Friday, June 09, 2006

Application of Universal Energy in a Transparent Way

In the Universal Energy teaching, during 12 years we have helped everybody in the world. We concentrate on one point to help all people is that the spiritual development.
We teach people how to perform the depth of love through our actions. So when you have received this capacity, of course you can put it into application through the healing; the teaching, and the meditation to build up your abilities. These are good practices for a Human Universal Energy student.

After 12 years of application since the first student from the Level 1 through the Level 7.1, we have around more than 1 million students all over more than 65 countries. And I already started to teach this program since 12 years ago. We have helped so many people; millions of people to suffer less from their disease. You have learned so many things in your culture, your own civilization of your variety countries here.

Additional this, Universal Energy teachings you can bring your knowledge to reality help to other people. We are not learning this program to be on the top and to control the others for ego-services. We use the freedom in special meaning of serving humanity.

God has to come to this earth to help humanity through this U.E. program, we learn and help people by God’s will, we can not be proud or think that we are higher other people. Although, in the material life you are rich or famous with many diplomas, certificates in the social life but you are working for God, you are on the step of spiritual path you better take a very low position to serve humanity. So that, you will become God's partners we are here to learn Universal Energy to serve humankind on the right way of truth. So the persons who know how to act, then they continue their way. And for those who stop, then it is their own decision. It is their own mistake.

This U.E. Program is very wide and deep information to train not only in the time you are in the classes but through your actions, your teaching, and your meditation. The more Universal Energy you use by any way to serve people the more advantage you get back the wisdom to your mind and thoughts.

Written By Master Luong Minh Dang

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