Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Common Elements of UE Healing Techniques

Who Can Heal?

- Energy healing is an innate human skill. Everyone can become a healer. Training in healing techniques, study of energy theory, and knowledge of physical anatomy help to refine the work and boost its healing strenght.

- Before practicing healing on others, the practitioner should do the necessary work to bring her own system into balance and clear her own blockages. After that, she will be better able to provide healing energy to the receiver.

- Self-healing: It is possible to practice energy medicine on yourself. However, it is generally more effective to have someone else treat you.

- Role of the client is to be open and willing to change. The natural tendency of blocked energy is to move towards release, and the natural tendency of the body is to move toward balance.

Why do we need healing?

- Our energy pathways should be free-flowing, actively circulating to clear stagnant energies and bring in fresh, healthy energy. However, the pathways can become blocked, and healing may be helpful in removing those blockages.

How does healing work?

- Healing is done through interaction of the practitioner’s energy field with the patient’s. Some techniques believe this is best accomplished by the practitioner laying his hands directly on the patient’s body and working with very light touch.

- Love & Compassion is key. The UE energy works with love & compassion, a conscious desire to aid the patient in healing.

- Energy centers and pathways. It is helpful to have a knowledge of theories about energy centers (e.g. chakras) & energy flows (e.g. meridians). By working with these structures when placing her hands in healing positions, the practitioner is able to more accurately target her energy.

Effects of Healing:

- Diseases or illness may develop over a long period of time or they may have a sudden onset . Likewise, sometimes healing is a slow process, where the practitioner starts a process in motion, which the patient then continues through diet, lifestyle changes, exercise, counseling, medical treatments, and more energy work. Other times, healing may be a quantum leap, with significant, long-lasting changes taking place after minutes of healing. Generally, the more chronic the concern, the more energy work will be needed to release long-held patterns.

- Healing is an on-going process, not an end result. Having energy healing done once doesn’t mean you’ll never be ill again. There are continual challenges to our energy systems. Having a routine practice of UE meditation helps with keeping a balanced energy system.

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