Sunday, January 05, 2014

Combination of Indented Lacuna, Melanin Pigment & Lateral Temporal Flatness at 260'~265' - Rx - (parv)

After analyzing her Lx-iris, we look at Rx-iris, observe the important combination / co-sign of the above iris structures - melanin pigment co-sign with indented lacuna at 260'-265' adjacent to lateral temporal pupil flatness, these genetic formation firmly indicate a predisposition to cardiovascular, circulatory & breast disease problems in familial medical history. Could you explain these in psycho-emotional & Time Risk levels ? Please try ! This is an example to illustrate for how to identify an important iris signs in both irises and link them to support & enhance the accuracy of your findings and iris analyse skills in multi-levels of consideration !
Melanin or brown pigment emotionally indicate anger, suppression of expression if co-sign with lacuna indented toward to pupillary zone it can be explained in deep rage, deep guilt, deep familial conflict, sadness, suppression of the emotional experience in connection to the trauma and experienced a extremely challenging time with difficult to resolve. This traumatic event could be happened at the aged of 15 to 16 ! Remember to analyse the Time Risk marking at Lx-iris ( multiple local indentation of the collarette at 145', 205' & 250' for reference). Emotionally, the lateral temporal flatness also indicate suppression of expression and communication !

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