Saturday, January 04, 2014

Atrophy IPB, Erratic Collarette, Melanin Pigment Co-Sign with Contraction Furrow & Local Indented Collarette - Lx - (parv)

- Heart disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Gastric problems
Please try to identify and explain the atrophy of the IPB tissues, erratic collarette structure, multiple local indentation of the collarette and melanin pigment combination with local indented collarette & contraction furrow terminate in melanin pigment areas !

Atrophy IPB, the diameter is in between zero to 50 microns. The general weakness tendencies for this structure are tonsillitis, sinusitis, intestinal dysbiosis ( enhanced by constricted or misshapen collarette), adrenal imbalance, possibility of low blood sugar and premature ageing tendencies.

a) Radial furrow or minor ray located at pupillary zone signify Citric Acid Cycle sign associate with Pyruvic acid imbalance indicate Diabetes Mellitus & hepatic deficiency tendency.
b) Heart lacuna located at 80' is predisposition to cardiovascular problem, corneal arcus enhance this genetic weakness.
c) Closed lacuna at 165' relate to possibility of cervical stress.
d) Multiple local indentation of the collarette at 145', 205' & 250' classical view indicate potential  of ovarian, uterus & pancreas stress. Time Risk & Psycho-emotional relates to the experience of betrayal, emotionally vulnerable time experienced about family trauma. You may calculate the traumatic events at these 3 interval time !

Melanin pigment indicate predisposition to liver stress, topolabile intersect with radial furrow terminate at this  area also combination with rarefaction of iris fibres and adjacent to the local indented collarette at 140', integrate of the above condition it highly indicate this person is predisposition to ovarian cyst or tendency to cancer related problem  in her family medical history.

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