Friday, November 20, 2015

Thyroxine Lacuna Intercept with Contraction Furrows at 90' - Rx - 2

a) A closed lacuna gently attached at the external linear border of the collarette at 90' interception with contraction furrows, explain these three iris signs of genetic presentation.
b) In Chronological & Phytobiophysics aspects, what is the most effective or appropriate time and Harmonizer Formulas for this client in term of his/her thyroid dysfunction problem ?
c) I would suggest the "Blue Flower" with 470nm wavelength or HF9 AP.ITE HARMONY  formula to treat and stabilize the thyroid imbalance problems.
d) What are the emotional level and Time Risk factor for this condition ?
e) Suggest Heart Lock Test:
- By testing which heart lock is blocked or trauma that affected by the past events.
- The type of effect, the depth of trauma in spiritual, mental. emotional & physical.
- The definition:  How the trauma occurred ?, By Whom or By What and When the trauma events occurred
f) Heart Lock Test can be combined with Time Risk Analysis  to identify the accuracy time of traumatic events occurred.

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