Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Pupil Flatness, Stress Axis, Yellow Frontal Pigmented with Distended Collarette, CH & Shoe Lacuna - Lx - 1

(Photo Permission by Adam Bolz)

Identify which iris sign is set priority to analyse and  correlate can enhance the meaning of  the weaknesses ? Identify the predominant of  parental DNA, Time Risk  factor and personal biological clock for taking Flower Essence Formulas or other complementary therapies. Phytobiophysics is recommended for dealing with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues.

a) Explain the lacuna located at frontal section of the collarette at 360' and 180' signify as The Stress Axis - Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Adrenal (HPA) 
b) Explain the Lateral Temporal Flatness & Medial Nasal Flatness of pupil , identify the areas of neuromuscular tension at spinal cord, the physical and emotional levels.
c) Identify & interpret the important embryological signs at pupillary zone - 178', what does it mean if this person is female?
d) Observe the Kreb's Cycle signs at internal collarette border - 178', (200'&220'), (270' &295') and 320', identify its associated acid imbalances.
e) Explain the Linear Collarette at superior temporal section.
f) Explain the diffused yellow pigmented around the external border and inside the collarette zone. 
g) Explain the genetic traits & predominance DNA for this extended collarette.
h) Explain the lacuna located at ciliary zone intercepting with contraction furrows at 280' .
i) Identify the Shoe Lacuna at 15', Adrenal Lacuna at 180' & Indented Thyroid  Lacuna at 270'  in Time Risk,   Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & The Personal Biological Clocks/Times that best prescribe for this person - diet, nutrition therapy or phytobiophysics flowers & trees formulas.

The Analysis of Personal Biological Body Clocks, Time Risks & Emotional Epigenetics on these 3 important iris signs of indentation towards  to  external border of the collarette - 15', 180' & 270'

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