Monday, December 31, 2018

Pigments at Collarette Border & Ciliary Zone - Rx - 2

a) Brown Pigment located at the collarette border indicates deep-seated suppressed emotion, experience emotional challenges/ epigenetic, possible physical weakness caused by gestational trauma in later life time. Modern Iridologist can analyse this situation by applying Time Risk, Prenatal Stress, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette and Neurotransmitters imbalance ( excess or deficiency) modern iris analysis techniques.
b) Brown pigment located at ciliary zone either topolabile or topostabile, we can look at it general weaknesses for colour pigment itself ( tendency to liver and gall bladder disturbances) or located reflexive zone.
c) Diffuse Orange pigment located on collarette border, in this case the colour density are not intense or concentrated compared to brown pigment (a). Generally, orange pigment indicates possible insulin resistance or blood sugar imbalance in family medical history. According to John Andrews, the diffuse orange indicates endocrine & HPA consequence and adrenal stress.

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