Saturday, February 13, 2016

Double Lacunae at 70', Time Risk & Local Dynamics of the Collarette Structure - Lx

a) Double lacunae located at the external border of the collarette - 70' - this is the heart lacunae indicates family medical history of heart disease, this sign is correlate with heart lacuna at 82'.  Psycho-emotional relates to emotional barriers of family issues. Time Risk happened at the age of 48'.
b) Crypts located at internal collarette border - 12', 110', 175' & 245'  indicates tendency or predisposition to pituitary gland imbalance, sinusitis, advice checking family history of diabetes and breast related problem.  
c) Crypt located at 253' - thymus topography area.
d) Hypertrophy, Multiple Bridged & Linear Collarette indicates a tendency to reduced progesterone secretions and cellular uptake, and leading to progesterone-prolactin imbalance, subfertility, autoimmunity, chronic fatigue and blood sugar imbalance ( also defined by orange pigmented collarette)
e) Time Risk Signs - 70', 175' & 253'
f) Personal Chronobiological Time/ Degree - 7.12am, 7.20pm & 12.20pm  70', 165' & 253'
g) Phytobiophysics Treatment - HP4, SF4, SF8, HF11 & HF15  

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