Saturday, July 08, 2006

UE Meditation Lead to Enlightenment

People meditate for many reasons. Some do it to lower their blood pressure; others like to see special effects with their eyes closed. Many people do it simply because it makes them feel good.

There is nothing wrong with these motives, but we are only interested in meditation methods that can help lead to enlightment, the UE meditation. We think all such methods have something in common: all of them are exercises in remaining aware of where your attention is pointing. In other words, they teach you to avoid getting lost in thought. When the exercise becomes automatic, permanent, and effortless, enlightenment may follow.

Note the word permanent: you are supposed to meditate all day while engaged in normal activities. If you want to get enlightened, meditation is not just something you do for half an hour while sitting on a cushion or wooden floor. This can't be stressed enough: these techniques lead to enlightenment only if they become permanent states of mind. They must become habits.

Meditation can lead you to enlightenment if you do it properly.

“The purpose of meditation is to achieve uninterrupted mindfulness. Mindfulness, and only mindfulness, produces Enlightenment.”—Gunaratana

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