Saturday, December 22, 2018

Central Heterochromia, Gestational Trauma, Parental Conflict & Resentment, Emotional Dynamics in Anatomy & Pigments - ap7 - Lx

a) Solitary lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette at 175' indicate adrenal stress, psycho-emotional relates to self-esteem, fear, trust and panic.
b) The experience and the potential impact of this Gestational Stress marking at 175' or  a possibility traumatic birth experience at 5th month can result in progesterone, intestinal mucosa, PCOS & testosterone imbalances in later life.
c) Brown pigments located outside collarette border or ciliary zone indicates depression and challenges with the immediate expression of anger.& resentment.
d) Pigment located stomach zone - 280' relates to the father principle or relationship with our father or prominent male figures in his/her life. This small pigment located in the stomach zone topography relate to resentment or crystallization with one's father. ( correlate with  brown pigments presents at ciliary zone)
e) The Brown Central Heterochromia to be a multi-dimensional sign, in psycho-emotional aspect relates to 
* Protection of inner vulnerability or masking the "real self" or Agrimony (Bach Flower).
* Holding onto fears in relation to releasing suppressed emotion and fear.of abandonment ( correlate with brown pigments , adrenal lacuna at 175' & pigment at  stomach zone - 280').
* Tendency for inner-self analysis / self -=criticism.

( Please refer John Andrews research articles on CH, Gestational Trauma, Father & Mother Principle, Emotional Anatomy,  Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & Emotional Approaches in Iridology )

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