Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Inner Pupillary Border - Thickness, Shapes, Structure & Pupil Flattening in Physical & Psycho-emotional Approaches - Lx - (gopa)

Please combined your findings of Rx and continuing analyse this Lx-iris. Identify the IPB morphologies & Pupil Flattening and explain it in physical and emotional levels...

The Dynamics of the IPB analysis as follow:
a) Target Sign IPB
b) Elephant sign IPB, it usually located at the frontal IPB, it is one of the important sign in modern iridology relates with immunology, endocrinology and emotional epigenetics links. This elephant sign was first identified by John Andrews,UK.  It tendencies to
- Genetic history of HPA compromise & susceptibility.
- Anxiety
- Blood sugar imbalance
- Elevated cortisol
c) M sign IPB
d) Suggest distorted "M" sign IPB !
e) & f) U-shaped IPB
g) V-shaped IPB 
h) Double IPB - They have an inherited tendency to anxiety, worries and nervous emotions.
i) Squared IPB  
j) Ventral Pupil flatness, indicates as spinal problems from the L3 to the sacrum and coccyx with resulting poor circulation to the legs, hip, knees & pelvic problems and migraine headaches. Psycho-emotional relate to experience of the financial worries, self-confidence, sexual concerns, pronounced disappointment in partnership and low self-esteem.
Now, I hope you have an idea of how important of analyzing the IPB, Pupil & Collarette Structure as they are link with emotional epigenetics. 

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