Monday, December 31, 2018

Radial Furrow at 360', Shadow Pupillary Ring, Diffuse Orange Pigment, Magnesium Collarette & Solitary Brown Pigment at 130' - Rx - 1

a) Radial Furrow penetrated to pupil at 360' , this is a very important Multidimensional sign, indicates Hypothalamus stress, Limbic System & Pyruvic Acid imbalance, Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin Sensitivity, possible experience Birth Trauma or Prenatal Stress caused Amygdala imbalance, Depression and Adrenal Stress in later life. 
b) Small brown pigment located at collarette border - 130' is another Multidimensional sign, represent experience deep-seated suppressed and pain emotional trauma correlate with Embryological Hypothalamus stress at 360'. The comprehensive analysis in Modern Iridology as follow:
* Experience emotional trauma during gestation period of 6th month or age 38, possible emotional challenges in relation with feeling rejection, bitterness, resentment , fear and experience of violence - Time Risk.
* Prenatal Stress / Time Risk at the gestation period of 6th month, might cause physical weakness in progesterone imbalance, uterus and endometriosis problems - Gestational Trauma.
* Possible experience family issues of betrayal - Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette.
*. The brown pigment located at section of the collarette -130, indicates tendency to Glutamate deficiency. Glutamate is of the major neurotransmitters, this pigmented collarette will tend to reduced neurotransmitters.
c) The Shadow Pupillary Ring indicates Zinc deficiency, lower Natural Killer Cells and genetic history of immune system problems.
* Recommendation for Bach Flower Therapy.
* Suggest best time for taking the remedies (4 times/day) - 3.30pm & 12am for optimal results.

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