Saturday, February 13, 2016

Flower Formula 7 - Orchid "Cool Calm"

Flower Formula 7 - Orchid formula 'cool calm' is made from a blend of tropical flower essences that vibrate on the frequency of Indigo 437nm. FF7 Orchid ensures a healthy gut flora through promoting alkalinity in the digestive tract, thereby enhancing the activity of acidophilus and allowing a healthy growth of lactobacillus. FF7 orchid can aid the assimilation of Vit paba and amino-acids l-methionine, l-histidine and glutamic acid. Orchid eases frustration and stress when we have become over sensitive, dramatic, depressed and tormented by anguish, self-doubt and feeling of inadequacy.

Flower Formula 7 - Orchidis supportive in the following situations :

  • Emotional stress of healing crisis
  • supports you when you go tropical travelling
  • it enables one to remain cool, calm and collected,
  • feeling hot, bothered and flustered
  • very supportive of babies and little children when they feel 'hot and bothered' 
  • Frustration and inability to fulfill missions and purpose
  • wrong profession/wrong partner
  • Tearful - emotional - frustrated,
  • sexual frustration, inability to reach climax 
  • not able to commit
  • over sensitive, the artist who cannot fulfill their gifts, writers block etc. or just not able to find the appropriate work
  • tormented, depressed, full of anguish
  • a sense of self doubt and inadequacy 
  • emotional paralysis
  • exhaustion, feverish, lacking motivation
  • greed and overeating and maybe obese through loss of self interest, lack of motivation and exercise.
  • supports Autism    
  • supports you when going through the menopause and feel hot and bothered      
  • can aid assimilation of vitamin paba  and amino acids: l-methionine and l-histidine glutamic acid 
  • may assist with assimilation of acidophilous and bio bifidus to ensure healthy gut flora.
  • Ear infection and ear-ache
Flower Formula 7 - Orchid  'cool calm' is made for a blend of flower Indigo flower essences:

1. Blue Iris - Blue Iris can be used to help issues with the right brain, limbic nervous system or the cingulate gyrus. 

Latin Name:Iris Lavifolia Iridaceae
Collection Time:April to May

Summary:Blue Iris can be used to help issues with the right brain, limbic nervous system or the cingulate gyrus.
Type of person blue iris is suitable for:A person who is very sensitive, artistic and inspired.

Often very beautiful. A gifted, creative person, who is only happy when they are totally fulfilled in their creativity.

The novelist, painter, musician, artist, actor, film director, dancer, cook or dressmaker, and is often very gifted.
Emotional support for:Frustration and torment.

Unable to fulfill one’s creative ability.

Oversensitive, dramatic, depressed and tormented by anguish, self doubt and feelings of inadequacy. When there are physical conditions related to the right brain, limbic nervous system or the cingulate gyrus.

The creative brain. Melatonin.
Spiritual state blue iris can assist in:This harmoniser eases the frustration and stress of being in the wrong profession or a person who is unable to follow their true calling in life.

Blue Iris may be used to assist the elimination of:Electrolyte potassium
2. Dead Nettle - Dead Nettle can be used to help stabilise blood pressure as well as help to deal with motion sickness and the limbic nervous system. 

Latin Name:Lamium Purpurium Labiatae
Collection Time:March to September

Summary:Dead Nettle can be used to help stabilise blood pressure as well as help to deal with motion sickness and the limbic nervous system.
Type of person dead nettle is suitable for:A person who is well balanced and forward-thinking. Always looking on the bright side and planning one‘s life in a positive way.
Emotional support for:When a person is easily discouraged, frustrated or suffering from a lack of faith. For the tongue and taste. limbic nervous system.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

Stabilises blood pressure.

Motion, sea sickness.

For the treatment of Benzoate poisoning.
Spiritual state dead nettle can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they are easily discouraged, suffering from frustration and a lack of faith.

Dead Nettle may be used to assist the elimination of:hydrochloride, praseodymium, nectrianium, insect Bacteria Melitegrinum [moles], Benzoate.
3. Temple Tree Frangipani - Frangipani blossom is heavily scented and very beautiful. It is often used in ceremonies of marriage and fertility and can be helpful with emotional trauma. 

Latin Name:Plumeria Obtusa Apocynaceae

Summary:Frangipani blossom is heavily scented and very beautiful. It is often used in ceremonies of marriage and fertility and can be helpful with emotional trauma.
Type of person temple tree frangipani is suitable for:A person who is loving and tender and full of all encompassing warmth and giving. Reliable and dependable. A person whom all people love and turn to in times of hurt. The person who is capable of renewing another’s life energy and who is physically loving.
Emotional support for:When a person is emotionally traumatised by life and will continue to make the same mistakes and never learn from experience.

When they have great difficulty dealing with their own problems and so dwell on others’ traumas, being the wise counsellor but never relating the advice to their own experiences or self.
Spiritual state temple tree frangipani can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they have a spiritual paralysis and are emotionally traumatised.
4. White Orchid - Orchid ensures a healthy gut flora by promoting alkalinity in the digestive tract, thereby enhancing the activity of acidophilus and allowing a healthy growth of lactobacillus. 


Summary:Orchid ensures a healthy gut flora by promoting alkalinity in the digestive tract, thereby enhancing the activity
of acidophilus and allowing a healthy growth of lactobacillus.
Type of person white orchid is suitable for:A person who is sultry, exotic, warm-natured and passionate.

Over emotional, hot and angry. Irritated and irrational.
Emotional support for:Orchid ensures a healthy gut flora by promoting alkalinity in the digestive tract, thereby enhancing the activity
of acidophilus and allowing a healthy growth of lactobacillus. Orchid can aid the assimilation of Vit paba and amino-acids l-methionine, l-histidine and glutamic acid.
Spiritual state white orchid can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they are over emotional, hot and angry, irritated and irrational.

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