Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Diabetes Mellitus Sign - Rx - (puspa)

She has Type 2 diabetes mellitus, currently her blood sugar level is about 20 mmol/L, feeling of low energy and easy to get tired. The HbA1c is 12%, average blood sugar - 17 mmol/L. Could you identify which iris sign is indicating the above mentioned inherited of pancreas dysfunction ? Her parents are diabetes. This may take you some time to identify the genetic sign on this Haematogenic constitution, subtype by Neurogenic structure.This is another example of iris where no sign showing on ciliary, external & internal of the collarette, pupillary zone and even in pupil tonus of this genetic weakness...

Strictly speaking this is a partial atrophy of the IPB, which means some of the IPB is covered with sectional atrophic or missing, as you can see most of the inner pupillary border tissues are missing, the diameter is less than 50 micron or to 0, and some are hypotrophy, accept the frontal section have some deviations and hypertrophy structure between 310' to 60' it is indicating of family medical history of pancreas dysfunction and leading to Diabetes Mellitus. I classified the frontal section of the IPB as hypertrophy structure is compared with it overall IPB tissues, and not with the standard diameter must over the thickness of 280 micron, as we have not equipment to measure it thickness ! In the above IPB, it clearly indicate the frontal section of the IPB structure - 310'~60' it thickness is larger with uneven shapes compared to the remaining of the IPB tissues.

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