Monday, December 31, 2018

Pigments at Collarette Border & Ciliary Zone - Rx - 2

a) Brown Pigment located at the collarette border indicates deep-seated suppressed emotion, experience emotional challenges/ epigenetic, possible physical weakness caused by gestational trauma in later life time. Modern Iridologist can analyse this situation by applying Time Risk, Prenatal Stress, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette and Neurotransmitters imbalance ( excess or deficiency) modern iris analysis techniques.
b) Brown pigment located at ciliary zone either topolabile or topostabile, we can look at it general weaknesses for colour pigment itself ( tendency to liver and gall bladder disturbances) or located reflexive zone.
c) Diffuse Orange pigment located on collarette border, in this case the colour density are not intense or concentrated compared to brown pigment (a). Generally, orange pigment indicates possible insulin resistance or blood sugar imbalance in family medical history. According to John Andrews, the diffuse orange indicates endocrine & HPA consequence and adrenal stress.

Radial Furrow at 360', Shadow Pupillary Ring, Diffuse Orange Pigment, Magnesium Collarette & Solitary Brown Pigment at 130' - Rx - 1

a) Radial Furrow penetrated to pupil at 360' , this is a very important Multidimensional sign, indicates Hypothalamus stress, Limbic System & Pyruvic Acid imbalance, Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin Sensitivity, possible experience Birth Trauma or Prenatal Stress caused Amygdala imbalance, Depression and Adrenal Stress in later life. 
b) Small brown pigment located at collarette border - 130' is another Multidimensional sign, represent experience deep-seated suppressed and pain emotional trauma correlate with Embryological Hypothalamus stress at 360'. The comprehensive analysis in Modern Iridology as follow:
* Experience emotional trauma during gestation period of 6th month or age 38, possible emotional challenges in relation with feeling rejection, bitterness, resentment , fear and experience of violence - Time Risk.
* Prenatal Stress / Time Risk at the gestation period of 6th month, might cause physical weakness in progesterone imbalance, uterus and endometriosis problems - Gestational Trauma.
* Possible experience family issues of betrayal - Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette.
*. The brown pigment located at section of the collarette -130, indicates tendency to Glutamate deficiency. Glutamate is of the major neurotransmitters, this pigmented collarette will tend to reduced neurotransmitters.
c) The Shadow Pupillary Ring indicates Zinc deficiency, lower Natural Killer Cells and genetic history of immune system problems.
* Recommendation for Bach Flower Therapy.
* Suggest best time for taking the remedies (4 times/day) - 3.30pm & 12am for optimal results.

Black Pigments, Orange Section Pigmented Collarette & Whitened Collarette - nlc - Rx - 5

a) Dark brown / Black indicates neurotransmitters and thyroid result of dysfunction correlate with  local indentation of the collarette at 103' (refer case study-4).
b) Orange Pigment indicates blood sugar imbalance correlate with indentation section of the collarette at 70' ( refer case study-4).
c) White Collarette refer to as magnesium deficiency tendency.

* Recommendation for analyze the Immune Cell, Neurotransmitters & Gestational Trauma  signs located at collarette border for enhance the accuracy iris analysis results. ( Please refer John Andrews research materials, he is pioneering in these  fields)  

Misshapen White Collarette, Neurotransmitters, Immune Cell, Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics, Gestational Trauma & Chronobiology - nlc - Rx - 4

a) Orange pigmented collarette - 290' to 320' indicates Neurotransmitters imbalance, Time Risk, Emotional Challenge & Gestational Trauma.
b) Indentation section of the collarette - 180' indicates adrenal stress, Time Risk, Emotional Challenge, Gestational Trauma & Immune Cell deficiency.
c) Lacuna indentation of the collarette - 103' indicates possible  thyroid gland deficiency, Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics, Gestational Trauma & Immune Cell insufficiency. 
d) Distended section of the Collarette - 97' indicates Neurotransmitters & Immune Cell imbalance.
e) Moderate indentation section of the collarette - 70' indicates possible blood sugar imbalance, Time Risk, Gestational Stress, Emotional Dynamics & Immune Cell deficiency.
f) Explain the physical & emotional challenge of Misshapen While/ Magnesium Collarette structure.
g) Observe the lacuna at external border of the collarette - 250' & 280' ( for reference )

