Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Pupil Flatness, Stress Axis, Yellow Frontal Pigmented with Distended Collarette, CH & Shoe Lacuna - Lx - 1

(Photo Permission by Adam Bolz)

Identify which iris sign is set priority to analyse and  correlate can enhance the meaning of  the weaknesses ? Identify the predominant of  parental DNA, Time Risk  factor and personal biological clock for taking Flower Essence Formulas or other complementary therapies. Phytobiophysics is recommended for dealing with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues.

a) Explain the lacuna located at frontal section of the collarette at 360' and 180' signify as The Stress Axis - Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Adrenal (HPA) 
b) Explain the Lateral Temporal Flatness & Medial Nasal Flatness of pupil , identify the areas of neuromuscular tension at spinal cord, the physical and emotional levels.
c) Identify & interpret the important embryological signs at pupillary zone - 178', what does it mean if this person is female?
d) Observe the Kreb's Cycle signs at internal collarette border - 178', (200'&220'), (270' &295') and 320', identify its associated acid imbalances.
e) Explain the Linear Collarette at superior temporal section.
f) Explain the diffused yellow pigmented around the external border and inside the collarette zone. 
g) Explain the genetic traits & predominance DNA for this extended collarette.
h) Explain the lacuna located at ciliary zone intercepting with contraction furrows at 280' .
i) Identify the Shoe Lacuna at 15', Adrenal Lacuna at 180' & Indented Thyroid  Lacuna at 270'  in Time Risk,   Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & The Personal Biological Clocks/Times that best prescribe for this person - diet, nutrition therapy or phytobiophysics flowers & trees formulas.

The Analysis of Personal Biological Body Clocks, Time Risks & Emotional Epigenetics on these 3 important iris signs of indentation towards  to  external border of the collarette - 15', 180' & 270'

Distended Collarette with Linear Formation - Paternal DNA Dominance - Rx - 1

(Photo Permission by Adam Bolz)

Explain the genetic characteristics for distended collarette structure. What type of inheritance and dominance of the paternal DNA can you find in this iris, in term of physiological, emotional and personality traits in this iris ?

a) Crypt located at internal collarette border - 92' associated with isocitrate acid imbalance that can cause an increase of oxidative stress on the cell and lower levels of minerals such as magnesium and manganese.
b) Small lacuna attached on the ventral section external border of the collarette - 187' indicates adrenal stress or insufficiency. 
c) Inferior Nasal  Flatness indicates tendency ro osteoporosis, rheumatism, renal disturbances leading to arthritis, gout, polycystic kidneys and urinary infection. If male, we need to look at prostate or testicular dysfunction. If female then we have to observe the uterine condition such as fibroid, endometriosis or cervical dysplasia. Emotionally relate to low self-esteem, self-criticism and fear of failure.
d) Linear collarette at lateral temporal section, possible inheritance of  blood sugar imbalance.
e) Local indentation of the collarette - 295'  at this distended collarette structure providing vital genetic information of indicating as a multidimensional iris sign ! 
- Physically indicate pancreas dysfunction leading to blood sugar imbalance.
- Emotionally relates to impatience, hastiness or impetuosity, suppression of expression, suppressed anger and possible vaccination reaction.
- Time risk, possible traumatic event happened at the age of during childhood period - 10 to 11
f) This client with a distended collarette structure will contribute of their physical, physiological, emotional, epigenetic and personality traits with their father or paternal family history, predominant paternal DNA.

Phytobiophysics - Flower Essences Formulas
a) FF12 - Dealing with magnesium and manganese (Dandelion), emotional disturbances with anger, suppression of expression, digestive disorders.
b) FF13 - Stress, adrenal imbalance and kidney insufficiency.
c) FF15 - Blood sugar imbalance, pancreatic dysfunction, digestive system.
d) FF16 - Genito urinary tract infections, all reproductive disorders, prostate disorders, to stabilize reproductive functions.
e) Superfit Trees Formulas might be used for enhance the above flower flowers further confirming by carrying muscle testing.

Chronobiology  Analysis - The most appropriate TIME for this personal biological clock taking flower formulas is  setting at 187' & 295' degree - local indentation of the collarette at 295' & small lacuna penetrated to border of the collarette at 187', adjustment from degree to time are : 5.20am & 12.28am / daily 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Lacunae at Pupillary Zone & External Border of the Collarette - Multidimensional / Phytobiophysics / Chronobiology - Rx - 3

Observe a radial furrow at 360'/0', multiple lacunae at pupillary zone, smallest lacunae attached on the external collarette border of the collarette and lacunae intercepted with contraction furrows.
Find the correlations within each lacunae at different layers of iris zones...
a) Radial Furrow at 0'/360' as  Hypothalamus stress, Time Risk & Birth Trauma sign at external border of the collarette.
b) Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle signs at pupillary zone.
c) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette signs  penetration at the collarette border.
d) Chronobiology assessment  on different layers of iris zones in classical, modern & multidimensional iridological approaches.

