Saturday, September 14, 2013

IPB Morphologies on Brown Iris, Neurogenic & Lipemic Diathesis - Lx - (tsh)

Please identify the above IPB morphologies, find the IPB shapes and compare it with your findings in Rx-iris !

Could you identify what type of morphologies for these highlighted inner pupillary border tissues ? What are the genetic tendencies in physical and emotional levels  for these IPB ?
Please identify and inteprete the IPB morphologies & Space dimension deficiency as follow:
a) Fenceposts IPB
b) Squared IPB
c) Globular sign IPB
d) & e) External Curvature of Cat's Claw sign of IPB
f) Local absent of the IPB - Space Risk 14
(Please refer to Dr. Daniele Lo Rito & John Andrews articles and textbooks for reference)

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