Friday, June 09, 2006

Kundalini - Chakra 1

Dear Master Dang! I would like to ask about your Kundalini, is your chakra number 1 opened? Will you please explain this to us if it is possible? Thank you.
(Students of level 5)

Answer :

By this question, I would like to remind all of you that chakra number 1 or Kundalini is a serious problem. That is why in case that you feel any movement in the chakra 1 up, when the Kundalini moves, you have to stop it right away. Do not imagine about the Kundalini moving. All of you misunderstand about this and think that it is working would be good to you. None of you have the ability to withstand its heat. If the chakra 1 is opened then the Kundalini moves with a very hot speed.

In science if the Kundalini moves from chakra 1 up to chakra 7, heat will be created that will burn the nervous system. The normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius. If the body temperature increases to 40 or 50 degrees it will cause the body go crazy and paralysis. In the spiritual meaning if the chakra 1 is opened, there will be a strong movement to reach up to chakra 4 and the soul of that person will be push out of his or her body.

For example: if you practice to activate the Kundalini, you are sitting here but it will move with a very fast speed and force your soul out of your chakra 4 and then your mind won’t known anything else. (At that time another soul will enter into your body). It will cause you to have mental illness. So all of you remember do not imagine about charka 1 because you cannot have enough ability to suffer the high heat of the Kundalini moving from chakra 1 to chakra 7.

Actually, I have the opened chakra 1. It has been opened perfectly because I ate a vegetarian diet for 6 months and contacted to my Master by thought. Before that process, The Master transferred so much of his energy that when he realized he had transferred enough energy for me to tolerate the heat, he had opened my chakra 1. Otherwise, I would have lost my mind if I did not have the ability. So that is the answer to some level 5 students, who are curious about this. It will not help anything, so try to avoid your imagination about this for your own safety. If you try to practice to open the chakra 1, and even if the Kundalini is opened by 1%, the body will not allow it. I would never teach you about this problem. As all of you have known, it is so dangerous for you because you do not have the ability to receive that energy. So it is better to only learn chakra 2 to chakra 7.

At the first two levels of U.E. classes, I open the chakra six and seven, 30% and then 60%. That is why in the beginning classes they need to practice breathing technique, a long inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. In science this means to draw oxygen into the lungs and to release out the carbon dioxide to purify the body. In our U.E. program, when a student has just had their chakra 6 and 7 opened, she or he will receive energy, which is Universal Energy. Before attending this program, no one has known about this energy at all. But, now you have learned that it is the energy from God, from very High Beings. That is why in the first day of level 1, a S.H.Y director will open your chakra 30%, starting with chakra 6 and 7, down to chakra 5 and 4, and then chakra 3 and 2. This combined with the breathing technique will supply the new Divine Energy for your nervous system.

As a result of this, some students have felt good and others have felt discomfort due to their unfamiliarity with Universal Energy. Somebody may get sick because the energy is cleaning up the systems in their body.

Students will receive a 60% chakra opening on the second day at level 2, and their capacity for drawing Universal Energy greatly increases. The benefit is to train to become familiar with less energy to more energy. When you attend level 3, you have a 100% chakra opening. This will help your body to tolerate the subtle energy flow from the brain down through the spinal cord. You have already understood all of the special points of the chakra system, which one responds to which related organ of the body. That is why you have enough ability after I have opened your chakra 100% to accept the strong energy that is absorbed from chakra 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 up to chakra 7, and then you have earned the Universal Energy balance.

The energy itself is the God’s possession; it is a great gift for anyone whom attends the U. E. classes to protect one and others. Both healthy and unhealthy persons can experience improved mind-body functions. Humanity will find this program very valuable in health maintenance and spiritual evolution. This is the energy of God. Therefore, you can travel or live anywhere on the earth, and with your ability to use the Universal Energy, you will have the same results.

All of you may leave your own town to live on the five continents of the world, and you will still have enough capacity to help the wandering souls in their transitions without any problem. I want to remind the level 3 students that after you have your chakra 100% opened, the Universal Energy will flow in your body all the time. If you wish to continue the programs for spiritual development and sharing the love with others, it will be a valuable endeavor. At the higher levels, the students train to stimulate the brain and the pineal gland to produce higher levels of hormones that will accelerate self-healing in the mental, physical and spiritual.

Back to the Kundalini, the chakra 1. Six thousand years ago in India and three thousand years ago in China, the Southeast Asians believed that there were 7 chakras in the human chakra system, chakra 7, 6, 5, 4,3,2, and 1. If a person could understand how to stimulate and open chakra 1, that person would have everything. But they might be forget and die because they won’t be able to suffer the force and tolerate the heat. So today, I notify you about what people have misunderstood. Some religious leaders or spiritual masters created the story of the Kundalini but they were never able to achieve the conclusion. Their idea never had a key to anti-aging, anti-cancer, and anti-stress in the human body as the U.E. School has. Those are the problems to show you, so do not practice it, and stop thinking about it. Some books are teaching the method to the self-opening of the chakra 1. It is very dangerous. All of you do not trust in unity of the negative and positive into one, or the unity of the soul and the body into one. How can you do that? Your soul does not eat food or wear clothes.

By learning more about the Universal Energy, it will teach you to develop the real techniques to experiment with the harmony of soul and body. Please do not try to achieve this through the chakra 1. It is a very strong force that moves up through the spinal cord with immeasurable speed. Even though the Kundalini has unlimited force, it must be controlled by the fourth dimension. As you have learned the fourth dimension is the one that is taking care of our earth.

In humanity there is the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind, and these are the food that nourishes us, but we also have the formation of the chakra system in our bodies. This means that you have to practice four stages as: the fourth dimension, the four elements, the human being, and the chakra system. Instead of this, you only study how to use Universal Energy. It is much simpler.

This U.E. School reveals to us to find the fourth dimension, which is easy to learn mind and body techniques. In the beginning, a student practices to accept the energy flow through his of her body, and then the student will connect his or her mind to the fourth dimension in order to use the energy more efficiently in response to the needs of humanity. In this period rather than learning about the self-opening of the chakra 1 from reading books (with the hope of creating energy for ourselves), we instead learn about the fourth dimension (to create more energy for helping people).

The Universal Energy has nourished this whole planet. About 50,000 years ago, many Atlantis Masters came there to meditate inside a large pyramid in Egypt with its many floors from the ground up to the top. There are many good meditation masters in the world, who wish to have enough Universal Energy for their spiritual development but they do not have perfect results. Now at the new age, we are lucky to receive this gift from God, it is our pyramid, our Universal Energy transformer. When you enter into the higher U.E. classes, you will have one more special U.E. transformer; it is antenna model to help you practice to capture the combined frequency.

In the year 2000, I started this method of practicing with the antenna model to increase the flow of fine vibrations in your body to prepare for Day-X in the future. It can help you to create electricity for use in homes. One antenna can create enough electricity for ten homes. In the future, we will set up 1 main antenna perhaps as tall as 1 kilometer to supply electricity and telecommunications from the satellites for the 5 continents of the world

Written By Master Luong Minh Dang

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