Monday, November 23, 2015

Lacunae at Pupillary Zone & External Border of the Collarette - Multidimensional / Phytobiophysics / Chronobiology - Rx - 3

Observe a radial furrow at 360'/0', multiple lacunae at pupillary zone, smallest lacunae attached on the external collarette border of the collarette and lacunae intercepted with contraction furrows.
Find the correlations within each lacunae at different layers of iris zones...
a) Radial Furrow at 0'/360' as  Hypothalamus stress, Time Risk & Birth Trauma sign at external border of the collarette.
b) Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle signs at pupillary zone.
c) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette signs  penetration at the collarette border.
d) Chronobiology assessment  on different layers of iris zones in classical, modern & multidimensional iridological approaches.

Multidimensional Analysis
1) Radial Furrow radiate from the external border of the collarette to ciliary & limbus zone at 0'/360'  indicates 
a) Hypothalamus stress that impaired adaptability in all situations
b) Birth trauma - a premature, late delivery, inducement and caesarian section can be registered in this difficult birth conditions
c) If is female then it may relate to the birth  of her own children or a history of spontaneous or voluntary abortion. Suggest observe any iris signs at uterus topography area.
d) If is male then the consideration of separation from the mother as an infant is suggested. Suggest checking on the lung or medulla oblongata topographical areas. Observe lacunae at 280' & 295' at lung reflexive areas. rarefaction of iris fibers at 332'  medulla oblongata area. ( if  the client is male)
e) Emotional blockages relate to the above mentioned are : the experience of a deep and profound trauma, extreme stress affecting the physical body and possible vaccination reaction.
f) Observe the lacunae attached at the external border of the collarette at 140' & 145' indicate deficiency uterus, possible uterine fibroid that providing further proven on the birth trauma as mentioned above ! ( if the client is  female)
2) .Embryological signs at 295', 300' & 310' indicates stress or deficiencies of  pharynx/larynx, gall bladder & liver.
3) Indented lacuna at 210' signify ovary stress.
4) Thyroid lacuna at 90' tendency to thyroid dysfunction ( highlighted at previous post)
5) Krebs cycle signs at pupillary zone - 340' & 10' associate d with Pyruvic acid imbalance.indicates blood sugar imbalance/diabetes mellitus, insulin sensitivity and tendency to hepatic steatosis.
6) Crypt located at pupillary zone - 240' associated with fumaric acid imbalance indicates thyroxine imbalance, hepatic cysts/adenoma, impaired liver function and involuntary depression.
7) Observe the linear collarette at medial nasal section indicate tendency to blood sugar imbalance.

Phytobiophysics - HFs Formulas recommendation
a) HF 3 -For emotional stress and anxiety.
b) HF9 - Is a versatile formula which balances the appetite center in the brain and thyroid and     stabilizes the triple energizer and creates metabolic harmony and heat regulation.
c) HF12 - For liver function, hepatoxicity, digestive disorder.
d) HF15 -Regulates the endocrine function of the pancreas and therefore helps to stabilize blood sugar disturbances known as hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia and dysinsulinism. 
e) HF16 - For all reproductive disorders
* Prerequisite of Heart Lock Test 
* Super Fit Trees Formulas Test is recommended to enhance the prescribed Flower Formulas 

Chronobiology Analysis
 The most appropriate times for this person biological clock for taking the  flower energy formula are the TIME  at the degree of Radial Furrow at 360' & Thyroid lacuna at 90' - 12 midnight & 6 pm / daily.

Please refer John Andrews latest research on Chronobiology presentation on YouTube

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