* The analysis of  Neurotransmitters (excessive/deficiency), Immune Cell (elevated, deficiency, stasis) , Time Risk, Gestational / Prenatal Trauma & Emotional Challenges  is by observing the dynamics of the collarette structure - Indentation / Introflession, Distension / Extroflession, Linear / Static
* Analyse the family inheritance weaknesses ( in physical, embryological, gestational, immunological & cellular levels) for this person. ( combine case 1, 2, 3 & 4)
* What are the possible emotional challenges  for this person.
* Bach Flower Remedies recommendation 
* Best time for taking remedies in Personal Chronobiological  aspect.

Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle, Emotional Dynamics in Gastrointestinal & Shadow Pupillary Ring - nlc - Rx - 3

a) Observe the multiple crypts located at internal collarette border - 25', 33', 130' & 245', they are Multidimensional signs and can be interpret in multiple meanings in relation to Physical, Embryological, CAC & Emotional Dynamics  in Gastrointestinal approaches. Please compare your findings in Stage-1( IPB & Pupil Tonus ) & Stage-2 case study. Find out what are the correlation weakness for these 2 iris layers.
b) Explain the Shadow Pupillary Ring in relation to family medical history / inheritance weakness to this person.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Frontal Hypertrophy of the IPB Structure, Right Ellipse & Pupil Tonus - nlc - Rx - 2

Explain the genetic weaknesses for  frontal hypertrophy of the IPB tissues, the right pupil ellipse, the multiple pupil flatness - FF, SNF, INF & LTF, explain it  potential spinal stress, physical weaknesses and psycho-emotional challenges.

Pupil Tonus, Brown Pigments, Shadow Pupillary Ring, Hypertrophic, Distended, Misshapen, Linear, Orange Pigmented, Indentation Section of the Collarette - nlc - Rx - 1

The complete Modern Iridology iris analysis techniques must be starting from the IPB tissues-Pupil Tonus-Pupillary Zone-Internal Collarette Border-Collarette Border-External Collarette Border-Ciliary Zones...let begin..

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Neuroendocrine IPB Structure - Neurolappen, Elephant & Fencepost

Distortion or deviation in the frontal structure of the IPB tissues between 350' to 40' suggest a distinct compromise in hormonal adaptability, less resistance to both emotional , physical trauma or possible psychosomatic illness. The IPB could have an indentation or expansion section of the structure, multiple shapes or morphologies, local absent and pigmented IPB tissue. 
Observe the frontal multiple IPB structures / tissues - Neurolappen, Elephant & Fencepost signs of IPB. Please refer to John Andrews research article on explaining these IPB morphologies in physical. emotional & latest findings in neurotransmitters aspects.

Pupil Flatness in Modern Iridology - Lx

Please identify the areas of spinal stress, explain the physical weakness and psycho-emotional problems related to the spinal tension. Would you explain the Hypertrophy of the IPB structure and what are the physical weakness of  Radial Furrow correlate with the pupil flatness ? 

Crypts in Gastrointestinal Zone - Lx

Observe multiple crypts located at internal collarette border / descending colon reflex areas ( 35', 60', 80', 90' & 95' which explain in classical / physical level. In Modern Iridology, these are Multidimensional iris signs that can enhance the analysis scopes  in  relation to Emotional Dynamics of the Gastrointestinal , Embryological & Kreb's Cycle pupillary zone in cellular iridology level.  Identify which lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette - 130', 150', 175', 210' & 240' the genetic weakness is correlate with the embryological signs at internal collarette border...

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Iris Signs in Modern Iridology Approaches - Lx

The IPB structure, thickness, location and shape (morphology), Pupil Tonus & (Major Ray) Radial Furrows penetration toward pupil is an important consideration in Modern Iridology practices.

The ECM, Cell & DNA/SNPs

a) ECM - Extracellular Matrix, refer to as ciliary zone.
b) Cell - refer to cellular & embryological aspects of the organs & organs in the pupillary zone
c) DNA - refer to chromosomes, the structure of the IPB

Minor Rays / Radial Furrows Located at Inside & Outside of the Collarette Border - Lx

In Modern Iridology, the analysis of  minor ray located at inside of the collarette border or pupillary zone is more important than outside or on the border of the collarette, please think about why... 

