Saturday, September 14, 2013

Pupil, Crypts & Integrity of the Collarette - Rx - (tsh)

Female, 67
Please identify and interpret the highlighted iris signs and find it correlation signs that enhance the meanings of it genetic weaknesses. Could you identify some other important iris signs than the above mentioned that is relate to gastrointestinal and neuromuscular spinal condition ? Take note that, the Lipemic Diathesis / Cornea Arcus, in this case can be genetic and is normal to see in the brown iris with the age above than 50 or even in childhood. But is recommend to do a blood test about the lipid level when is found at the age below 45...

Analyse the crypts located at the pupillary zone & attached border of the collarette, multiple pupil flattenings and linear collarette in physical, emotional, embryological and cellular levels. Please also take note the spaces structure at the ventral section of the inner pupillary border tissues, demonstrate as below:

I suggest the above iris assessment via applying multidimensional view as below:
a) Observe the frontal & lateral temporal pupil flatness, what are the genetic tendency in physical and emotional levels ? The Lipemic Diathesis and lateral temporal pupil flatness, it enhance the cardiovascular risk to this person. 
b) Linear collarette formation at medial nasal section of the collarette, it indicate blood sugar imbalance or Diabetes Mellitus tendency, it also concern with The Immune Cell & PNEI analysis. Observe the crypt located at the external border of the collarette - 58' which indicate genetic tendency to pancreas dysfunction as well.
c) The crypt located at internal collarette border - 51' & 285' associate with Citrate & Malic acid imbalance, it concern with allergic asthma ( amplify by lateral temporal flatness), atherosclerosis, neurological dysfunction, lymphatic congestion, renal metabolism disturbances and prediabetes tendencies. The embryological sign at 285'  and conjunction with a tiny crypt located at external border of the collarette - 100' both of them are indicate family history of thyroid dysfunction.
d) Please take note the local absence of the IPB at 135', 155' & 174'-182', it signify Space Risk 19, 24, 25 & 26 ( please refer Dr. Daniele Rito's Space Risk Chart) and neuromuscular tension in spinal cord areas of L3, sacrum & coccyx. The frontal & lateral temporal flatness might indicate stress in cervical & thoracic vertebrae as well ! Space Risk 24 & 25 indicate joint pains and arthritis tendency.
e) Local indentation of the collarette - 180' correlate with Space Risk 19 & 26 it concern with gastrointestinal disturbances. In classical view, indicative of adrenal fatigue, you may consider Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & The Immune Cell & PNEI assessment.

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