Multidimensional Analysis
1) Radial Furrow radiate from the external border of the collarette to ciliary & limbus zone at 0'/360'  indicates 
a) Hypothalamus stress that impaired adaptability in all situations
b) Birth trauma - a premature, late delivery, inducement and caesarian section can be registered in this difficult birth conditions
c) If is female then it may relate to the birth  of her own children or a history of spontaneous or voluntary abortion. Suggest observe any iris signs at uterus topography area.
d) If is male then the consideration of separation from the mother as an infant is suggested. Suggest checking on the lung or medulla oblongata topographical areas. Observe lacunae at 280' & 295' at lung reflexive areas. rarefaction of iris fibers at 332'  medulla oblongata area. ( if  the client is male)
e) Emotional blockages relate to the above mentioned are : the experience of a deep and profound trauma, extreme stress affecting the physical body and possible vaccination reaction.
f) Observe the lacunae attached at the external border of the collarette at 140' & 145' indicate deficiency uterus, possible uterine fibroid that providing further proven on the birth trauma as mentioned above ! ( if the client is  female)
2) .Embryological signs at 295', 300' & 310' indicates stress or deficiencies of  pharynx/larynx, gall bladder & liver.
3) Indented lacuna at 210' signify ovary stress.
4) Thyroid lacuna at 90' tendency to thyroid dysfunction ( highlighted at previous post)
5) Krebs cycle signs at pupillary zone - 340' & 10' associate d with Pyruvic acid imbalance.indicates blood sugar imbalance/diabetes mellitus, insulin sensitivity and tendency to hepatic steatosis.
6) Crypt located at pupillary zone - 240' associated with fumaric acid imbalance indicates thyroxine imbalance, hepatic cysts/adenoma, impaired liver function and involuntary depression.
7) Observe the linear collarette at medial nasal section indicate tendency to blood sugar imbalance.

Phytobiophysics - HFs Formulas recommendation
a) HF 3 -For emotional stress and anxiety.
b) HF9 - Is a versatile formula which balances the appetite center in the brain and thyroid and     stabilizes the triple energizer and creates metabolic harmony and heat regulation.
c) HF12 - For liver function, hepatoxicity, digestive disorder.
d) HF15 -Regulates the endocrine function of the pancreas and therefore helps to stabilize blood sugar disturbances known as hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia and dysinsulinism. 
e) HF16 - For all reproductive disorders
* Prerequisite of Heart Lock Test 
* Super Fit Trees Formulas Test is recommended to enhance the prescribed Flower Formulas 

Chronobiology Analysis
 The most appropriate times for this person biological clock for taking the  flower energy formula are the TIME  at the degree of Radial Furrow at 360' & Thyroid lacuna at 90' - 12 midnight & 6 pm / daily.

Please refer John Andrews latest research on Chronobiology presentation on YouTube

Friday, November 20, 2015

Thyroxine Lacuna Intercept with Contraction Furrows at 90' - Rx - 2

a) A closed lacuna gently attached at the external linear border of the collarette at 90' interception with contraction furrows, explain these three iris signs of genetic presentation.
b) In Chronological & Phytobiophysics aspects, what is the most effective or appropriate time and Harmonizer Formulas for this client in term of his/her thyroid dysfunction problem ?
c) I would suggest the "Blue Flower" with 470nm wavelength or HF9 AP.ITE HARMONY  formula to treat and stabilize the thyroid imbalance problems.
d) What are the emotional level and Time Risk factor for this condition ?
e) Suggest Heart Lock Test:
- By testing which heart lock is blocked or trauma that affected by the past events.
- The type of effect, the depth of trauma in spiritual, mental. emotional & physical.
- The definition:  How the trauma occurred ?, By Whom or By What and When the trauma events occurred
f) Heart Lock Test can be combined with Time Risk Analysis  to identify the accuracy time of traumatic events occurred.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Lacunae Attached Inside & Outside Border of the Collarette - Multidimensional Approaches - Rx - 1

(Photo Permission by Adam Bolz)

Observe the multiple lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette and pupillary zone. Please identify each iris sign in their genetic tendencies in physical, emotional, embryological, cellular levels...