Hypertrophy IPB, Hypothalamus Stress, Pyruvic Acid Imbalance, Emotional Dynamics, Time Risk, Gestational Trauma, Chronobiology & INF - Lx

a) Explain the combination of  Hypertrophy of the IPB Structure & Embryological Hypothalamus sign at 360' in Physical, Emotional Dynamics ( Time Risk, Gestational Trauma) and cellular levels (CAC).
b) Identify and interpret the Embryological & CAC signs / minor rays - 23', 48', 155', 200' & 325'.
c) Which embryological sign is correlate with the INF (interior nasal flatness) ?

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Integrity of the Collarette Structure - Lx

The above is to emphasize the important of finding and analyzing a smaller structural sign attached / indented on the border of the collarette, the smaller the sign, the more significant it is...
a) Indentation of the collarette with small lacuna.
b) Marginal linear collarette at frontal collarette structure.

Major & Minor Rays ( Radial Furrows )

Please identify the meaning of major and minor ray, and they carry different genetic weakness in different location such as in ciliary zone, outside collarette border, inside collarette border & pupillary zone.

Tiny Crypts in Modern Iridology - Rx

Please identify these 3 tiny crypts location and it meanings in Modern iridology approaches...

Crypts & Radial Furrow at Pupillary Zone in Multidimensional Approaches - Rx

a) Small crypt located at internal collarette border - 240' & 255', the smaller the sign the greater significant it is.In Modern Iridology, these 2 crypts located at internal collarette border as Multidimensional iris sign, which can be analyzed in Classical, Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle & Emotional Dynamics in Gastrointestinal System approaches.
b) Major Ray / Radial Furrows radiating from ciliary zone, penetrating to collarette border through pupil border.- 190'. In Modern Iridology, is a very important sign for understanding this person emotional state, emotional inheritance or epigenetic by applying Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & Gestational Trauma techniques.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Multiple Pupil Flatness in Physical, Spinal & Psycho-emotional Approaches - Rx

Could you explain the pupil flatness - Superior Nasal Flatness (SNF) & Interior Nasal Flatness (INF) in physical, emotional and the areas of spinal stress ?

Emotional Approaches in Central Heterochromia, Brown Pigment & Contraction Furrows

Please try to explain the emotional dynamics or epigenetic of Brown Central Heterochromia inside the collarette, small Brown Pigment at ciliary zone and Contraction Furrows spreading over the limbus zone.

Multiple Pupil Flatness, Indentation of the Collarette & Embryological Sign - aee - Lx

Analyze the multiple pupil flatness, which pupil flatness is enhanced the interpretation of embryological sign at 95' ( minor ray/radial furrow) and local indentation of the collarette at 180' ?

Collarette Bridge - Progesterone Deficiency & Blood Sugar Imbalance

Collarette bridge possible tendency to progesterone deficiency, blood sugar imbalance and is a Time Risk sign !

Hypertrophy IPB & Multidimensional Approaches in Contracted Collarette Structure - apev - Lx

a) The diameter is between 250 to 280 micron width is considered as Hypertrophy of the IPB indicates an overactivity of the physical and emotional bodies. The Hypothalamus stress at 5' is of prime importance here. The inheritance weaknesses such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Hyperthyroidism, Vitiligo, Systemic Lupus and Diabetes are all possible in this genetic condition.
b) This contracted collarette structure indicate this person with a dominant inheritance of the maternal DNA and biogenetics.
c) Multiple sharp indentation of the collarette at 115', 350' & 5' is a multidimensional sign relates to:
* Predisposition to blood sugar disturbance and limbic system imbalance which correlate and amplified by hypertrophy of the inner pupillary border structure.
* Possibility experienced prenatal trauma at the gestation period of 1st, 7th & 9th can result in depression, sleep disorder, chronic fatigue and adrenal stress in later life
d) Time Risk triggered by sharp indentation of the collarette ( deep to the pupil ) indicates  the traumatic condition in deep-seated condition, such as deep in depression, bereavement, deep self-criticism, anger, deep sense of injustice & self-limitation.
e) The greater the collarette indentation the more deeply entrenched and profound the situation - lost of control.

