Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Importance of Adequate Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial to physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Yet most of us are chronically sleep-deprived or over-tired.Researchers have found that most adolescents need at least 9 hours of sleep per night to feel and function their best!.

Separate studies have shown that sleep deprived adults have more problems with overeating and binge eating. And, people who suffer from sleep apnea have more problems with high blood pressure than the general public. Not only that, we all feel more tense, down or agitated when we are exhausted. And, whenever we get too far behind in meeting our sleep needs, our immune function is affected. We get colds, headaches and stomach bugs when we push ourselves too hard, and don’t take time to sleep or rest.

Take a moment now to reflect on whether you get enough sleep on a regular basis. Is it hard for you to get out of bed when the alarm goes off, or do you jump out of bed refreshed? Do you need to hit the snooze button again and again because you are too tired to get up and get going? Or do you get up with the first wake up call, but drag yourself into the bathroom, vowing to get into bed earlier tonight….and fail to follow through? How much sleep do you need on a regular basis, and how much do you actually get?If you are like most adults, you are not sleeping well enough or for enough time.

The solution is to practice what is called good sleep hygiene. Here are some suggestions:

1. Avoid caffeine and stimulating medications like Sudafed close to bedtime -- or even all day -- if you are sensitive to their activating effects.

2. Avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime.

3. Engage in calming activities in the evening like meditation, reading and listening to soothing music.

4. Get into bed at a regular time and be sure the room is darkened.

5. Make sure you allow enough hours for sleep in your daily schedule.

6. If these steps are insufficient, consider medical assessment for sleep, medical or psychiatric conditions. For example, sleep apnea, hyperthyroidism, anxiety and depressive illnesses can effect both your ability to fall asleep and the quality of your sleep! Getting proper treatment for those conditions will help you sleep better.

7. You may benefit from a sleep aid or medication. Your doctor can help you decide if that is the best choice for you.Adequate and refreshing sleep is crucial to physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. So please nurture yourself by ensuring you are

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