Saturday, October 12, 2013

IPB Morphologies, Space Risk, Embryological, Kreb's Cycle, Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette - Lx - (mar)

Identify the IPB morphology and it space deficiency.  Observe the multiple radial furrows - Major Rays & Minor Rays that located at frontal & ventral section of the pupillary zone plus external border of the collarette. Could you differentiate which radial furrow is connecting to multidimensional sign ?
a) Squared IPB
b) Space deficiency at 285' & 326' signify as Space Risk 10 & 5 and neuromuscular tension at T8 & C3.
c) Major ray located 360'/0' is a major and significant multidimensional sign for indicative tendency to:
- Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal, Hippocampus & Amygdala stress comprises in classical and embryological approaches ( Please refer John Andrews research articles on embryological levels of hypothalamus and amygdala glands)
-  Time Risk marking: Birth Trauma sign, possible of premature or a late of  delivery can be registered and the experience of a deep and profound trauma.
- Citric Acid cycle dysfunction associate with Pyruvic Acid imbalance.
- Limbic System imbalance indicated by The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette.
d) The subsequent of radial furrows at 15', 25' & 67', which radiate from the edge of IPB to ciliary zone, they all can be considered as a multidimensional iris signs ! Take note that the radial furrows at 360' & 185' technically they are not classify as HPA axis, as the ventral radial furrow is located at 180'.
e) Multiple breaks of contraction furrows at lung reflexive zone indicate predisposition to lung stress or asthma problems which amplified by the Space risk 10 & 5, they also indicate tendency to lung and upper respiratory tract problems !

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