The Embryological Hypothalamus, Amygdala Signs, The Stress Axis, Time Risk, Gestational Trauma & CAC - ap7 - Rx

Identify the important of Hypothalamus & Amygdala embryological signs, the combination signs of  The Stress Axis, Time Risk, Prenatal Stress and CAC signs located at inside & outside of the collarette...

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Central Heterochromia, Gestational Trauma, Parental Conflict & Resentment, Emotional Dynamics in Anatomy & Pigments - ap7 - Lx

a) Solitary lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette at 175' indicate adrenal stress, psycho-emotional relates to self-esteem, fear, trust and panic.
b) The experience and the potential impact of this Gestational Stress marking at 175' or  a possibility traumatic birth experience at 5th month can result in progesterone, intestinal mucosa, PCOS & testosterone imbalances in later life.
c) Brown pigments located outside collarette border or ciliary zone indicates depression and challenges with the immediate expression of anger.& resentment.
d) Pigment located stomach zone - 280' relates to the father principle or relationship with our father or prominent male figures in his/her life. This small pigment located in the stomach zone topography relate to resentment or crystallization with one's father. ( correlate with  brown pigments presents at ciliary zone)
e) The Brown Central Heterochromia to be a multi-dimensional sign, in psycho-emotional aspect relates to 
* Protection of inner vulnerability or masking the "real self" or Agrimony (Bach Flower).
* Holding onto fears in relation to releasing suppressed emotion and fear.of abandonment ( correlate with brown pigments , adrenal lacuna at 175' & pigment at  stomach zone - 280').
* Tendency for inner-self analysis / self -=criticism.

( Please refer John Andrews research articles on CH, Gestational Trauma, Father & Mother Principle, Emotional Anatomy,  Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & Emotional Approaches in Iridology )

Paternal DNA Dominance & Gestational Trauma - Distended Collarette - ai - Rx

A distended collarette correlates with a dominant inheritance of the Paternal DNA and biogenetics
a) Linear collarette at 75'-85' indicate lower chromium tendency
b) Linear collarette at 255'-280' indicate lower magnesium and Th2 immune rigidity tendency
c) Collarette gap at 290'-330' represent gestational stress / trauma possible happened at 1st & 2nd months leading to possible depression, adrenal fatigue, hypothalamus stress and cardiovascular risk 
d) Multiple lacunae attached on the distended collarette border - 70', 95', 115', 145', 170', 215' & 245' . Under this polyglandular type, we select the sharp ( penetrated to pupillary zone) and small lacunae for analyse - they are genetically predisposition to blood sugar imbalance, thyroid stress and reproduction organs deficiency
e) Observe the Medial Nasal Pupil flatness indicates tendency to thyroid gland imbalances, family history of cardiovascular risk, psycho-emotional relates to nervous exhaustion is apparent. The weakness tendencies for this pupil flatness correlates with the finding results of collarette gap at 290'-330'and thyroid lacuna at 95'

Linear & Indentation of the Constricted Collarette Structure - Gestation Trauma/ Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics Rx - mhn - 2

A contricted collarette border structure correlates with a dominant inheritance of the maternal DNA and biogenetics.
a) Linear collarette at 250'-290' indicates this person tendency to have magnesium imbalance and Th 2 immune rigidity
b) Sharp indentation of the collarette at 75' indicate predisposition to thyroid insufficiency
c) Sharp indentation of the collarette at 120' indicate predisposition to blood sugar imbalance
d) Indentation of the collarette at 203' indicate tendency to cerv
e) The both local sharp indentation of the collarette at 75' & 120' represent Prenatal Trauma at the gestation month of 6th & 8th which indicates indigestion problem, uterus stress and possible of endometriosis.
f) In psycho-emotional possible relates to family conflict, self- limitation and sexual expression issues
g) In Chronobiological aspect, best time for taking medicine / treatment for her potential problems are 7pm, 4pm & 10.30am