith, education, etc. They are the causes and effects on human psychology and they have deeply rooted inside us, so it is not easy to get rid of or change them. These difficulties cause the sickness and suffering in humanity. To change them, we need to have significant, powerful and effective efforts that everyone had been waiting for.

Universal Energy Healing meets the psychological and spiritual requirements for human beings. It is a combination of positive mindset of love and compassion. The theory is given during the lecture from Master Dang in the courses of Universal Energy Healing. The application is the act of charity to help people in the mindset of love and compassion as we transfer energy to other people, animals, plants, flowers, etc. Students may have the chance to reach the spiritual peaks such as Wisdom – Enlightenment by learning from Master Dang, and from applications by using the method of Universal Energy Healing. Through the practice of meditation,. These advanced spiritual powers can bring a lot of benefits to individuals, family, society and country.

Evidently, when we can combine two factors of Love and Enlightenment, we can eliminate the causations of physical problems, but more importantly we can get rid of the illness in the emotional and mental realms. In another word, we can solve the problem of human suffering. This is the primary goal, not only in Universal Energy Healing but it is also the common wish of the entire human race, and it is even more important than the treatment of physical illness. There are symptoms that cannot be cured. There are problems that cannot be treated. But we can still avoid the suffering. We can still have happiness and joy, as we have Love, Compassion, Wisdom and Enlightenment.

g) Oriental Philosophy

Humans are the highest species in comparison with all living creatures on earth. We are ranked the highest because of our mind, emotion, and especially our spirituality. These are the vital elements that other animals do not have, or they may have up to a certain limit and primitive nature. Humans have their similarities as well as differences. Importantly, they share the same similarity in good, bad or clever behaviors. In general, people usually like good or nice things, and they do not like the bad ones. They are the basic foundations of human Ethic that made up the advanced civilizations and strong points in humanity.

People always wish and look for good things that can be symbolized as the light like joy, happiness, health, love, peace, etc. In fact, they are very hard to find. If we can find them, they can easily change or transform, and they do not last. The bad things that we wish to get rid of can be symbolized as the darkness like suffering, sadness, concern, fear, insecurity, sickness, infirmity, handicap, poverty, and most importantly, death. Nobody wants to die. But nobody can escape death. Nobody wants to suffer. But in fact most of humans suffer for one reason or another, at this point in time or another, here or there.

In the advanced Universal Energy courses conducted by Master Dang, they are called the “Oriental Philosophy Seminar” because Oriental Philosophy contains a treasure of Psychology and Spirituality for mankind. In here we can find a lot of useful information for people such as opinion, concept, profound philosophy, as well as the Wisdom Enlightenment of sages, philosophers, spiritual masters, Saints, Buddha, etc. These precious minds and spirits in the treasure of Oriental Philosophy are the lights or flowers of happiness, joys, health, peace, etc. that humans are looking for. They are the magical wands that can help people to escape from the darkness of suffering, hatred, concern, sadness, anger, jealousy, fear, etc.

Philosophy is a profound teaching in humanity. In the past it was almost exclusively reserved only for people with high level of spirituality. Because only a small number of people who could learn it, consequently the majority of humanity cannot study to find the truth, ethics and better quality of life in order to obtain happiness, peace, joy, and to get rid of hatred or suffering, as well as the more critical issues like human health, or causations of sickness and infirmity. Master Dang and these “Oriental Philosophy Seminars” with the latest techniques in Universal Energy Healing perhaps can bring back the light of happiness, joy, and clear the concern, fear, sadness and suffering in many people.

To accommodate the current situation and the need to teach thousands of people from all levels of social backgrounds, ages, knowledge, mentality, spirituality, etc. Besides the answers with focus to spiritual encouragement and guide, there are questions on the primary topics of Philosophy such as “Life-Aging-Sickness-Death, Happiness-Suffering, Love-Compassion, Enlightenment-Wisdom, God-Man, Heaven-Hell, Devil-Angel, etc.” Each day Master Dang transfers the Spiritual energy to all the students, and allows them to practice the methods of Meditation, the techniques of receiving the Light of God’s Aura so each person can apply the special spiritual training of Universal Energy Healing. They achieve the primary objective of Universal Energy Healing which is “to help themselves and save others.” This is the shortest and quickest way to learn Spirituality and Oriental Philosophy.

In summary, Oriental Philosophy gives us the power of knowledge and spirituality so we can have the Knowledge of Wisdom and Spiritual Enlightenment. Oriental Philosophy also gives us the spiritual power so we can have love and compassion. It is a strong and everlasting bond between Knowledge of Wisdom, Spiritual Enlightenment, Compassionate Soul with the powers of the Deities, the Light of God’s Aura, Spiritual Energy. In this manner, we can solve the never-ending human problems and achieve the Heavenly peace and happiness inside every human. Then we can escape from the mentality of fear, sadness, suffering of Hell, where there is no space-time and a world of evil, insensitive and dark souls.

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