Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Inner Pupillary Border - Thickness, Shapes, Structure & Pupil Flattening in Physical & Psycho-Emotional Approaches - Rx - (gopa)

Male, 48
A diabetes patient, he was encountered financial and business difficulties, betrayed by partnership, family problems, divorced, feeling of low self-esteem, loss of confidence, alcohol, depression, grief, anxiety , mood swings, insomnia problems and complaint of knee pain. Could you identify some of these negative emotions  was genetically adhered on his irises - Rx & Lx. Most of the iris sign attached on human irises are energetic, genetic, emotional dynamics & epigenetics.  You may apply any iridological approaches - Rayid, Holistic, Comprehensive, Integrated & Multidimensional models to analyse this case study. This is a real case study, the purpose is not for you to find and identify an iris sign to match what had been happened to this client, as a professional Iridologist must always  be respect for privacy and apply for permission to talk and discuss for any sensitivity issues via revealing from your client's irises. 
Through my experiences, I believed most of unresolved deep-seated emotional issues or traumas was stored embryologically & "epigenetically" on IPB, Pupil & the Dynamics of the Collarette structure.
The IPB morphologies is presented in high resolution as follow:

This is a hypertrophy of the IPB structure, which the diameter is over the thickness of 280 microns. what is their common genetic inheritance deficiencies ?  Please identify the IPB morphologies & Pupil flattening and explain it with physical & emotional aspects...

Observe the collarette structure with multiple local indentation and linear formation. This iris structure is subtype by Polyglandular, what is it general genetic weakness tendencies ? The multiple lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette indicate endocrine system imbalance, observe for small, indented or double formation of lacunae. What type of Contraction Furrows found in this iris ? Does the CFs reflected on his current condition ? Please remember that, Contraction Furrows (CF), they are normal, genetic sign, natural drainage channels for excess fluid and are recognized in ophthalmology. They do not necessary labeled or indicated as stressful person ! But, in this case, these CFs formation do tell us something about his physical and emotional conditions !

Please take note the analysis of IPB in physical and psycho-emotional aspects:
Normally, the hypertrophy of the IPB have tendency to
- Diabetes Mellitus / Hypoglycemia
- Depression
- Autoimmunity disease
- Insomnia
- Polyarthritis
a) U-shaped IPB, it also look like "V" shaped. according to Dr. Daniele Lo Rito researched, it indicates never expressed or shared, difficulty overcoming them due to inner pain and not to be or feel integrated.
b) & d) Squared IPB indicate personal predisposition to and family medical history of thyroid dysfunction, genetic inheritance of hypothyroidism. In psycho-emotional perspective, it concerns with verbal expression and conflict with the farther figure and tendency to be introverted.
c) If you look carefully, it is a M sign IPB with a letter formed of "3". Obviously, this IPB sign is indicate tendency to blood sugar imbalance.
e) I classified it as Target sign IPB, it carried a dot in the center. Indicative of anaemia in the family history. Psycho-emotional relates to feeling of unjustly persecuted and  who really likes to be the center of attention.
f) Globular sign of IPB, indicate tendency to dysbiosis, mental fatigue leading to depression and gastric ulcers.
g) Frontal Pupil flatness indicate tendencies to upper cervical vertebrae tension, depression, headaches, migraine, insomnia, mental fatigue, suppressed anger, unresolved grief, guilty feeling, mother conflict and the need for psychological escape. 
h) Please pay attention to the collarette structure, it also indicate embryological & epigenetic-emotional imbalance:
- Linear collarette at superior nasal section, predominantly it indicate of elevated insulin levels due to hyperinsulinaemia and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. 
- Local Indentation of the collarette at 100'- 105' it concerns with thymus and thyroid imbalance. Please consider this as multidimensional sign - Time Risk & The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette evaluation. The potential traumatic / stress happened at 42, possible link with mother conflict.
- Local sharp indentation of the collarette forcing to pupillary zone at 150'. You may try to interpret this condition.
i) I have highlighted some lacunae attached on the border of the collarette, it definitely relates to endocrine system imbalance. Please analyse and correlate it with our findings on IPB, Pupil & Collarette structure. For example, lacuna at 92' is indicate genetic tendency to thyroid dysfunction, and it correlate with squared IPB. Lacunae at 66', 75', 235' & 295' correlates with M sign IPB and linear collarette.
j) You may observe minor ray or radial furrow located on pupillary zone at 330', this is a very important embryological sign to indicate this person is predispose and family history of heart disease! 
k) A Sectoral Opening of Contraction Furrow is highlighted in this case. This indicate a stress force, insomnia, disturbances of the cerebrospinal fluid and cranio-sacral rhythm.

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