Saturday, February 13, 2016

Lymphatic Iris Constitution, Sycotic Dyskrasia Disposition, Lipemic & Hyper-acidic Diathesis - Rx

a) Explain the general characteristics & weaknesses for Lymphatic Iris Constitution/Sycotic Dyskrasia Disposition/ Lipemic & Hyper-acidic Diathesis.
b) Major ray penetration to the collarette border, crossing  pupillary zone to the edge of pupil - 345'
c) Small lacuna penetration to the external border of the collarette - 350'
d) Small lacuna/crypt attached on the border of the collarette - 240'
e) Identify Time Risk & Personal Biological Time at external collarette border.
f) Explain the genetic tendency of Pupillary Shadow Ring.
g) Recommendation for Heart Power, Tree & Flower formulas.

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