Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Flower Formula 8 - Rosemary "UpLift"

Flower Formula 8 - Rosemary 'Uplift' is made from a blend of Flower essences which vibrate on colour Indigo 453nm Indigo flowers promote a feeling of joy and pleasure. The Herb Rosemary is well documented for its wonderful properties of uplifting and stimulating the mind. Depression may be caused by sad and unhappy circumstances which would lead to sedation of the autonomic nervous system, lack of clarity and loss of memory. Environmental toxins and metal toxicity and hydrochloride chemicals such as anaesthetic may also sedate the nervous system. Enabling the elimination of harmful toxins will enable the autonomic system to function in harmony and sadness and depression will lift. FF8 rosemary may aid the assimilation of Vit A/D and amino acids: l-tryptophan and l-histidine. FF8 rosemary may aid the assimilation of essential fatty acids such as oil of evening primrose and fish oils.
Flower Formula 8 - Rosemary is an Indigo coloured formula and vibrates on a frequency of 453nm.
  • The rosemary herb is well documented for its uplifting properties.
  • Yin formula
  • Emotional and tearful,
  • very sad
  • may cry easily, low and easily distressed.
  • very sedated and unhappy with low energy and feels lacking in motivation
  • very supportive for balancing and harmonising the limbic nervous system
  • For those who have become forgetful - clumsy - uncoordinated
  • exhaustion and sedation
  • self induced hypnosis,
  • emotionally anesthetising one's pain in order to cope  with unhappiness
  • Grief and sadness but not able to recover from the emotions
  • loss of memory or burying one's memories because they are too painful to deal with
  • the heart lock. Locking unhappy memories in the soul because they are too difficult to deal with. 
  • The sensory organs - sensitivity
  • helps to eliminate the harmful heavy metals such as lead and cobalt which are both very sedating
  •  helps to eliminate aluminium which may affect memory [used in vaccinations] saucepans
  • copper detox
  • supports the uptake of cobalt, a component of B12
  • Supports assimilation of Vit A/D, Amino acids: l-tryptophan and l-histidine and digestion of essential fatty acids
Flower Formula 8 - Rosemary 'Uplift' is made from a blend of Indigo flower essences:
1. Dead Nettle - Dead Nettle can be used to help stabilise blood pressure as well as help to deal with motion sickness and the limbic nervous system. 

Latin Name:Lamium Purpurium Labiatae
Collection Time:March to September

Summary:Dead Nettle can be used to help stabilise blood pressure as well as help to deal with motion sickness and the limbic nervous system.
Type of person dead nettle is suitable for:A person who is well balanced and forward-thinking. Always looking on the bright side and planning one‘s life in a positive way.
Emotional support for:When a person is easily discouraged, frustrated or suffering from a lack of faith. For the tongue and taste. limbic nervous system.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

Stabilises blood pressure.

Motion, sea sickness.

For the treatment of Benzoate poisoning.
Spiritual state dead nettle can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they are easily discouraged, suffering from frustration and a lack of faith.

Dead Nettle may be used to assist the elimination of:hydrochloride, praseodymium, nectrianium, insect Bacteria Melitegrinum [moles], Benzoate.
2. Rosemary - Rosemary can help with tension & stress, premature balding and is a valuable harmoniser for the symptoms of hypoglycaemia, anaemia and parasites. 

Latin Name:Rosmarinus Labiatae
Collection Time:April to June

Summary:Rosemary can help with tension & stress, premature balding and is a valuable harmoniser for the symptoms of hypoglycaemia, anaemia and parasites.
Type of person rosemary is suitable for:A person who is gentle, kind and expressive.
Emotional support for:This harmoniser stabilizes emotional disturbances, depression and tearfulness. Helpful for people who are very low and easily distressed and will burst into tears for no particular reason. When there are difficulties with the limbic nervous system.

Tension and stress in the body.

A valuable harmoniser for the symptoms of hypoglycaemia, anaemia and parasites.
Spiritual state rosemary can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they have high levels of tension and stress.
Additional advice related to using this essence:Herbal properties include: Anti-depressive, antispasmodic and antiseptic.
parts of the plant used - leaves and twigs.

Rosemary is reputed to act as a stimulant for the hair follicles and therefore is used to prevent premature balding.
Rosemary may be used to assist the elimination of:Antidote to symptoms of hypoglycaemia.
3. Sage - Sage can help to relax the nervous system and allow a general release of tension and rigidity. Can also be of benefit with cases of asthma. Sage essence supports people who have difficulty with Low emission radiation and electro-magnetic field forces, such as living near power stations and WiFI masts. 

Latin Name:Saliva Officianalis
Collection Time:May to July
Colour:Indigo & Green

Summary:Sage can help to relax the nervous system and allow a general release of tension and rigidity. Can also be of benefit with cases of asthma. Sage essence supports people who have difficulty with Low emission radiation and electro-magnetic field forces, such as living near power stations and WiFI masts.
Type of person sage is suitable for:Strong people who cope with other people’s traumas with compassion and strength. Able to love and guide with compassion and strength. The person who others turn to in times of need.
Emotional support for:strong people who cope with other people’s traumas with compassion and strength but who feel drained and in need of some support themselves.
Parasympathetic nervous system.

Physical stress because of pain.

Contracted pupils.

This remedy relaxes the nervous system and allows a general release of tension and rigidity.

Often beneficial for those suffering from asthma attacks, stress-related sinus and in serious cases hyperventilation
Spiritual state sage can assist in:When is someone is in the state in which they are carrying a lot of responsibility.
Additional advice related to using this essence:Avoid sage essential oil during pregnancy but the essence is safe

Method - pour boiling water over 2 teaspoonfuls of leaves. infuse for 5 minutes. used as a gargle for sore throat, gingivitis and gargle for laryngitis.
Sage may be used to assist the elimination of:Chlorine, lime, lithium, neon, neobium, niodynum, phosphorus, strontium, yttrium,

4. Strawberry Flower - Strawberry Flower can assist with problems with the limbic nervous system and memory control. When a person is forgetful, clumsy, un-coordinated, scruffy and absent minded. 

Latin Name:Fragaria Ananassa Rosaceae
Collection Time:June to July

Summary:Strawberry Flower can assist with problems with the limbic nervous system and memory control. When a person is forgetful, clumsy, un-coordinated, scruffy and absent minded.
Type of person strawberry flower is suitable for:A person who is fragile and sweet natured, placid and often very intelligent. Lateral thinkers.
Emotional support for:When a person is forgetful, clumsy, un-coordinated, scruffy and absent minded.

Nervous jerks and twitches.

Disturbances of the occular nerves. squinting and un-coordinated eye movement. numb sensations in the fingers, toes and arms. pins and needles. Dead limbs. When there are problems with the limbic nervous system, memory control.

a person suffering wit hhmemory loss such as Alzheimer's disease.

This harmoniser stabilises Zinc/Copper imbalance.
Spiritual state strawberry flower can assist in:When some is lacking direction in their life and is feeling unhappy.

Strawberry Flower may be used to assist the elimination of:Zinc/Copper imbalance

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